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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. Ghost Car would feel safer if newly-one-legged Bob would occasionally look at the road while driving.
  2. My take on the wildlife issue is that zombies do not conform to normal predator rules. First of all, predators are motivated by more than just hunger. Fear of pain, for example, makes a difference in their behavior. And so do fatigue and in many cases flat out laziness. If a deer wants to avoid being targeted by a puma, it doesn't have to be tougher than the puma. It just has to be tougher than the deer next to it. A zombie doesn't care if a prey item has the ability to harm it. Nor will it stop hunting, because, unlike the prey animal, it does not need to sleep. Another important difference is that zombies have no interest in getting their "money's worth" out of a kill. Wolves, bears, big cats, etc, will continue to eat the same dead animal for quite some time after killing it. Multiple large predators will even take turns "stealing" each others' kills. A dead elk, for example, in a region full of wolves and bears and Atkins Sasquatches is going to be eaten by all of them, which means the other elk are safe. Mathematically, it would simply make no sense to fight down a 1000 pound elk and only eat 10 pounds of it. Zombies don't care, though. Once it's dead, they get bored after a few hours and go looking for something else to kill.
  3. Earthworms are not a good choice to eat raw, because of the high probability of nematode infection. In short, eating raw worms is a good way to get worms. I also wouldn't try eating those frogs, as many have suggested. If we pretend that the writers know or care anything about biology, then the obvious assumption becomes death by pollution. Otherwise healthy frogs in a pond that's drying up do not just lie there on their backs waiting to die. They either bury themselves in the mud, or they scatter, looking for new water.The upside down positioning makes me think that, back when there was still water, all the frogs were floating belly up. Perhaps Aaron poisoned them. Or Ghost Lizzie.
  4. So am I the only one who actually thinks Rick's beard looks healthier when it's all grown out like this? At least all the hairs point downwards now, They aren't just randomly spiking all over the place like they were not so long ago. I've got the same problem Andrew LIncoln does. My beard looks good when it's trimmed, or when it's very long and fluffy, but when it's medium length it just bristles all over the place because every single shade of grey in it has a different texture and growth rate than the others. So keeping it nicely trimmed is close to impossible. Until I was about 35, I could just smooth the whole thing down evenly with a comb and razor, but now that I'm older any attempt to do that just results in a sort of "survival of the coarsest" where the soft hairs cut too readily and the others have to be battled one at a time with scissor-tips. Keeping it longer than I used to is my best option at this age.
  5. I don't see why they don't have time to show them doing mundane survival tasks. All the angsty conversations could still happen. They'd happen while boiling water or digging up edible roots or whatever, that's all. Season 2 did that stuff all the time, and it made them feel more like a realistic community.
  6. How is Aaron carrying all that water around unless he's got people with him? If a car was nearby, they would have heard it. Unless maybe it had Woodbury 2.0-style Governor mufflers.
  7. I'm calling it now: Aaron is a television executive. "Rick Grimes, I have here a list of complaints we've been receiving from viewers of your television series."
  8. Yeah, I kept waiting for Glenn to point at somebody and say "Don't even go there!"
  9. Since I actually like Carl nowadays, I hope Noah stays the hell away from him, Everybody who gets stuck on a duo mission with Noah dies. You know who could use a friend? That nice priest fellow. Or maybe the big red-haired boy.
  10. The atonement theme was somewhat interesting. Eugene, Abe, and Gabriel all want to redeem themselves. Eugene represents science, Abe represents war, and FPP represents religion. However, all three of them are fucking idiots, so not a single one of them represents their viewpoint well. Eugene can not offer himself as a scientist, so the best he can do is offer himself as a guinea pig. Abraham likes the idea of smashing and destroying opposition, but doesn't have a fucking clue about strategy or discipline or even about what color is best to camouflage one's hair. And Gabriel shows us the narcissistic priest's route to redemption. Don't offer to do anything useful. Just push your desire to be respected and comforting on people who don't want to talk to you. Wear your equivalent of a hairshirt. If you don't think Eugene should be a guinea pig (although if he were, the doctor might show up!) just hang back silently and let Abraham be in charge of mercy. Got extra clothing, that you're very uncomfortable in, that could have been cut up into a rig to carry Judith better? Nah. Useful schmoosful. That's how peasants do charity! I think that, of the three, Eugene chose the best route to redemption. Although it was still far from heroic, when mostly all it involved was saying "I'm thirsty and want to try the water!" However, if a little more time had gone by, they would have had to resort to drinking urine. And in that case, in a zombie apocalypse landscape where terrifying things happen with monotonous regularity, Father Pee Pants would quickly become MVP.
  11. If they must have a stupid shipper name for Glenn and Maggie, I vote Glaggie. I mean, they were all bad, but at least that one was bad enough to be entertaining.
  12. Oh, you'd better be wrong! I didn't hate this episode, which puts it far ahead of last week's. But I agree that not very much actually happened. If you're gonna do a dream sequence, go crazy! Have the Governor's bastard son come back in a blimp with Gatling guns! And can't somebody in the background throw a pie once in a while? If what we saw was "real," but with some production glitches, I'm happier watching that and grumbling about how clean they were after the fight scene, than I am watching them dream about... moping, getting thirsty, and fighting zombies. That's like watching a dream sequence in which I drink beer while posting on the internet about TV shows. Just not that big a stretch, ya know?
  13. What's the deal, anyway, with Abe slapping water out of people's hands? That's the second time now. At what point does it officially become a running gag?
  14. Lauren has amazing legs. One more reason to hate having a channel logo stuck on the screen.
  15. I still don't even understand why certain characters were acting so sad about Beth. I mean, she just went for a drive with Bob and Tyreese and the little girls, right? We saw them all last week. They were fine.
  16. I honestly thought Eugene offering to atone to the others by volunteering his services as poison taster, crash test dummy, and general purpose coal mine canary was a good idea. But of course that would make us remember that he was wrong to try to lead people to Washington for no reason. So it can't be allowed.
  17. Oh, crap, I forgot! Water kills zombies now! Go home, Dorothy. (And your little dog, too. What, too soon?)
  18. Are Maggie and Daryl gonna do it? Nope, guess not.
  19. Yay! Rick's ridiculously long monologue is over! Golly. Who would ever have guessed that the title "Walking Dead" might have multiple connotations? Except except... all of us?
  20. Everybody mark it on your calendar! This was Rick's last shower!
  21. You know, I'd actually fogotten that Daryl smokes. Maybe he fell asleep too close to a smoking ash tray? Hair mystery explained.
  22. Abe doesn't look as skinny as he did in the pictures. But Sasha is totally a lesbian vampire.
  23. Oh, not the doggies? Well, got any BBQ sauce?
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