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Posts posted by Kim0820

  1. I suppose Therese is a higher earner than Gary, so there wouldn't be much wrong with her putting funds towards her ring.  They may be playing it for laughs here, or there is going to be a male pride problem.  

    They may all trust each other on the street - I remember my grandparents left their house (in a small town) open and if they weren't home and you came to visit, you could still go in.  But in modern times, no.  And even if they trust each other, there could still be professional thieves that would notice.  Plot purposes solely.  There's a character on American soap opera General Hospital who owns a hotel and everyone jokes how she barges into her customers' rooms at will.  

  2. On 5/26/2017 at 9:58 AM, Eureka said:

    High schools would probably would be a good place to find fertile young women too. She never mentioned school in Gilead in the book. Do you think the little kids are sent to any kind of school? What about the people who are teens in present-day Gilead? Would there still be high schools?


    I had wondered just how old a girl had to be to be considered a handmaid.  They are going by the Bible and its times.  Handmaids could be as young as 14.  Though they haven't shown that.   But it fits with their horrible view of things.  


    14 hours ago, Umbelina said:

    That's a bit strange though, since the USA still exists, but it's only Hawaii and Alaska, but maybe those representatives feel that escapees from Gilead are still their citizens?


    Yes, once in Canada, would you make for Alaska?  I would think the remnant of the US would consider Gilead escapees their citizens.  It is very likely they want as many as possible to help them get the US back.  

    • Love 3
  3. 5 hours ago, JasonCC said:

    This episode has brought a lot of discussion about how inefficient the Handmaid system is if the goal is to bring up birthrates and save the human race.

    Keep in mind, though, the Republic of Gilead thinks part--if not most--of the declining birth rate is God's punishment over things like abortion, morning after pill, contraception, women educating themselves & delaying marriage/childbirth, sexual freedom, orgies, Tinder, same-sex marriage, et. al.

    The whole going to this bizarre Old Testament system is not because it's necessarily the most efficient way to get babies born....it's just the one that has some connection to the Old Testament (Rachel & Billah story). Other nations---especially ones that didn't have the Evangelical streak already present in them---are almost certainly trying other fixes.




    I was thinking that if handmaids are numerous enough to trade, that they would instead give more than one handmaid to the Commanders.  More frequent ceremonies and more chances - and they could justify that from the Old Testament.  

    • Love 4
  4. IYou're right, that makes sense.  We'd get our homework back.  Even the tests.   Though if they did not trust a teacher's grades it might be better to require them to copy future ones rather than let the students in on it by asking for them to give the assignments back.  And the students could have trashed them.

    • Love 1
  5. Yes, leave the doctors and nurses to do their job - if you love the patient, that is what is best for them.  

    I'm ready for someone to tell Leah off.  Irene did think she was helping and Irene is actually related to the child.  

    James has to have his daddy do his dirty work?  Not very mature.  And how does he know he might not change his mind one day?  

  6. Sharing custody is not "taking the child away" from the mother - I hate that stuff.  It's the best interests of the child, but of course Sonya does not consider that, only her own needs.  

    IMO it is odd that a school does not retain records of everything and has to ask the students to bring them back.  

  7. 2 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

    That all makes sense, I am just surprised that the in show Mexican gov't is so desperate for fertile bodies that they would be willing to engage in a modern day slave trade with a nation that seems to be barely tolerated by the rest of the world. Seems like that would potentially get them blacklisted as well. I'm wondering why the Mexican gov't can't find at least as many fertile bodies as they have in Gilead? I guess I just want to see the other side of the fertility crisis and how NA/the rest of the world are dealing with it. Canada should be suffering as much as Gilead/Mexico, yet they don't seem to have any interest in trade, much less fertility slave trading (that we know of). It makes me more nervous for the Handmaids, that if one country is willing to go to such desperate measures that other countries may follow suit. It is pretty terrifying that in this world that legal slave-trading between 1st world countries could be in the future.


    And suddenly Gilead has so many babies that it can afford to trade the handmaids away for something else?  


    42 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

    That Mexican ambassador was wonderful.  She really wanted to believe the Handmaids chose this life.  She didn't at first, but she willingly bought it whole hog, because it suited her agenda.  When Offred told her the truth, I do believe she was devastated that it wasn't as clean and simple and OK as she thought, or as she had convinced herself it could be.

    What will happen?  What decision will she make?  Stay tuned!  She may reject it after thinking of it, and look for another solution.  She may try to mitigate some of the issues, use artificial insemination instead of rape, let the handmaids raise their babies as long as they stay in country, end torture, get rid of the outfits, grant more freedoms, allow them to read and work?  Or she may, after really considering what Offred said, and what state Mexico might be in with the rest of the world (boycotted too?) decide, fuck it, I'll find another more humane decision.

    Surely there are poor fertile starving women in undeveloped countries that would be relatively happy to have shelter and food and a relatively safe place to live and have kids, especially if they could bring their families with them.  Also, I don't think Mexico has mentioned rejecting intellectuals, doctors, or science, so they would also have that going for them.


    I had the thought too that it might be somewhat more tolerable there is they do things in the way a scientific society that was not delusional would if you need more children.    Match the fertile women up with the studly studs and treat both very well to keep them healthy, etc.  

