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Everything posted by alabetser

  1. I don't understand why they are going with a new love storyline this season. After last year's disaster, it just makes her look silly to rush into yet another relationship. How many months separated the Chase news and/or crying in the rain to chatting up with this guy? I'm going to want a timeline, because we had the same sudden "oh, I've been dating this guy awhile, don't look into the real timeline" situation with Chase last year too. I'd love if they pivoted to an actual new premise, like showing her living her life by volunteering or taking up a new skill. The repeated focus on her poor attempts at fitness, fake dating life, and small band of hostages family & friends is stale.
  2. Why bother hiding his face last week just to post unedited ones today? The mask isn't a privacy filter.
  3. I love on Reddit that they've dubbed this new man 'the French Chase' i.e. "Chaise". 😂
  4. Plugging the new season date in the same post as announcing her new beau really isn't helping the argument that he's legit and not just another season filler. Right on the heels of her lost love Chase, she supposedly has another cool, conventionally attractive bodied guy (whose body language also looks super uncomfortable with all this) fall for her long distance. But conveniently this time he's shy and doesn't want his identity public. I guess TLC learned from Chase and finally figured how hard it is to keep the real lives of their scripted characters separate. Unless someone is really into method acting, it's going to be near impossible to live a normal life while playing a role on "reality" tv.
  5. What is that piece suppose to be? It looks like some YA futuristic movie costume. Is it suppose to be a modest/athletic swimsuit? It doesn't look comfortable to work out in as athletic gear, although it does kind of look like a dull version of the spandex workout suits from the 80s.
  6. I really hope she doesn't open the door naked, that's incredibly creepy (and arguably sexual harassment) for the unsuspecting person on the other side. Back when I worked in a restaurant, we actually had a list of people not to deliver to because they pulled stunts like this. It was mostly men, but with Whitney's past behavior I wouldn't be that surprised if she did the same. Even if she was a supermodel, imposing your naked body on others who did not agree to it is non-consensual and wrong.
  7. Ok, so the story is she hasn't met this mysterious French man? Then did we ever get an explanation as to what she, a woman who doesn't do anything without an entourage, ran off to Paris alone for? She left her family and new "fiancee" for their first holiday season together, a weird time to take a sudden trip. Awfully sus that she just happened to meet a French man right after online. And in filming time, isn't this again happening during those months when she had the meltdown over Chase's babies birth and claiming she still needed closure? TLC is really trying to gloss over the timeline here.
  8. Even with TLC glossing over it all, the timing of this is sus. Didn't she last go to Paris before she and Chase split? Or at least during the holidays when she was ignoring him, but before an official break-up? I'm sure they will come up with some tale to explain it away, but that's awfully close to "cheating" if the thing with Chase was ever real. It takes some real brazenness to have this right after the meltdown about his "cheating". Also, are we suppose to buy that she was in a relationship with this mystery dude while obsessing over Chase's new baby? All the hysterics of late last season took place while she was happily getting to know someone new? Because that's not healthy. I mean, it wasn't healthy when she was single, but it's extra weird if she had supposedly moved on.
  9. I'm jealous of everyone in the live chat who got their vaccine. My state is backed up and it will probably be weeks at best for me! I can't complain too much though as I'm young and thus low-priority, but still, it would be nice to get it and be somewhat covered. I'm still living in 2020 and not going out to eat or planning any summer vacations yet. Angie is still as nuts as expected. I can't believe we basically got 3 continuously filmed episodes.
  10. With covid limiting filming they must be going back and using old footage they have despite it not having much of a storyline or progress. Two whole hours dedicated to Angie is going to be a lot though, I'd better start planning my snacks now.
  11. Watching her (and others) talk about how much they need to learn, I wonder if Dr. Now has looked into cooking classes for them and their caretakers. A lot of the cooking scenes seem to show mistakes like cooking egg whites in butter/oil, negating the low cal effect. I'm sure his plan says no butter, but I don't think they know how to cook otherwise and don't get how quickly sauces and cooking oils add up fast, especially at a 1200 calorie diet. Plus, showing them how to use spices or prep veggies might make the change a little less severe and have fewer complaints over the "blandness."
  12. It's OnlyFans, a paid subscription site for personal content. It's kind of like Instagram, but mostly used for sex photos/videos. It's fairly popular with D-list reality stars including a bunch from TLC's other shows.
  13. It's ironic really, and makes me wonder if it was secretly a reference. Aurora, aka Sleeping Beauty, in the Maleficent live-action version has a father who betrayed a witch, who later comes back and places a curse on the baby as revenge. Not exactly what you'd think to name your child after, but it's funny to think about.
  14. Even her goal of looking mature seems pretty disconnected from reality. Most people would rightfully cut off an ex who cheated on them, and her dragging after him looking for closure and flipping out about the baby comes across as super desperate. It definitely doesn't portray her as brave or strong, or even "poor me", it just looks like she's a crazy ex who can't let go and needs everything to be about her. Given that it seems like the Chase storyline was setting up for an eventually empowerment message by dumping him for not wanting kids/not moving, it's even more pathetic looking to turn into a weeping clingy ex who lashes out at Ryan by proxy.
