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Everything posted by Stallion12

  1. Subjective sure, but it's not hard to do better than this season, the writing is terrible. And it's more an attempt to get HBO to make a new season, not with D@D. As far as Mark, I'm sure he's jump on the chance to play a better Luke. Season 7 still until the past few episodes had the characters acting like themselves, and most of us let that go because we figured tgey were taking two years to do better. Instead they did worse.
  2. I think most of us are hoping it's wrong. Not that we want a Disney ending, but something that closes tgevstory that they built up. I heard there's a sands as queen ending, if take that over bran. Still bad but built up towards .
  3. It's calling for a new season 8 done well and not rushed, it started around episode 3, picked up steam during episode 4, exploded after last week's episode.
  4. Season 5 through 7 were eh, but they still had the characters being themselves, it was towards the end if season 7 that changed. Granted most of us forgave that, but then season 8 took 2 years and continued the spiral. It's almost like watching a spinoff fabric. Even Babylon 5, which had a terrible 5th season which felt like a spinoff, had the characters act like themselves. It's like watching another show with the sane characters.
  5. Exactly, if they had bran do more, went into his powers, had him save them with them, show leadership skills people could buy it. If they didn't push Danny wasn't her father, and had her gradually get worse after 6 years, it would be better accepted. If John did stuff this season it would be cool. If varys and tyrion weren't morons most season, and if Jamie didn't forget his story arc, the ending could work. They didn't do any of that.
  6. While I doubt it'll be that good, I wonder if they use the alternate ending filmed since they see the backlash. And backlash can kill a spinoff, like others said how I met your father got canceled after the backlash to how I met your mother. Seceral mainstream articles have been blasting the season, ive never seen that for a show before.
  7. The first petition I saw started around episode 3. Don't know if it's the same one, but there were no hints at the time of the terrible direction the show is going.
  8. Probably be known as the worst season finale in history.
  9. The problem with Danny was tgey made her an antihero who did bad things to those who were villains, then she became a supervillian. They kept pushing she's not her father, and flipped her to becoming him. Fans are split on it, but between that, Jamie switching to season one again, and John being an extra. It's ruining characters built up for 6 seasons. Add in bran, who spent his time meeting the 3er, skips an entire season, gains the powers, and barely does anything, now he's king? And tyrion who all of a sudden starts trusting cersi again stays trusted to be hand? It just doesn't work for the story they told. I get tgey didn't have anymore books, but tgey had the ending, so they could have built towards it throughout. Tgey didnt.
  10. They are trashing it, especially the actor who plays varys. I still have a feeling some sort of sequel is coming.
  11. He hasn't had any build up towards it and has barely done anything. If they spent more time with him then maybe it would have worked.
  12. Alone maybe not. But combined with Danny killed and bran as king, Martin might get his fear of the pitchforks comming. That too, if he defeated her in battle, and bran wargs into Drogon helping him do it. The results work better. How it's outlined just sucks.
  13. They know the outrage is coming. Honestly you'd think they would use a better ending if one is filmed. Gut still says some sort of sequel is coming, whether it be a movie or spinoff.
  14. They might have picked it up, but I see the outrage coming. D@d did not build this ending at all, it doesn't fit what they created.
  15. True, but John going north and bran being king will piss people off.
  16. Yes, when she listened to her advisors she list, when she didn't she's the mad queen, yet cersi who's the Gillian thought deserved a chance to get away. It's just terrible writing.
  17. For me the whole thing is a failure. But I will give Martin the doubt and let him tell it.
  18. Book 8 will be made into a sequel spinoff where a blackfyre from the female line will take the throne. 😉
  19. At least boardwalk Empire while bad made sense. I remember being disappointed but not wondering why I started the shiw.
  20. Part of me wishes this leaked ending causes HBO to decide to air a different one due to the backlash. My luck the other ending is even worse. 😞
  21. Kinda wish she's resurrected as the nights queen, and the show ends with the undead killing everyone.
  22. The nostgia critics is a YouTube who reviews old movies. He has an episode for the movie the lost world Jurassic park. At the end of it, he hmmm the theme to the movie with the word dumb. I was saying this leaked ending made me think of the video because it's so dumb. Yup, Martin's fear of the pitchforks could happen.
  23. The nostagia critics final words for jptlw come to mind, basicly the word dumb sang to the up theme.
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