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Everything posted by MisterBluxom

  1. Well ...... lemme tell you something @NASHVILLE ...... The fact that you would take the time to say you care about offending me is more pleasing to my warped ego than any considerations of right v wrong. It's just that simple, Nash. I don't think you fully appreciate just how much I value your opinions. Honest. I really do. I spend a great deal of my time on these message boards and at least I have come to accept that. Ever since I retired from software engineering, I just don't have much to do any more in any sense of what most people would call "a real life". So, the fact that you would concern yourself about my feelings - at all - really means a lot more to me than any concerns someone else may have as to whether you may be right or wrong. I know very well that most people would exclaim, "WTF is wrong with that man"? But, lemme tell you one thing. At least they are no longer exclaiming, "WTF is wrong with that woman"?
  2. OMG! You are not a man? I'm not sure why. But I always felt you were a man. Maybe it was due to my prejudice in thinking that most Professors are male. Or maybe it's due to the fact that throughout my formative years (the 1960s), most professors were male. But everyone here should know that I have more than once said that the very best post I ever read on this board were written by ProfCrash. So, there goes my dumbass preconceived bullshit. P.S. Please take note that I have changed my name from "MissBluxom" to "MisterBluxom". I want to thank the mods who helped me accomplish this task. The board software has a way that members can change their names on their own. But when I tried, it wasn't working. I sent a message to a moderator (who I will not name because that mod may prefer to remain anonymous) who helped me do it. I suspect that moderator may have even had it done for me because the board software wasn't working. But no matter how it happened, I am truly grateful for the help I have received from the moderators. They have a difficult job and I think - especialy in my case - they have done an excellent job. Can you believe that I have only ever received one warning? I usually get banned several times in the same amount of time I've been posting here and I have not yet been banned at all. What an amazing board! P.P.S. I have also said that some of the best posts I have ever read on this board were made by Nashville. I edited this post because I didn't want him to think I had forgotten about him. I always look forward to reading his posts. Umm ....... I don't know why. But, all of a sudden, I feel an overwhelming need to know ..... Nashville? You are a man, Nash? Aren't you?
  3. I sure do wish I knew how to embed a video into a post here. There is a scene from a wonderful film about Muhammad Ali called "I am Ali" (2014). He is seen several times in that film talking about racial intolerance. He spoke of several examples in our culture how the word "black" has become associated with bad things and the word "white" with good things. In one example, shortly after the 32:15 minute mark, Ali is shown at some event that may be a press conference. He spoke about how black people are brainwashed in our culture to believe that "white" means good and "black" means bad. He spoke of several things commonly shown on TV and elsewhere - Nursery rhymes like "Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow" - products with the word "white" in their name - White Owl Cigars, some brand of floor wax, tooth paste, hand soap, other soaps. The White House, etc. Most of the people present seemed to be laughing - some of them were laughing almost hysterically. You might like to take a look and see for yourself. He spoke of one TV commercial showing two identical cars - except that one is painted white and the other one is black. This commercial was selling a brand of gasoline. It shows how they put one gallon of gas into each car and had them both travel up a hill to see which would go further. The implication was the car that traveled further would contain the gasoline that gave more mileage. It was a great scene because it showed this man - a heavyweight boxer - who was able to out-think and out-argue most any intellectual of the day. If you've never seen this film, it is truly beautiful for more reasons than I can specify here. If you're not a fan of boxing, don't worry. Most everyone who sees this film can easily see how beautiful it is. As long as you believe in "the potential for the goodness in the human heart", I'm guessing you will enjoy it as much as I did.
  4. I give you much credit for your stance. Seems to me most people chose one side or the other. But you recognize both as being gloating and offensive. IMHO that's much better. Well done.
  5. It was just that simple. Did you grow as tired as I did of having heard Carl repeat that? I'm sure there is some deep psychological reason why Carl seemed to cling to that phrase like a drowning man clings to a life raft.
  6. One of the best posts I ever read on this board. You put yourself into Christian's mind as if ... as if .... Christian? Is that you?
