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Posts posted by Kim0820


    On 5/31/2015 at 11:08 PM, annlaw78 said:

    Because Jamie's face being frozen in dread was quite sufficient to let the audience know what was going to happen, without actually showing. 

    I think that's true.  It would have been enough.  I'm not against what they did, only observing they didn't absolutely need it.  Like the sex scenes, they don't fade to black and imply it, they try to make it shown literally.

    On 6/2/2015 at 5:24 PM, MsProudSooner said:

    When an actor takes a role like Black Jack Randall, does he ever worry that he will be typecast or that the audience will turn away from watching him because they so identify him with BJR?


    I can see why an actor would want to tackle the role, but I wonder if there is a downside to it in the future.

    Since I am from the future, when the first scenes with Claire and Frank were on, I thought I knew him from somewhere.  I looked him up, and where I had seen him was as the older Philip in The Crown.  So it seems it worked out OK!

    On 5/25/2018 at 3:20 AM, Iju said:

    ah okay, thank you.

    yes but obviously they had to have dated before they were married. i think it can be safe it was more than 8 months.

    They were together long enough for Claire to think she could not have children.  

  2. On 5/18/2015 at 4:16 PM, islagirl said:


    Absolutely this.  Even if Claire herself doesn't say it, give some thought to who Claire would be in each world - give her some agency aside from who she loves. The Claire I see would choose the life of adventure and growth, where she is useful and valuable, over the quiet life as the Oxford professor's wife chatting over tea in the kitchen with the other wives.  We all wonder about the road not taken, and Claire got a chance to walk that road.  Add in the passion for Jamie and I think she realized she could never go back to 1940, knowing what she gave up in 1743. 


    On 5/18/2015 at 8:41 PM, AD55 said:


    Totally agree with this. And it's not just fantasy. Folks who watch the Tudors, Downton Abbey, or, God help us, Reign, for their historical accuracy need to reconsider.

    Life would have more intensity, greater ups and downs in an earlier era, and perhaps Claire felt integrated into 1743 enough that she realizes it might seem too boring to live in the 20th century again.  With the earlier comments about not giving up 20th century conveniences, medicine, etc., I came to realize that Claire doesn't have any complaints at all on that score - don't recall any lines like "if only I had a bloody flashlight" or "I wish I could take a real shower."  She had the interest in herbs and their healing powers and can feel more useful in the 18th century and more in charge.  More able to help, demanding clean cloth and water, knowing they don't get the importance of that, because they don't know the science of bacteria/infection.

    To me, it's the opposite when it comes to history.  I knew little of Culloden Moor or what the Scots problems were.  Shows like this get me to look for information about it online or in documentaries, so I don't expect to learn total accuracy from the show, but it inspires me to find out more.  

    On 5/18/2015 at 10:27 PM, CatMack said:

    See, this is why I get frustrated by fandom. When it comes to rape, torture, and wife beating, it's excused as being historically accurate so what do you expect. But when people point out things that aren't historically accurate, suddenly it's just a fantasy show and you shouldn't expect historical accuracy.

    Pick a side. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either historical accuracy matters and it's valid to call the show out on its inaccuracies, or it doesn't matter and you don't get to use it to excuse sexist writing.

    The cultural changes that have happened are facts.  We don't expect 18th century people to think something we since assigned to barbarism is barbaric.  It's not excuses.  Here the writing does show that Claire has some adjustment to make on that score, but it's not total; Claire is a person that would have been outspoken no matter what century she was in.  There always were such women.  They are the ones we owe the improvements to.  The human condition always changes.   It's hardly sexist to recognize those changes.  The time travel is the unrealistic part, but it raises a chance to consider all those changes.  

