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Posts posted by Kim0820

  1. Angelina's situation is entirely her own fault and she is a mean and nasty person, compassion for her brain tumor notwithstanding.  You could see where she gets it with the mother blaming Paige.  

    Kyle, ugh, I dislike him now.  He dissolved his own business (what does he do in Germany) to go back to someone who had already left him and had this quick change of mind and now it is not working out for her after all?  And Amy should never speak to him again.  They made Kyle look bad the way he left and they really made Georgia look bad.  Now they make her look worse.  

  2. The pigeon story is amusing - different for a soap to find something like that to get into.  

    Yes, the Paul and Therese rivalry romance needs to move along.  Probably should heat up, of course they really like each other, and are alike and competing.  

    So Xanthe finally knows what was going on.  Never assume!  She and Sheila are both silly. 


    Also why is Angelina so desperate to get Paige to back out if she's so good and thinks it will be so easy for her?  Why the need for the intimidation?  

  3. I thought I heard the Yankee call herself Duncan's wife, then someone called her and ex-wife - can't tell if they are divorced or not.   Yes, I'd think he'd want to stay where his son is and where he had already been living.  Alf's 180 is funny too.  At first he was paying Duncan's child support and making him feel guilty about that, now suddenly, his wife or ex is the enemy not to be trusted.   I can see them wanting Alf to have more family so maybe they will all stay.  

    Lucky Tori - a looker like Nate, who is also a doctor and a cute pilot, decisions, decisions.  Chris is so funny.  He's like comic relief with his silliness.  It was funny how Nate kept having to resort to telling him to just shut up.  

  4. Looks like she got past it this last episode.  

    The Kat case is interesting.  But then there are two cases against that guy for battery - unpermitted touching.  She could spin it into self defense though she did it afterward.  Just doesn't seem right for him to claim to be the victim. 

  5. At least that story is over but it looks like Belinda is not guilty - it was her crazy patient.  Mark being stabbed will probably redeem him and he'll get out of trouble for his shenanigans.  

    Paige and the boxing is a bit silly and she has an incompetent manager Aaron.  

  6. I thought it was a twist after watching today but you guys already know!  I was thinking like Jack, that he meant Paige.  The last scene was creepy!  

    Allison is awful!  Anyway I hope that kid's mother gets caught.  Touching scene with Gary and Xanthe and Sheila.  

  7. Now it looks like that guy who Therese briefly dated has another copy and Amy knows and is even smart enough to realize it might help Xanthe.  

    Agree about snake-guy - he is a religious nut who wants to get back at Paige regarding her liking a priest?  But yeah he has nothing to do with anyone and is therefore not really interesting.  

    Bike path story isn't that interesting for me either.  Seems like a good idea to give a story to mayor Sonia and involve the whole community.  Maybe they took that idea from some minor news story.  

    Ned having Lauren's hair - don't believe his story - is odd but Ellie should not have looked into his wallet.  Helping him get over Lauren does not seem outside the range of how serious she considers this relationship to be.  Interesting both she and Madison have exes.  I suppose they will eventually come of out the woodwork to cause trouble.

  8. From what's on screen we know Xanthe is telling the truth so it will be interesting to see what happens.  The legal system is not about trying people based on their character though, but the fact.  I doubt Xanthe's past shenanigans are allowed into evidence.  Cooper's  mother is a real jerk, you can see why Cooper thinks he is entitled and is stressed out to get good grades.  

  9. Thanks Nozycat!  

    I'm not liking Alf all that much.  

    The whole soap opera thing about people being jerks to the professionals trying to help is old, and trying to do the rescue yourself because the professionals aren't good enough, and that is supposed to show you love the person you are worried about.  How about letting them concentrate instead of putting your own emotions first, which is what they are really doing - putting that ahead of their loved one's safety/rescue.  Same with Billie towards Mason.  

    Ash was getting on my nerves in this vein but then I liked him a bit better for burying the hatchet with Justin.  