    • Love 5
  8. On 5/7/2017 at 10:42 PM, In2You said:

    Actually if you watch the other soaps  outside of B&B it's the same way and was the same way for some of the canceled soaps. They never passed the torch to the younger characters


    I guess in the past they used to.  I've been watching some foreign soaps, and they definitely do it.   Surprised at B & B since whenever I watched it, it was about Brooke no matter how old she got.


    On 5/8/2017 at 9:37 PM, Lillybee said:

    Michael is a dam fool. He should be realizing that what Snarly and Sonny are doing to Avery is the exact same thing that they did to him; keeping children away from their bio parent.


    This is so true!  Maybe it's normal to Michael.  

    • Love 2
  9. I laughed out loud at Sheila and her iphone trying to change the language to Armenian.  I am always hitting the wrong thing on mine too.  

    Not sure I agree about getting flowers.  One thing is for sure, having your ex and your current flame in such close proximity is no recipe for happiness. 

  10. It was good of Justin to recognize Brian's contribution and stepping up.  Though I wish they had not ramped up the Phoebe relationship if she is leaving and he is not.  Soap writers just can't help themselves.  

    Now I kind of do feel for Ash.  The show hasn't given much consideration to his loss of Billie, nor of the relationship between Patrick and Billie.  Now we find out how much Patrick did to raise them both.  Yet it's in the nature of soaps that Billie never mentioned Patrick enough to recall they had a relationship.  Patrick lost her too, and she died very suddenly and very young.  That has to be traumatic enough for both of them after having lost parents young and a tour in Afghanistan to add to it all.

  11. 22 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

    My point was more about the writing of Michael and most of the younger cast, that story isn't being ceded to them.  Sonny's still a stud who can pick up a chick in a bar every day of the week, Michael has to blow off steam playing pool alone because he has nothing outside of his parents.


    Exactly.  Normally the main story would be ceded to them and there would be a greater number of younger characters.  The romances would be about them.  There are so many middle-aged romances.

    20 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Don't hold your breath.  Carly and Joss had a scene where Joss said she hopes Carly never gets back together with Uncle Sonny. Carly didn't assure her that was the case; she was silent.  I think the writers/TPTB are just deciding when S&C will get back together - probably after Sonny does something "heroic" again to "redeem" himself or after a new Morgan gets cast and thus their family is "healed." I also expect a Sonny/Carly/some dude love triangle soon-ish. These writers are nothing if not predictable.


    They should do what soaps normally do.  Have them get together for good and be the advisors or maybe interferers in the younger romances, which would be their children.  It's ridiculous to keep the main focus on the love lives of older characters.  Why does Sonny hold such sway in this show?  

    • Love 4
  12. I give Shane props for bringing that dog and making it look like it was one of those "loyal dog finds family at great distance" story.  

    The new family is from Burke, which I googled, and suppose that is in Queensland.  The Lauren and Brad family had come from Mount Isa, as I recall.  None of them talk slow like they are supposed to, lol as my friend and one tour guide said.

  13. 17 hours ago, Linny said:

    Tracy last week: the painting is a priceless reminder of my father's love. Tracy this week: I'ma sell that bitch and be living on easy street. I don't care one way or the other about that painting, but her about face amused me. The group hug at the end was sweet, as was Monica finally throwing Tracy a bone and calling the house theirs. 

    Is Amy going to glom onto any man she has a conversation with? What the fuck is her problem? 

    How serendipitous that Tracy encounters Luke in a random coffee shop. What a crazy unexpected happenstance that doesn't at all make me want to barf!  We couldn't end things with the Quartermaines, nope, got to get Tracy back in Luke's orbit! AG's atrocious hair rounded out the grossness of it all. Yikes, indeed.



    She set out to start her own life and then runs into someone from the past.  Contradictory.

    • Love 4
  14. 22 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I don't know what the rules are for ethics for lawyers but shouldn't Diane berating the client on the other side to drop the case before Carly's lawyer gets there be against ethical rules?  And should ONS ow recuse herself for having a per-exisiting relationship with the other client?




    Yes, absolutely.  It is unethical to speak to the opponent when you know that they are represented by counsel. 

    • Love 2
  15. Was it Amy driving the ute?  They seem to want to throw her under the bus for some reason.  

    Aaron will of course change his mind with David at death's door.   

    Therese already blaming the backpackers, though I suppose it is an accident more likely to happen there than at a house.  But mostly it was Amy being emotional.  

  16. I had that thought too.  It was ridiculous that Roo and Leah said it was their fault.  It was Zac's fault.  

    I think maybe Justin is staying on the show, as of course he cannot leave with Ava there.  

    Ash had no brains.  Patrick is messed up.  Patrick and a baby in the same house is a no go to anyone with half a brain.  Ash appears to have a quarter of a brain.  Irene is a better option.  That court that ordered placement with Ash is made up of people not smarter than Ash.  

    I wonder what the point of "Zac may not be Hunter's Dad" is.  A dumb storyline.  Maybe they want to make Hunter someone else's?  Al?  Ash?  Maybe Charlotte is not really his mother, lol.  He was full term and his mother is the next female to show up in town.  

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