  7. Isn't that peculiar? The only thing that makes sense to me is there are only 3 ladies remaining on the G Tribe. So .... maybe .... she is right to consider herself to be one of the largest physical threats on that tribe? After all, she only has to compare herself to Aggravenia (do you like my new nick for Angelina?) and Kara. By rights, she might even be able to say she is a bigger physical threat than Mike. So ... anyway .... she may be right in saying she is the largest physical threat on the G Tribe considering there are only 4 people left on that tribe. However, more importantly, it seems to me that a "Physical Threat" is not nearly as dangerous as the other kinds of threats. Like a Social Threat. Do you think? As the game progresses and there are fewer and few people remaining, I suppose it may be fair to say that a "Physical Threat" keeps growing in importance because with fewer people remaining someone who is like Alec and easliy able to win the Immunity challenges, has an easier time when there are fewer people remaining. But, as I recall, there have been very few times that someone has gone on a "so-called Immunity Tear" and won Immunity in all of the last few challenges and made it to the FTC just because they won all of the remaining ICs. It has only happened rarely. So I think that a Social Threat and a Speaking Threat are far more important and more likely to help someone win the million. Does that make sense? I'm feeling kind of flustered at the moment. By the way, by "Speaking Threat", I meant someone who is able to speak well (like Nick) and present a strong speech at the FTC explaining why they deserve to win is a much stronger threat than someone like Alec who is very good at physical challenges and who is able win the Immunity Challenge much more easily than the other people.
  8. I honestly do not remember and I hope maybe someone else will. BTW. You consider yourself to be old? I doubt you are very old at all. We should have a contest to determine who is the odlest one of all. Do you have a mirror? You know .... like .... Mirror Mirror on the wall. Who is the oldest one of all?
  9. I would never believe that - not for one second. I would guess it's some editor trying to be "tricky". After all, it is so rare that info shown in a preview actually becomes true. It would absolutely break my heart if Gabby turned out to be the kind of person who would sell out a close friend for money. Even for a million. I could never believe that about Gabby. Never. Ever. Forget about it! I know that my nature is such that I would do most anything for big money - as Woody Allen said - for "big bucks". But I just could never believe such a thing about darling Gabby. Never Never Never! Not ever in a million years would I believe such a thing. Never! How could she ever do such a thing? If she ever did that, my spirit would be crushed. My faith in my fellow humans would be shattered. Please. Don't make me contemplate such a thing. I swear to you that if anyone was to ever make me contemplate such a thing, I would just lose my faith in people. This editor best be named "Dickie" and should then be forever known as "Tricky Dickie"
  10. Thank you. That sounds very reasonable and also very clear.
  11. It is so clear that indulgint in alcohol can be considered to be a "game killer". IOW ... indulging in even a small amount of alcohol on the island can cause you to behave like a drunk because you may do that on an empty stomach or you may do that after 10 or 20 days and who knows how you will react to a few drinks after having no alcohol for 10 or 20 days. You best make sure you know how your body will react. But - in general - the smart thing to do would be to avoid all alcohol completely while on the island. Drinking any amount whatsoever could easily cost you the million dollars. Is it worth it?
  12. Aha! That's very good to know. Thank you very much KimberStormer. I'm sending you a message to say something private.
  13. Especially hilarious when she later referred to herself as a physical threat. But ... when you realize there are only 3 females remaining on the G tribe (Allison, Angelina and Kara), it's difficult to disagree that she is a serous physical threat out of all of them. f But, but, but, .... she could equally say that any of those 3 ladies are the biggest physical threats on their tribe ..... after all .... all three of them are easily the best (but also the worst) when it comes to a physical threat. So .... who's kidding whom? At this stage of the game, it is just silly. I am thinking that there does not really exist any serious physical threat out of all the remaining Gs. But ... it still was way funny. They are a funny bunch. I just wish they were a honey bunch! Heh Heh.
  14. I am very sorry to keep on messing up this board with so many comments. But I truly felt the need to tell you how much I liked what you said and how much I must agree about Davie. I had the same thoughts and I was thinking it would be wonderful for someone to stand beside each of them - even if just to give them morale support. Know what I mean? Finally, I'm sorry to admit this but it seems like everyone knows what "meat shield" means. But I don't know. How does a "meat shield" differ from a "goat"?
  15. They may well be the best cast I've ever seen. However, it's difficult to know where editing begins to get the credit and the "talent" or "skill" of the cast leaves off ( "talent" or "skill" are the wrong words - would someone please tell me what is the correct word?)