    I wonder if they are killing anyone off in this - plot wise there does not seem to be any good candidate.  Brody had no seat belt on and is missing but killing him off at this point so soon after he was introduced seems like something they would not do.  Billie and Leah look like they are in bad shape but I don't think they'd kill of Leah but if the actress was leaving would write some happily ever after ending. Billie maybe, poor thing has not had a real happy life.  Then Ash would be all over with Justin getting revenge.  The issue about Bilile lying about paternity would be unresolved though.  Or it would be awkward to bring it up.  

  10. Yeah we all know he is going to leave the priesthood for her.  IMO it would have been as interesting if he'd been an Episcopalian priest or Protestant minister.  Paige is not exactly the pastor's wife type of person, so it would have been interesting enough without throwing the celibacy of Catholic priests in.  Now that he knows he is in love with her, then he should question himself.  I am Catholic and I think they will have to allow married clergy soon or they will have no priests at all.  The parish I grew up in and my current one now both share pastors with other churches.   I don't even know of any priest under 60.   Therefore Spencer, um, Jack is an unrealistic 2016 character.  

    Nice to have Martha, I mean, Ellie in Erinsborough.  She and Spencer never got to meet since she left SB way earlier than he was ever thought of.  

  11. Forbidding a relationship to a teen never works out for the parent.  How old is Tyler supposed to be?   

    I agree Paige is not being very understanding or trying to.  Not that she's all that mature or could be expected to be, but you'd think she'd stop and think and we'd find out how she was raised - with no religion maybe, so it's not hitting her yet that this might be more serious than she thinks.  

  12. That new kid is a brat like they always are at the beginning on H&A.  So no doubt John and Marilyn will be figuring out his problems and solving them and one day he will love them.  Though knowing this is the likely plot is not really bad and it still can be interesting to watch it unfold.  

    Billie is looking guilty which is good.  She needs to not be doing this to VJ.  Though being a soap I guess things like this have to happen.  

  13. Watched the musical 1776 yesterday.  David Ford plays John Hancock.  I'd seen this movie a lot but never made the connection until this year since I had the chance to re-watch Dark Shadows.  And I did not pick up on it at all as Sam Evans being the same guy as John Hancock.  So it's a fun discovery!

    • Love 2
  14. Welcome back Gary, lol!  And he turned up just in time to save Xanthe.  Sheila asks what kind of idiot gets into a stranger's car?  Xanthe, of course.

    Poor Angus.  He claims his Dad does not want him.  His mother is a dope who doesn't tell him she has cancer and runs off on apparently lesser reasons.  

  15. All the young people having tattoos nowadays - at least it helps identify people.  Billie recognized that from the rape.

    I wonder is the psycho Irene son the new Kyle - eventually going to live among the people of Summer Bay as if he had not done horrid things.

    It is soap opera law that civilians often do better than the police at whatever they are supposed to do.  But that was a touching scene where Chris and Olivia found Irene.  

  16. Watching the beginning, I wish they'd followed through somehow on their purpose for starting?  Who sent the money from Bangor and who is Victoria?  Liz said she and Carolyn were about the same age, but was she lying?  Is she Carolyn's older half sister?  Clearly Liz knew who she was and offered her the job.  

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  17. Julia had to have a thing for him for motive purposes.  During the period where she was trying her cure, it could have been a combination of that and medical/scientific curiosity that kept her from staking him in the day!! He was so mean and ungrateful during that time!  Her experiment failed because he made her do it before she was ready - what a terrible patient/client, lol!

    • Love 3
  18. That's one soap opera secret that is stupid to keep.  Sarah is stupid to start with.  Who does that to their kid?  Susan and Karl are really put in a tough position.  They ought to tell both boys or at least try to treat Angus as normal.  

    LOL Xanthe and the Needy Kids reminds me of the episode of I Love Lucy where Lucy and Ethel think they can fund a trip to Europe with the made up charity "Ladies Overseas Aid."  

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