    On 5/22/2015 at 3:04 PM, islagirl said:


    I think we're just seeing different things from Frank.  I really like show Frank, but what I saw on their second honeymoon is a man who was fine with bringing her along on his expeditions or allowing her to go off on her own, but never actively took part in something that was about Claire.  We never saw them have an activity or conversation focused on her interests, despite many conversations and visits focused on his genealogical quests. If she wanted to do something related to her unique interests, she was on her own. She played the dutiful wife following her husband (except when it came to sex, where they were again out of balance with her initiating every encounter). Overall, I see a lot of her accommodating him, but very little him accommodating her.  Perhaps it would have been okay with her over the long haul if she'd never gone back, but after being thrown back and experiencing a world where she was useful and needed and loved with a passion that matched her own - and by someone who loved who she actually was, as opposed to a role she was adapting herself to - she couldn't go back to what she'd had in the future. 

    Useful, needed and more passionate - yes that might have suited her better.  Enough to overcome the  other problems, which, again, she did not complain of.  

    On 5/23/2015 at 7:00 PM, Dust Bunny said:
      Reveal spoiler

    I know the argument about Claire coming back pregnant by another man and how much Franks loves Bree unconditionally. Both those things are big deals. Yet, I'll never really like Frank after knowing how many affairs and/or liaisons he had after Claire returned. That future knowledge clouds any and all notions of Frank for me before Claire went to the 1740s. I also know the possible arguments about Jamie's liaisons after Claire left, but I think they're contextually different. There can be whole dissertations written about all this, but for me personally, I just can't get back into liking Frank.

    And to try to stretch this post to fit into this thread's category, I'm guessing it never helped the future Claire and Frank's relationship when she would look at his face and think of BJR and all that happened at Wentworth. 



    That could have been a huge factor, too.  Can't explain it to Frank.  And he would have a certain admiration for his ancestor, not knowing details about him - the family history most likely would not be detailed enough.  Though I think there was a 1945 discussion about how he had a protector and they thought it was the Duke of Sandringham.  How to live with Frank now, personally knowing the Duke and BJR?  That would be a big problem for future Claire. 

    It is interesting how Claire thinks she might change history, yet she can't, since she was already there.  How fascinating it would be to do research in the future, looking for your earlier presence.  BJR put the document she signed into the fire, so it wouldn't be around, but you'd look for other mentions in people's letters or writings and see if you could find yourself.  

    I had only read the first book, and so long ago that I do not remember anything, but Jamie calling Claire "Sassanach" as a nickname.  I'm interested now in reading them again, especially reading in these threads that she did think long about staying while at the stones after Jamie left her there.  The show just left me with an interest in that question and a lot of speculation.  

  3. On 5/10/2015 at 12:16 PM, TidalCreek said:

    When Claire and Murtaugh got to the coast, what did Murtaugh say? Something like "If you look far enough, you can see the Americas"? Did they call it the Americas at that point? Why didn't he call it "the colonies"? Or would a Scotsman be more likely to refuse to acknowledge Britain's conquest of other lands? Whatever, it just feels weird to hear them call it something that sounds more modern when we (here in the USA) wouldn't have started the revolution yet. By the same token, I fully expect Claire to make a blunder and call it "the United States" at some point only to have people say, "huh"?

    It would be fun to see Claire tell Jamie about the U.S., knowing that in 40 years or so, the English will lose their colonies there.  And that they won't always rule the world 🙂

    On 4/17/2016 at 6:10 PM, taurusrose said:


    Of course, I did. Jamie is the laird. She is his wife. It stands to reason she would inherit his property. If people are having a problem with this pretty simple concept, I have to wonder what else they're doing while supposedly watching the series because it doesn't require rocket science intelligence.


    It's very important to the family that the land stay with them - the Frasers have had it for hundreds of years.  In English law at least (yes Ned, I know the Scottish laws could be different) but the attitude towards Lallybroch seems similar - there are provisions for the widow to be taken care of, have an income, or a life estate, but the land stays in the family. It could be entailed on the next male heir.  It would ultimately go to Claire's son with Jamie if they had one.  

  4. On 5/3/2015 at 9:18 PM, Helena Dax said:

    When Jamie and Claire were talking about kids, I'm surprised none of them said Frank might be the one with the problem. I get why they would be worried, of course, but they're usually so optimistic...

    I thought that right away too.  Claire is a nurse, too, so it should at least occur to her.  

