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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. If Ryder had the Beetleguise sequel all set, they could have worked around David Harbour's schedule with the Hellboy franchise, but now Hellboy is a flop. Why pull that crap all of a sudden?
  2. Really? I thought he closely resembled a young Howard Stern to me. Recent pic
  3. I think Finn Wolfhard is very pale in most interviews and clips we see so far. Not against pale people because I am fair as well, but I think Season 3 did not give him any good makeup so far. Which is strange when you noticed how pale looking Noah is here and it looks like they giving Finn the full makeup treatment.
  4. I hope Ryder sues the makeup artist for making her look gaudy. They just added 10 pounds of pancake makeup to her face, complete with rouge and dark lipstick.
  5. I think it was the 1988 Blob remake that made me think of gooey humans. I bet you a million dollars the Duffer brothers watch these scenes. Pre-Stranger Things.
  6. At least in the movie It, they did a good job with the late 80s time period as far as fashion and hairdo is concerned. I think Wil's and Mike's are a fashion don't. I hope next time they'll be a little updated.
  7. That's it. River Phoenix was there, too.
  8. There is a Easter Egg this season. Dustin became a JC Penny mannequin in this show.
  9. Ethan's first movie was The Explorers. An obsecure 80s film. Remember that one?
  10. They better release next season soon because they would already be college age if the Duffer brothers do a year or two wait period. Noah Schnapps already towers over Ryder herself. Are they 6'1 or something?
  11. Where do you think Joyce will be going next? New York?
  12. Speaking of 80s mall culture, this New York mall documentary from '83 captures that aesthetic feel. One thing about the Duffer brothers is that they did their homework on 80s mall culture. Kind of neat, right? You probably waiting to se the gang from Stranger Things to come by. Above all things, watching this documentary brings a tear to my eye.
  13. To answer your question about Noah Schnapp, he is so wearing a wig this season because here he has Pacific wave bangs like Wil Wheaton. I think he got rid of the bowl cuts after season 2 wrapped.
  14. Is David Harbour getting tired of the series? It seems he wants to move on to films instead of shows. It's kind of like how Don Knotts moved from the Andy Griffith Show to a very brief stint in films before landing the Furley role of Three's a Company.
  15. Does Dacre still have the Power Rangers role he did a couple of years back? I heard a sequel was geenlighted, but I am not sure if there is a possibility of getting the other actors from the 2017 film.
  16. I know everyone saying from episodes 5 or 6 onwards that the boys' shorts were getting shorter, but none beats Noah Hathaway's short shorts that go passed the thigh region. It is also from the same year or thereabouts that this show takes place.
  17. I don't know why Ryder is dressed like that. I see her on award and talk shows where she dresses very nice. I guess someone in the makeup department hates her. It wasn't too bad in the first two seasons, but here they ruined her with gaudy makeup, an oversized shirt that would have been used as nightgown wear, and a bad wig. They should have went with her Heathers look. I hope next season. LOL.
  18. Did Ryder have plastic surgery or something? Or is it the wig/makeup making her look much gaunt than before? It was such a sharp contrast to her first 2 seasons.
  19. The funny thing is that both Mark Hamill and Brad Dourif have both starred in iconic films and they were all in their mid 20s when their popularity emerged then. Mark with Star Wars; Brad with One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest. Funny thing is Brad mentions One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest in one of the Child's Play films and the recent one with Hamill with a Star Wars reference: Han Solo.
  20. Who could play Armand or Marius, though? Or Lestat's mother? Lestat himself? Any suggestions?
  21. Does anybody remember when Linda Hamilton hosted SNL in the early 90s? I hope that with this movie, she gets to host again. She was not a bad host.
  22. The guy playing the Irish father is Mark Ryder from the series, Borgias. He was Cesare.
  23. That is good to hear. Unfortunately, I have to wait for someone because that certain person out in Florida.
  24. That always make me roll my eyes when people like that crack under pressure. It always begins like: this seem like a lot to me and a sob story bs. Get the heck out of here. You need to have guts to win the game. Little do they know the taxes would be astronomical. I have better odds at a casino or Jeopardy than to watch some people crack under pressure.
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