  15. After watching the whole team practically carry her up that waterfall, she had better not try and brag about it as an accomplishment. It takes no skill to be carted around like that and it's endangering other people in the process. And why is she so obsessed with knowing the baby arrived? Why is she even interested in any of this? It couldn't be less about her. It's literally the lovechild of what they are trying to sell as a cheating ex. Most people would block him or be tempted to go full Maleficent on their scorned lover, not be on stand-by like she's adopting the kid.
  16. The reddit thread for this episode is great. So much snark as people are seriously seeing the nasty part of her come out this episode. But seriously WTF was her deal? She was horrible to Buddy and the whole group had major middle school-esque bullying towards Ryan, who they are trying to say "crashed" the event despite being invited. Then she goes and whips off her top. She really needs to be called out for the sexual harassment she's been doing to others. No one would play it off as "personality" if a dude was stripping down and grabbing others.
  17. I really hope people on social media call her out for the terrible person she is on tonight's episode. The blatant bullying of Ryan and practically mocking Buddy's depression, on top of the flagrant covid safety violations. What a truly terrible person and I wouldn't be surprised if she finds herself very alone once TLC stops paying people to be around her.
  18. Anyone see the new tiktok post? https://www.instagram.com/reel/CKp-L8kDcrZ/?igshid=100hphswi0vhs
  19. Old Navy, one of the other companies umbrella'd with Athleta, has been known for their generous vanity sizing before. I think you're exactly right that they are targeting the plus size athleisure market, due to their prices being less than most brands made for actual workouts.
  20. How many mini vacations is she going on this season? For someone so stressed about "lockdowns", she has been way busier going out than most people I know at the moment. And in larger groups. She also doesn't have to work a regular daily job, seemingly isn't financially stressed, not dealing with caring for kids/others, and not lost anyone to this plague, so my sympathy for her is difficult to muster. It may not be all rainbows but she's got a pretty cushy life compared to others at the moment. A better adjusted person might be using their fame to help others at this time, or just to be a spot of joy, but even her day to day life with friends is so focused on herself and her concerns over getting a man. As a single lady myself I can sort of get it, but she really needs to look at the big picture right now. And that preview for next week was so juvenile. She's really going to strip down like a toddler to take off a mic? She's a 36 year old women who uses her body to make others uncomfortable to get what she wants. In addition to being super immature, it's also super creepy and bullying. You know if it was a man constantly stripping down and touching people who said no/pulled away they'd be called out on it. How many times has the poor camera crew gotten an eyeful of inappropriate sexual behavior? Maybe Buddy the hobosexual is begrudgingly ok with it but all the people at the lake didn't sign up to see that.
  21. Recently it does seem like the show is actually morphing to show her as a villain, not the hero of her own story. I guess they are realizing more people are watching it for snark than general interest. It started last season too as the camera people got those very unflattering close ups of her backside and stuff like her looking like a toddler throwing a tantrum on the beach in Hawaii. This season especially seems to highlight it and really shows how terrible she is to people around her. She was so bad to Chase that even people who thought their relationship was real weren't shocked he left. Ryan is kind of a douche bro but he is still much more professional than her. While the show kind of implies we should be on Whit's side, it also gives a lot of reason to side with the others. Ryan's friend who said "Yikes" and Buddy's girlfriend who left also seem like totally reasonable people who nope'd out of that mess, and we saw a lot of hypocrisy with how she handles wearing masks and being around others. I think you're right that the showrunners know what they are doing and are giving people things to talk about. I wonder if Whit herself sees it and if so, would it change her behavior. I know I'd be mortified to be portrayed that way but they can only use what you give them (and I definitely would not be giving them gleeful announcements of not bathing, peeing in pools, and getting naked in public).
  22. That stood out to me too. Wasn't it just a few episodes ago she was all "I can't leave my fabulous life in Charlotte, even to move just a few hours away for the perfect baby making man", now she's got nothing here at all?
  23. I have mixed feelings about Chase. He did sign up to portray himself on tv, and should have known there could be potential backlash by angry fans anytime he wasn't perfect to Whit. However it seems like the baby situation was a curveball, and his expectations were originally just being a guy who Whit would dump by the end for incompatibility (whether that be moving or having future kids). But when the baby news came out suddenly the story changed to make him a no good cheating villain. I'm sure TLC has a contract where he can't publicly defend himself with the truth and just has to suck it up and go along with the cheater storyline, which would be terrible, however the bad edit is always a risk when going on reality tv. This is just a prime example of being super careful with contracts and any contingencies that may pop up, and how much your reputation may be worth.
  24. The constant chasing (pun intended?) down men like Chase, Buddy, Lennie, etc is the opposite of fabulous, and just screams that she's so insecure she can't handle being single for a minute even after a bad experience. Maybe take some time to focus on yourself and being happy with who you are before immediately seeking out some new dude to drag into the craziness. It's a constant theme with this show and just gets more pathetic as time goes on. Also I agree that for someone so at health risk she's being pretty reckless with mask usage. We're all tired of 2020 but her life is still looking pretty cushy compared to a lot of others.
  25. Yea, there use to be (maybe still is?) a company called Curves that basically advertised itself as a gym for overweight and/or older women. I could easily see that with a little work Whit could have franchised BGDC into a dance-based gym targeting a similar group looking for a fun, no pressure experience. I bet it would be popular among her fans who are typically younger overweight women who follow "fat acceptance" but still want to be seen as active and/or fabulous.
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