    On 5/4/2015 at 11:48 AM, AheadofStraight said:

    I did enjoy the childbirth scene though I always do a little eyerolling when there is over-the-top screaming. I realize some women are like this but not all of us are. It just seems like everyone on TV is like that. 

    I dislike that too!  All that screaming!  

  5. On 4/25/2015 at 11:29 PM, WatchrTina said:

    I also particularly liked the scene between Jamie and Claire when he gave her some instruction on how to be the Lady of the Manor.  I liked it because at first it looked like they were both going to slip back into old patterns but then Jamie offered the example of Letitia (which was smart) and he also reminded her that this was his family, his land and (whispered) his time.  That was REALLY smart because it was true AND it reminded Claire that he had trusted her about something really big and now it was her turn to trust him about how they must behave as Lord and Lady of the manor.  

    I was wondering why he has to tell her that - she's the time traveler, so you'd think she'd get a clue.  However, she is feisty and maybe her 20th century husband wouldn't like it either - in the 1940s, women were not as liberated as now.  Recalling the spanking, I think there were mid-20th century men who would have done that (in an episode of I Love Lucy, Ricky puts Lucy over his knee and spanks here, comedic of course) and Claire is a woman who would have fought then too, or in any century.  

    On 4/25/2015 at 11:37 PM, CatMack said:

    Claire's reasoning for staying, stuff like that which is laid out clearly in the books and glossed over by the show.  It's a problem.  But I am a book reader, and I've seen adaptations that are much, much worse than this, so while it's still a problem it's not one that affects my enjoyment level very much.  Not yet, anyway.  


    This was the first episode with zero voiceovers, wasn't it?  They've been used a lot more sparingly the last couple eps, but there were a few.  I don't recall a single one this time.  


    I was wondering why she stayed.  Did the stones not work?  Or did she think over - looks like she was there all day - that she didn't know what the stones would do and could throw her into another time completely.  All she knows is that they put people in the 1740s no matter when they went (Geillis came from 1968, so maybe they throw you back to the 1740s no matter what year it is).  Or think how it would be hard to explain to 20th century people without being adjudged insane?   Or would it put her back at the exact same time she left, and then she would not have to explain any missing time but would still have the experience on her conscience.  

    She knows she will be born in the future, but will she remember this in any way and if not, is she in an eternal loop living the same life over and over.  

    I found all that to be quite interesting.  Seems odd there was no conversation with Jamie about it.  


    On 4/26/2015 at 12:30 AM, SpiritSong said:

    Thank you! This is my least favorite episode so far. Some of it is probably hangover from my extreme disappointment of the last episode, where I think they totally botched Claire's decision at the stones. I was hoping they would at least address her choice in this episode, but no. They totally ignored it instead. I can only imagine the non book readers wondering why in the world she stayed.


  6. On 11/21/2018 at 9:58 AM, Cdh20 said:

    I am so surprised that so many people would have returned to Frank & 1945. Maybe I too am a hopeless romantic, but I didn't question that she would choose Jamie. Since she was last at the stones & wanting to get home this happened: he's saved her life twice, at the risk of his own, he made that pledge , which she knows he doesn't take lightly, he believes she is from the future, & although she might not be sure how in love with him she is yet, she knows he's head over heels, & has just offered her her old life back, despite that! And there is the sex. 


    The one time in the show where Claire's POV voiceover was needed was at those stones! 

    She had the thought before when she decided not to try again, that she didn't know what would happen.  The stone might send her further back in time.  That could be a time when no one spoke English.  So that could have been a factor, figuring in this era she had a good husband and in others that might not happen and/or things could be much worse. And even if Jamie died or left, she knew a bunch of people in this era.  

    And romance novel canon does show Jamie is the one, with his looks and personality.  He is intelligent, including emotionally intelligent, believes she is from the future (one thing that struck me right off at the stone is "how do I explain this to Frank?") in case the time had passed for him too.  20th century people might assign her to the loony bin, whereas Jamie is from a century that is still steeped in some superstition and magic and Jamie was able to believe her.  

