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Posts posted by Kim0820

  1. I once dealt with cult members and they do get very, very upset if they are referred to as a cult.  Jeannie does not seem to be totally out of that cult.  Like she wants out but also doesn't.  That might be natural to happen especially if you are raised in it.   They see everyone outside as an enemy who is persecuting them and take every contesting of what they might want as religious persecution.  

    Plus if you leave you lose your parents, or whoever, it is not just tolerated.  

    Is VJ any more likely to bail than any other man?  I mean there are tons of split ups.  Ash will always be around, so what is he worried about?  If VJ will stick by Billie after she lied for months, that's pretty solid. 

  2. That's a good speculation.  And maybe why David backs off fearful to admit he's gay.  If the great grandmother would disapprove that much.  But I guess as it looks like she died, he will someday be able to examine all that.  Though where are the mother and grandmother?  Surely they must figure in the boys' lives.  

    Steph is really annoying - the time to make that decision is much earlier than she did.  She could think of someone else, say, Mark, even if Sonya acts as mother to the child, at least Mark will have a child.  Mark's real solution is to break up with Steph and find someone in the age group that is ready to have a child.  Too young Paige and now too old/mentally ill Steph.  I propose Elly may be about right.  Also Amy.  She has a kid but looks young enough to have another.   Erinsborough can't be that short on women in their late twenties/early 30s.  

  3. I agree there was no need for elevator sex, they should have saved that for another scene and made it more romantic.  It seems like younger people these days don't want sex to contain any romance to it, as they arrange their relationships step by step and make sure to be in agreement and always back off, as if they are so afraid of getting hurt they have to make sure it won't happen.  After being so smitten with her that he was going to leave his job over it, now Tory is thinking he just wanted a one-elevator stand maybe, and has to clear up with him that he's not taking her casually?  Really?  

  4. I thought it was stupid of Gary and Brooke to blame Elly as Xanthe is the one who lived with Brooke and observed her behavior.  David's outburst on Aaron was absurd too.  You don't have to take someone else's advice and if you do it's still your action.  Why the great grandmother does not want them to know who their father is - kind of interesting, what could it be that is so bad they should never know?  

    • Love 1
  5.  Thanks neutron. What an interesting read. I would think it would be better to get an anonymous egg donor, but then if they know who it is they know the family medical history which is better for the child I guess. 

    I didn't catch who Maxine is the wife of.  

    Brooke  is manipulative. She needs to just get a real job.  She is so messed up that I'd think stepmom Therese  would be a better option. 

  6. 2 hours ago, nachomama said:

    The minute they got back to Alexandria they should have had a sit down and started stashing medicine, food, etc. Obviously Negan was going to know they had the guns they took from him but yes, second set of books for sure.

    If they did much the same treatment with Gregory or whoever the leader guy is over in Hilltop why isn't Jesus on the top of Negan's list for "admired" fighters? He was like Houdini with Rick and Darryl and seemed almost playful but if he'd had the fear of god installed in him the way CDB has then he wouldn't have messed around, get in, get the truck, no showing off. He doesn't appear to have been through the Darryl or Dwight mindfuck treatment. He would be on Negan's list "to break" or "to groom".


    It would be more believable if Negan left armed people there in ASZ.  

    Also I thought the Hilltop people were beholden to Negan too.  Does he consider them broken ?  Rick is just his new toy?  The Hilltop people must have experienced this originally.  Or does Negan still go there to taunt and torture them too?  

    • Love 3
  7. If Jeannie is 23 and has a job she can tell her parents sayonara.  Maybe there is something else going on there.  

    Yes, it's a soap opera thing to take the rap for your children or sibling and so dumb as that does more harm than good.  But I suppose it is to make Tori look self sacrificing and prove how she loves Mason.  

  8. I wonder if Sonya will end up with Mark and Toadie with Stef.  I knew Toadie and Stef were best friends, but didn't know they used to be involved.   There was some hint Toadie might be interested in having more children and now Stef seems to be on board with that.  The child would biologically be Sonya and Mark's, which could draw them together. 

  9. Brooke is pretty messed up.  I wonder if Therese is going to mess with her somehow.  She was certainly giving them the evil eye from her yard.  

    Lou getting together with his ex is kind of interesting, I guess, how long did they think they could hide it when Amber and Bailey live in the same town and can tell Lauren anything they know?  Lauren is an adult and a grandmother so they don't have to worry about getting her hopes up that her parents would get back together.  

  10. Hope apparently thinks she knows more about what the dosage should be than a doctor does.  Even after she was awake after the overdose, she is lecturing the doctor that what he had given her was "not enough."  Stealing from his bag is stupid and wrong no matter where he leaves it.

    Hope is a criminal and they need to quit coddling her.  No she is not a good person.  She claims Raffy means so much to her, yet she has done the wrong thing and put Raffy through this separation.  It looks like Phoebe is stepping up here.  

    Being a martyr about the birthday is making Evie even less likable.  The writers here have a way of making someone one should feel very bad for so unpleasant to others that you don't care.  

    Not liking this Jeannie? Jenny? either.  At least not for this episode.

  11. I do not get how they could not come up with a better character for RoHo.  Is that lawsuit still on - maybe they have to wait for that to be resolved and they can change characters like they did with Dr. Finn McBain.  It seems they did not want to be sued again for using a Todd-like character, and Freako must have seemed to be one specifically written for another actor, so the other parties could not claim they were using Todd-by-another-name.  

  12. 11 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

    I can't even enjoy the schadenfreude of someone I hate being stuck with Freako because he's just so fucking revolting. I can't believe Jelly are stupid enough to think Freako works as a romantic lead or that it's acceptable to write this 50 year old rapist serial killer as a whiny, obsessive, creepy, predatory, annoying, infantile piece of shit who makes sarcastic comments to his victims, hides in the back seat of cars at night, and tries to pressure his girlfriend into having sex. I seriously don't understand what's wrong with these people. Maybe they're listening to the RoHo stans/desperate Herbst fans on twitter who are eating this crap up. 


    Got me curious to see if there were any fans who liked this couple and I found looked at some other boards which I haven't in a long while.  Found some Friz fans on Soapzone. 

  13. Nice Hope got caught.  What an awful person.  Stealing from people who are helping you.  

    It would be disorienting for Raffy and IMO Torie was a little too direct.  "She's not your biological sister" would have been better than "She's not your sister."  And they are still cousins.  

    The reveal Justin has a child he left behind is interesting, though what they are going to do with it would be another problem.  The Morgans are still in hiding?  Maybe someday they will write the Morgans out of the predicament so they can bring in Justin trying to bond with the daughter.  

    Torie did not seem torn but now does, a bit.  Duncan is cute but Nate is the total hunk type.  And a nice guy on top of that - well, this is fictional!  

  14. Tim is just awful.  One of those people who makes life unpleasant for others and thinks that is going to get him what he wants.  

    That reporter was so aggressive in a ridiculous way.  Like she was trained to be that way as the most effective means of getting a story.

  15. Kate and Ash the star crossed lovers is getting a bit contrived. And why she stormed off as though she is nit equally at fault is a mystery.  Or maybe she is just immature like Hope. Not telling Raffy and trying to manipulate her to distrust the Morgans is useless in the long run as they already grew up together and their relationship would not change. 

  16. That's cute!  Nice they acknowledged the U.K. about that. 

    Jack is really annoying. He said he loved Paige yet he takes Simone's side automatically. Simone is pathetic. Who want to be with someone on terms like that?  

    I wonder if the break up is just a bump in the road and they end up using Sonya as egg donor so they can make it more dramatic.  

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