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Everything posted by Stallion12

  1. Yea, hate to say it, but the spoilers are true. However I still think since the outline didn't mention Jamie killing euro, that bran might not be king. There will definitely be a council though. They admitted to following the books now?
  2. The guy who plays barristan. I'm both happy and surprised that no spoilers came out, last week the entire episode was leaked.
  3. If this is true, I wonder why they didn't just use the book plot. Sorry if this was posted before.
  4. That's the issue, we didn't get a buildup to the rumored ending. If we did then it would still be bad but at least make sense, tgey didn't go that direction, so if tgey do now it'll be a forced mess and every other complaint I made that I've said multiple times.
  5. I'd argue the 3er one is the list one, I don't see pitch forks over John during to save danny.
  6. That would be bittersweet. I just had a thought of that myself.
  7. True, but they could do better than the rumor. You won't get everyone, but at least go with something the show set up, they didn't set up bran as king or the nights watch being needed.
  8. That's my gripe too, but we also assumes that is the e ending.
  9. I'm hanging onto it's false, because why would friki get silenced by HBO for leaking if what he said was completely false?
  10. Technically obeys renaming kids are part targaryans too if they survived, or at least the game of thrones wiki says.
  11. Assuming friki is wrong. I'm surprised no leaks yet, last Sunday we were hit with leaked footage.
  12. Problem is the show built none of that up. Perhaps, but the show doesn't. They should have spent more time with bran if that's the endgame .
  13. The episode was dark, glad you saw it just fine, but not many of us did. It was a bad move making it that dark.
  14. I didn't answer in the other thread because the mod said to stay on topic. But the draw I guess is those who want the great of the night king background
  15. Yea , you got flown to London with a free hotel room to watch it with her, it was for charity. I almost went for it, I brought it up only to say it's clear she makes it to episode 6.
  16. Some sources say against John, but nothing is confirmed yet.
  17. The big thing about Danny making it to episode 6 is her contest with the fan, she wouldn't invite a fan to watch with her if she wasn't in the finale episode. She's the only character completely safe till the finale.
  18. That would feel to much like warcraftv where their must always be a lich king.
  19. Not buying it will, it's a prequel 8000 years in the past, it won't fix the ending unless they travel to the future and add events. In fact the night king story isn't a big draw. The direwolves would be, but if they do to much time travel it'll get dumb fast.
  20. Good analysis. I have a feeling we don't know the whole thing anyway and we will be surprised. I can't shake that feeling.
  21. The internet, in person. A bad ending can kill a show, look at what happened with lost. Even Martin has said he fears that. As far as the prequel, I already don't see much hype for it, episode 3 hurt a lot of people's enjoyment about the knight king. And I'm not talking about these forums. So a whole series based off it after the outrage to a bad ending drawing tons of people? Highly unlikely.
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