    • Love 2
  7. On 6/18/2019 at 4:50 PM, foxfreakinmulder said:

    Yeah, I don't think anything could keep me from a toilet, toilet paper and sweatpants! LOL. There have been so many times I wanted to put my hands through the tv to put duct tape on Claire's mouth but at the stones I was actually telling her to saaaaaay something. She kept agreeing with everything Jamie was saying then when he started to walk away all she said was goodbye. She walked towards it and it went dark then she's standing over Jamie. I want to know why she decided to stay, it didn't explain or show us how she came to her decision. I think that was a big oops on the writers. But I'm happy she stayed, now I want her to tell Jamie how she feels and why she choose to stay with him. Because I want to know!

    I think we are meant to overlook it. Like any period drama you know they don’t have conveniences but still see it as romantic. In Poldark, you know they don’t have toilet paper but you forget that and think they are beautiful. Here Claire knows the difference, but she has no complaints of that kind.  

    if stuck there, one might appreciate the lack of pollution and the quietness too. You can see the stars. Food is all fresh. You don’t need underwear. 

  8. On 3/13/2020 at 3:31 PM, statsgirl said:


    I'm all for Alexis and Neil getting together. But older people are more even vulnerable than young ones especially when it comes to romance or money. I hope they don't keep them apart for the full two years though.


    True, but doesn't seem to be a huge age difference and they are both professionals.  

    On 3/15/2020 at 12:10 PM, statsgirl said:


    To be fair, if I were the judge I'd be suspicious about just how much attention a single father who is also the CEO of a multinational company could provide.


    If I were the judge I might well uphold the adoption; and it could make a more interesting story had Brad and Lucas been able to be involved in it, fighting for their rights.  

    On 3/15/2020 at 1:00 PM, ffwbe said:

    This is the reason that they should have had Sonny leave the mob years ago if they wanted to make him the show’s protagonist. How many times are we going to have to hear that Sonny is the “good mobster” because he doesn’t engage in selling drugs, guns, etc when the show doesn’t want to tell us how he makes his money? It would have made so much more sense to just let him out and say that his coffee business, casinos, restaurants were profitable enough that he doesn’t have to engage in anything illegal anymore. But I guess that means that we wouldn’t get those laughable scenes of him threatening people anymore. 

    There must be some kind of mob mystique there, as he could still threaten people.  Victor Newman does.  Though I guess not with death.  But with Sonny, that has gotten boring.  He is always saying someone has to pay, and at this point he looks ridiculous saying it and I automatically side with the one who has to pay.  

    • Love 5
  9. 13 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Oooooh! Willow threw a drink in Nelle’s “face.” Except she didn’t. It was her neck.🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

    I did a LOT of 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄today, from above and Jordan and the scenes with Chase and SLS. It’s like these two and Sasha have never heard of single parents. Yeah, Judge Country was realllllly “Traditional” when he gave Spinelli custody of Georgie. And didn’t the court also give Ric custody of Molly when Alexis was undergoing chemo?

    Then again, why am I trying to apply logic and realism with this shitastic show? They always get law enforcement WRONG.

    I completely hate that concept - having seen it for real in domestic relations cases.  Family court judges are by now likely to suspect any recent marriage.  The best interests of the child don't always include a stepmother (usually it is men who do it).  And getting married to bolster a custody case - just don't get me started.  

    Neil and Alexis - it seems like the time period should be shortened the older the couple are.  They don't have 2 years at their ages (I'm even older).  And should be considered by that time old enough - Alexis is not a person to be taken advantage of anyway.  

    • Love 1
  10. On 2/17/2020 at 3:18 PM, statsgirl said:

    Jasam shippers are tweeting it. The poor star-crossed lovers.

    Michael is such a sleaze. He told both Ned and Chase that he has no information about who is targeting Sonny even though Jason told him that it was a drug dealer from the northwest. I wish Michael would just cross to the Corinthos side and stay there.

    I know he's done awful things but I'm on Team Valentin for getting revenge on Michael and Sasha. And Lulu, who's determined to take his daughter away and make her forget him.

