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Everything posted by Stallion12

  1. They have other shows, but if they don't return for the prequel, then HBO will notice the hit. That said with the crack down on commentary, HBO is clearly doing damage control, one more hour till we find out.
  2. If it costs them money due to the outrage , you'll see a turnover. All depends on how this ending is received.
  3. They need subscriptions to function, it's there whole business model, I guess it depends on how many don't return.
  4. This whole business model is subscriptions, they don't air commercials for products.
  5. The outcry started in episoide 3, the petition in 4. And this whole business model is subscriptions, if enough cancel that will hurt tgeir bottom line.
  6. Honestly, this type of ending could have worked fine if they wrote the story in it's direction. THey even had the previous 3er basicly say the postition avoids politics, yet here's the current one, an underdevolped character who skipped a whole season, the king. Cersi not getting hers could have worked if it didn't undo all the character devolpment of Jamie. Johns' ending alone is fine, the problem many have with it was he didn't do anything with his herritage, it honestly would have been better if they avoided it. The Danny situtation isnt' that she turned bad, just as another poster said it wasn't built up to make her that way, it's a sudden turn and characters act out of character to get her there. Part of it is the rushing, but part of it is their middle they made up took the characters in a whole other direction.
  7. Because a terrible ending will hurt the franchise, HBO clearly already sees the reaction to their money maker. Himym is a great comparison because it's ending was so bad, the prequel didn't happen. HBO will not tolerate losing money and risk it's investment flopping. A bad ending would do that. Grrms biggest fear is the ending being hated and him avoiding the pitch forks, well this ending will be hated and have the pitch forks. Hopefully towards d@d and not him. HBO would make a continuation as the real ending to save the franchise. By light recon I meant undoing the ending. The ending would still happen, just not be the end. Grrm has talked about an 8th book, so he's not completely sold on not continuing the story, and Sansa is far more decoupled then bran. There would still be outrage, but less of it. And multiple endings were filmed, the actors said it themselves. HBO aren't going to let such a money maker die, tgey will do damage control. Tgey can't redo season 8 due to the contract, if tgey had that control there would have been new showrunners, tgey can expand the franchise however they want though. And the signs are there they will do something to migrate the rage, making a spinoff a sequel or making a sequel movie arevtge most likely two options.
  8. I should have clarified, if Bryden Rivers was his mentor before giving the powers, it would make more sense and be more developed. If they decoupled bran and the 3er, this wouldn't be an issue
  9. It's out of nowhere because the 3er hasn't really been devolped or done much. If the book version is Bryden Rivers, the books have some backstory to him, so that one makes sense. But the show we barely got anything.
  10. Their own ending would have worked, they could have said tgey decided to let Martin tell his own ending. This would have not had so much switched around. Maybe have breiane and Jamie end up together but Jamie is killed, have Danny try to win the right way and cersi sets off the wildfire. Maybe Danny dies trying to stop it. You could still have twists, and not a happy ending, but it would make sense to their characters.
  11. Maybe, but it's a terribly set up.one that will cause an uproar.
  12. The big thing is bran comes out of nowhere being king. They could have had him do stuff, then the people in the council decide on him to have an all seeing king. Instead he does nothing all show and gets the throne. Your right they made it an action film, they built up characters one way then switched it.
  13. Right, but if they built it right, the final battle could have been John vs Danny for the throne instead of the deal battle we got.
  14. I thought it was ok. Still kinda annoyed they didn't reveal the sequel. Tallus is the only one I like.
  15. You point out the biggest gripe, bran doesn't do anything to be king. He's barely doing anything in the show. If tgey wanted this ending, tgey should have built it up.
  16. I'm not saying people won't be pissed. I just don't see the backlash as big as it will be with bran. I'll hate it either way. Based off Isaac saying he likes the ending, that confirms to me it's him since no other actor has said positive things .
  17. It's bad i agree, but bran being on it would piss more off. Haha phone auto corrected Sansa to Sands. That would be a huge wtf moment if the sand snakes oldest sibling took the throne.
  18. Forgot to say, I think the best way to do Danny vs John is have John ride Ragel against Danny and Drogon, and not have euron taking a dragon out. John kills Danny in battle, and decides it's not him. Or tgey both die. This still has Danny the Gillian and die, but is more believable then him lying and killing her. I don't know, I just heard there were at least two, and one is sands getting the throne instead of bran. It's bad either way, but at least sands is more built up.
  19. Yea, this is beyond just a few fans not wanting an ending, the whole season episode 3 on is getting blasted. I can't see HBO being happy with this. That's why I can't help but feel a future spinoff will be a sequel or a sequel movie is coming out. Or edits being made to tomorrow's episode to change the ending.
  20. A redo itself won't happen, D@d would have to allow it. Still Disney sees this and it could hurt their future, and HBO doesn't want this reaction to their top show. Doesn't change the anger of fans and the petition is a sign of that anger.
  21. I think a sequel could be marketed as the true ending and having it end better written could take some of the sting out. It won't fix everything of course, but a good spinoff sequel or sequel movie can have people say that's the real ending, even if they have to slight recon things. I can't see HBO letting the franchise fall. I took it as trashing. But in a very polite professional way. Gendrys actor was the least suttle.
  22. Drogon isn't a slave, but I meant if you have this huge battle, pronoun forces vs pro Danny forces, bran wargs into Drogon to save John, and John takes out Danny who thinks she had him, it would work better then him losing to her and killing her.
  23. That's the reason I think HBO will create a sequel of sorts, they can't be happy with how this is turning out.
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