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Posts posted by Kim0820

  1. I agree and the previews freaked me out with VJ and the baby.  He is a young kid, so he doesn't need all that I-don't-need-anyone's-help pride that Summer Bay inhabitants seem to all have - maybe it is something in the water.  He should know he needs a lot of help and be wiling to take it.

    And a baby would be cute and cuddly at least some of the time, maybe even more often than not.  

  2. I agree about Elly - I guess she thinks she owns the place because the principal is her aunt.  Why can't she continue a professional relationship as it has been a while.  

    Is Leo still after Amy?  It's hard to tell.  He knew he was on the list of men who let her down.  I thought I heard him encourage her to have an interest in someone else. 

  3. The usual soap thing of saving your friend rather than the professionals.  

    I'm glad Jack finally knows too.  Both of them are nuts.  Jack is easily distracted by distressed females from his past and that's how he lost Paige. He should know by now he is not cut out to be a priest.  

    LOL Andrea is not smart enough not leave clues that make it simple for her to be found.

  4. You are right, neutron, I did not remember it.  Yet there would be something she would fail to remember at some point.  A very good point about bringing an actress back - the conflict to dramatize is enough with Dee just coming back, so it is weird the writers added something to it.  She could have memory loss or be doing something more twisted than appears.  

  5. Yes, Billie had cancer, so the fire can't have caused that.  Maybe made her cough more and they discovered it sooner.  But that cancer was incurable. 

    VJ is young to have a baby on his own.  Naturally the grandmothers would help and they should.  They also have Ash.  Maybe Billie's mother?  

  6. 16 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I think this is a big part of it. The terrible writing and pacing doesn't help, of course, but I don't think CL is cut out to be a schemer. She doesn't look the part, either, even as an unexpected schemer. That's no knock on her looks, just that she's been miscast as Nelle, Schemer Against Carly.


    I think I agree; she should have been cast as the good girl.  Though the writers aren't so hot at that (Sabrina) still the look is right.

    • Love 1
  7. They've set up Leah going against Irene too.  Not very pleasant.  There is sure to be at least one soap opera kidnapping of the poor child.  

    Keeping kids from their parents is never good in real world or soap land.   Ava deserves to know her father just like Raffie did.  Luc also should know about all of it.  People have to compromise.

    Ash is still being a moron.  A few more days in a hospital is worth giving up for a chance to see the ocean again with your husband and child.  The writers are creating unnecessary drama there and making Ash look stupid and selfish.  

  8. Dee looks so much like Lauren, they should have cast her as Lauren's sister. 

    Yes, soap parents never seem to know that forbidding a relationship only makes it more desirable.  But they did decide to let it alone and get Piper to have to deal with living on her own.

  9. It is nice to see that happen and then moving on.  Justin's next story is already on with the Ava situation.  

    It was funny that they have been using their fake names even amongst themselves.  Probably a good idea, to avoid slip ups outside of the house.

    Zac always makes the same decision not to tell, and never learns.   

  10. Wouldn't gun shots bring the police?  Especially in Australia where there is gun control. 

    Leah forgetting her first anniversary come on. How could those brothers matter ?  

    I forgot Bianca and Zach's friendship about completely. Just don't recall him advising her not to marry Heath. 

  11. Yes, was not expecting Paige to be pregnant.  But that does put them in a bind, at least for the priestly father.  

    It is hard to believe they wrote Lauren and Brad having a conflict during their wedding reception.  And then they can't go on their planned honeymoon.  Ned is a real pain in the neck.  

    I thought Lew and Kathy getting married was amusing but how could it be legal with no witnesses and no time for a license.  At least they cleared that up before they went off happily ever after.

    Therese attending her ex's wedding - what a plot point!  Talk about things that would not happen.  

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