    I don't like to see the idea played out, though I know it's just a soap, that a person should cut a child off from one of their parents.  Too many people out there think they can do that.  In reality it would take a lot more - even in jail, parents get visitation, because it is in the child's interests.  

    On 2/17/2020 at 10:15 PM, ciarra said:

    Ridiculous how Nelle can sell shares that technically are not hers yet, and Valentin suddenly has "his own money" to buy them with.  He must have siphoned off money from the Cassadine account, because wasn't he some sort of fisherman in Greece, when they first intro'd his character? 

    What happens if the court doesn't award the shares to Nelle?  Does Valentin have a receipt?  What's the return policy? 

    Still sick of the smug on Michael's face.  #teamNelle.

    He could buy them subject to their status as unprobated yet, but that would make them worth less, I would imagine.  Though surely ELQ shares are extremely valuable!

    On 2/20/2020 at 9:59 AM, Bringonthedrama said:

    That scene needed Robin, i.e. Robin shows up because she was invited to the Bon Voyage party for Lucas and Brad. She walks in on Carly's screeching and says "Hypocrite much? How long did you lie to/keep Michael away from AJ and Spencer away from Nikolas until I told them the truth because you were never going to?" Robin and Lucas had a relationship growing up, whereas Carly has never actually had a relationship with Lucas until the writers manufactured one at the last minute for this storyline. Robin is an ideal friend/extended family member to comfort Lucas as this awful time.

    True, and at least Brad told Lucas himself.  Carly never told AJ herself.  When Robin did so, she got pissed off!

    On 2/20/2020 at 4:03 PM, 30 Helens said:

    It’s just puzzling. Not only did it suck all the drama out of a moment they’ve been building to FOREVER, it makes no sense.  The memory had just come back to him. At the least, he would have needed a few seconds to process. He should have wanted to verify, given that the memory would be fuzzy, not a video playback like we had. There should have been shock, and confusion, and anguish. Instead, we got a flat statement. It’s like he was handing over a pair of gloves he found on the sidewalk, not his SON.

    I used to think the ending of Jake’s magic trick story at the Nurses’ Ball was the most anticlimactic reveal ever. I think we have a new contender.

    Yes, I would have thought Lucas would even be in denial for at least some period of time.    Wondering if Brad could be wrong somehow, or arguing that it is best for Wylie to stay with them in spite of it all.  

    • Love 1
  11. I recall when Kyle left Amy to be with Georgia and felt bad for Amy - hope she doesn't take him back too quickly.  That she got with Gary in the meantime is weird. 

    Neil is already in a school uniform.  She is getting big.  

    The new guy is good looking - Chloe is sure aggressive when she wants someone!  

    Who is the young girl whose father is so bad but she wants to talk to him?  

  12. 15 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

    Soooooo frustrating!!  I spent the entire time yelling at Lucas, Sam, Michael, anyone to open the stupid thing and read it.  I mean, if I couldn't have Shiloh and his stupid face as he read that he wasn't the father, I had hoped to at least have someone else find out.  

    I really thought it was going to move along at that point!  So typical of them to take the chance to NOT move things along!  

    11 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Of course Lucas didn’t open the tst results, because soap, but it doesn’t make sense that he wouldn’t want to.  Or that Michael and Sam wouldn’t try to convince him to. They don't know for sure that Shiloh’s the dad. Why not see if he’s lying? They don’t know Willow’s sexual history, either— for all they know, she could be mistaken. Knowledge is power, people. Don’t be dumb.

  13. 12 hours ago, rur said:

    I truly think part of the problem was that from the get-go he was stuck with an awful name. (Writers!!!!) What 21st century mother would choose that as a first name? He was a nerd before we even met him. 


    OK, I stand semi-corrected: (from Nameberry)"Oscar, a round and jovial choice, is a grandpa name that's fast taking over from such urban trendies as Max and Sam. Actors Hugh Jackman and Gillian Anderson chose Oscar for their sons. "

    In the early 2000's, when GHOscar would have been born, it hovered around 120th most popular name for a boy. Still an awful name for a soap character, IMO.

    An Aussie soap used it for a young man recently.  It makes me think of Oscar Madison of The Odd Couple, a 70s sitcom.  

    11 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

    I actually thought it was because they needed something for Tamara Braun to do.  They really brought her in with no plan for her.

    Speaking of people who will need something to do, I guess Dr. Terry can now devote her entire life to listening to Liz's problems. #eyeroll

    Why does Dr. Terry call her "Biz."  

  14. Thanks for the update, Nozycat. 

    I remember Imogene, so now she is back, though she is with Daniel, so maybe it is short term.  I could not have remembered whether she or Amber ended up with Daniel.  

    When they talked about Josh, I recall how sad the death was.  Piper said she was leaving, and so Imogene coming back makes sense, or Therese has no children on screen.  Well I am sure a niece or nephew could show up. 

    • Love 1
  15. On 3/24/2019 at 10:51 PM, Ambrosefolly said:

    But Kevin had him locked up in Ferncliff, not a room in home or a safe house of some kind. 

    I don't see how Kevin could be at all liable as he didn't plan the crimes with Ryan.  It's not enough to the a cause of another's person's location.  

    On 3/25/2019 at 3:03 PM, Bringonthedrama said:

    Chase figuring out that Shiloh was Willow's baby daddy, have me speculating that Shiloh will find out/realize he fathered a child with her and that child is "Wiley." 

    Chase was pretty smart for a soap opera cop.  He figured it all out right there.  

    • Love 1
  16. On 3/22/2019 at 3:50 PM, sacrebleu said:

    and how the hell doesn't THAT set off any warning bells? "Hey Kristina, I think you're great, but if you want to be super special extra awesome friends, you have to tell me a secret about you, or someone you know, that WOULD FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE HOW THAT PERSON IS VIEWED!"  

    I'm pretty sure Kristina might be too stupid to live on her own.

    Jim Jones got people to sign blank sheets of people so he could type in confessions to awful things on the paper later.  

    On 3/22/2019 at 4:00 PM, dubbel zout said:

    Margaux has a point that Kevin is Ryan's accomplice. Kevin knew Ryan was a violent criminal who was likely to commit another crime.

    There has to be a specific crime.  As usual the law in PC is strange.

    On 3/23/2019 at 12:58 AM, bannana said:

    Did Griffin have a romance with Carly?

    Carly Tenney Snyder!

    • Love 3
  17. Hey nozycat!  I've had trouble finding a location to watch these, after whoever was putting them on dailymotion.com quit.  I did find the last three episodes on youtube.  It looks like the characters haven't changed a lot and I so I knew most of them.  It seems Elly has made a mess of things.  And that Sonya has passed away or gone away?  Is Therese with Paul or Gary or neither?  And David and Aaron are together?  

    I remember Finn was a bad guy, so now he has amnesia and only remembers his life before he went wrong.  Susan is only his fellow teacher but making it her business to be big in his story.  I assume Bea (new to me) is his girlfriend.  

  18. On 3/10/2019 at 2:52 PM, Ladybyrd said:

    I am a total feminist (and pacifist, and law-abider) 23 hours a day, but I long ago gave up applying my basic moral code from 3-4PM. *shrug* it's the only way I can watch without going into rage blackouts. So yeah, I'm ready for Julexis. 

    This is like Jason threatening Sam's life.  Show just wants you to forget that.  And for the most part, JF Franco.  

    On 3/10/2019 at 9:20 AM, Katy M said:

    Who gets to decide that?  Who gets to decide what traits women are supposed to have?  Each individual woman.

    The only current female character I would consider a good role model would be Molly.  

    My decision is that Carly is not independent because everything she does or has comes from Sonny and his gang money.  She spends most her time arguing with people about things that are not even her business and blaming people for doing things she herself did in the past.  She might be a good soap villainess.  But show wants us to think she is the heroine.  

    • Love 10
  19. 21 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

    Because the show doesn't even bother to catch any of the small details (and this has been the case in JFP/Guza era "coast of Boliva" anyone?) is precisely why they aren't catching any of the big ones. I wanted to bring this one up for a while: Van Halen had a legendary rider where no brown M&Ms were allowed. If there were brown M&Ms, the promoter forfeits the entire show at full price.  Turns out, it wasn't Van Halen being a bunch of self indulgent drama queens, but an indicator that promoters hadn't read the rider, which not only included M&Ms, but complicated technical instructions for their enormous stage shows. If they saw brown M&Ms, there was an almost certainity that stage wasn't set up properly, which was life and death. 

    I could see paying closer attention to the complicated equipment and less to the food, but that's clever. 

    20 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Elizabeth tells Chase that Franco names "Ryan Chamberlin" as the killer, after Chase saw "Kevin's" hand hurt and heard his cover story about trying to stop Franco, and then is just like "hmm, how could a dead man do it." Ugh, sooo stupid. When Chase went into Elizabeth's house, I really missed Dante (and Lucky). Lucky understood that insane stuff happens in Port Charles all the time. 

    Citizens of Port Charles should generally understand that dead people can return. I remember laughing when sometime in the late 90s Stefan said to Laura, "We have to consider the possibility that Stavros is alive" and she reacted as if that was a thing that was perfectly reasonable to expect.  

    • Useful 2
  20. On 2/19/2019 at 6:04 PM, LexieLily said:

    Yes, Kevin is blind, presumably from the same virus that got Anna and Ryan (and we have to assume off-screen Alex?). The only concern I have is that Anna and Ryan were fixed within days via corrective surgery. Kevin has been blind since the last time we saw him sans-Laura and Ryan has been refusing him medical treatment so depending on how long Kevin/Laura are held captive, could Kevin's blindness be permanent?

    Supposedly Drew is next and he hits Jordan with his car. 

    In soap opera world there is no such thing as permanent blindness.  All blindness is eventually cured (I remember Evangeline's on OLTL and Chloe on GH and surely there are many others) but especially the medically fascinating twin blindness is sure to be curable in the end.  

    On 2/21/2019 at 8:48 AM, MarciNJ said:

    Okay, so I am a week behind so this comment is old and may have already been mentioned,  But, when Shiloh asked idiot Kristina if she'd somehow find the money if she had a heart issue, wouldn't the logical answer be to tell him that she has HEALTH INSURANCE???  Because, with Alexis as a mother, you know she does.  Comparing apples and .....  puppies.

    And, is DOD supposed to be a Scientology type of cult?  Levels and courses and money.,,,  wasn't enough that they named the place for the criminally insane the Miscavage Institute - someone on the staff has an ax to grind....  LOL!

    (again, sorry if this has been covered)

    In Port Charles World there appears to be no such thing as health insurance.  Whenever someone has a big bill, Sonny generously pays it.

    On 2/22/2019 at 5:15 PM, nilyank said:

    Lookie, Jason fell down the stairs and he wasn't even pregnant.

    Why is he in hospital? He fell a greater distance when he stuck in the hole after "rescuing" Joss and Oscar with Drew.

    LOL so true about falling down stairs!

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  21. 12 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    Seriously.  The snot she throws at him every time she sees him is over-the-top and extreme.  Especially when her ~soulmate is every bit as criminal as Julian--if not more, given he's still in "the business."


    11 hours ago, Lillybee said:

    Did Sam forget that Julian saved Danny's life by donating bone marrow?

    I thought I remembered that.  Soaps usually play up the mother angle, too, so you'd think she'd overlook everything because he saved her child.  

  22. On 12/5/2018 at 4:28 PM, rur said:

    I dunno, when he confronted Chase and pretty much demanded that he be informed of the progress of Kiki's death investigation, I thought he was definitely proving he had become Sonny's son.  I thought he was also definitely being Sonny's boy when he was explaining how Kiki was family but seemed to have forgotten that he'd been involved with her as well.

    And Edward Quartermaine's great grandson - Edward was always threatening the PCPD because he was rich and friends with the mayor.

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