  16. May I ask if anyone knows when we may be able to begin to include the info that:
  17. I have posted this personal info a few times before, but the truth (and I swear it is the truth) I am a man and a senior citizen who has never married. I will put the remainder of this post in the forum called, "Small Talk: Back At Camp" because I believe that is the appropriate place and I will post a little more personal info about myself there.
  18. I'm sorry Nash, but I can't go along with Christian hypnotizing Alec because ... OK. I was just joking to be sure. I cannot resist the opportunity to have some fun with you. I'm sure you realize there is no evil intent there. I honestly believe both you and Christian are quite wonderful and one day, it is my dream that one of us will be given the opportunity to meet Christian and tell him just how much he is admired by all the "geeks", "nerds", "dweebs" and "eggheads" in this world.
  19. I put the following into a spoiler because it contains a portion of the lyrics to a song that expresses Tina Turner's love for a river and mountain and I know that when it comes to Gabby, a great many folks do not feel the same way as do I. Even tho I've never met her and I'm old enough to be her grandfather, I think she is quite probably the most beautiful lady in the world and I would give most anything to get my hands on a Time Machine so that I could go back 50 years to have a legitimate shot to meet and marry her. Now, I know that sounds ridiculous. But, we all can have a dream. Can't we? Please say YES. Oh, please? please? please? So ...... goodbye to you Dearest Gabby. Regardless how this may turn out, you will always remain the most beautiful lady in my world - even if my world may not be the same world as yours. Know what I mean? I would guess you may not know what I mean. But, please please don't you worry bout none that.
  20. Was it good news that tonight's episode was a Gabby-fest? I think it was most certainly good news. I have read some other message boards and several times, people expressed the attitude, "when and how did Gabby ever get to be so gorgeous?" I suppose there are times when some women feel the need to make themselves appear less attractive than they are. Otherwise, they will be bothered all day long by men hitting on them. Tonight, Gabby made a few points about Carl that I consider very perceptive as well as important. They were mostly about his conduct and I'd like to say something briefly about that before returning to Carl. So many times on a show like Survivor or Big Brother, one person becomes highly disliked and many people will then express how happy they will be when that person is evicted. There are frequently posts along the lines, "Just wait till this person is voted out. They won't believe it! They will lose their minds! They will become violent! Yakkey Yakkety Yak! But the truth is they hardly ever follow through with any of those things. When it came to Carl, this is almost certainly just my opinion, but I think he was such a poor player, that he never understood what happened to him or why it happened. He had no idea how he was being perceived by the other players or what they might be intending to do about it. It's one thing to not understand something. But, it's so much worse to not even understand there is something that needs to be understood. In the latter case, you are almost certainly one thousand percent SOL!
  21. Oh. I had no idea. Thank you for telling me. Introduction and Personal Info. I am posting this info here because Jumper Sage expressed an interest: I have been using computers ever since they first became available. I bought my first one in about 1985 (It was something called a Columbia and it had 128K memory). I have been using message boards since they ever became available sometime around 1986. That is 32 years now. It only took a few years for me to learn that when I used a female name, people treated me much better than when I used a male name. I have disclosed that several times here on this forum and I have never used any other names on this forum except for a very brief time when there was some problem and I couldn't get in with my old name. In any event, I would be happy to change my name to a masculine name if the admins and the mods of this board are willing, I will ask them and if they be willing, I will have the name changed to something that is clearly masculine. I don't blame anyone for expressing the preference that people who declare they are a particular gender irl should use a name that makes that clear. I have no problem with that at all. I will let you know if and when the admins give me an answer. I have no bad feelings about this at all. I truly do respect and admire all the members and the mods and admins of this board. I was truly shocked after joining this board to discover that so many of the members always seemed to treat the others with respect and courtesy and since first joining, I have tried to do the same. My understanding of the rules here is that you can use curse words and you can call people names. But you can't disrespect the other members. You can disrespect the players. But like most other boards, you must never threaten anyone with bodily harm and you must never make any racist or personal insults to another member. It seems to me that more and more, the rules for message boards are becoming closer and they can be summarized into, "Do not behave like an Asshole". As long as you behave like that, I think you won't have any serious problems.
  22. Is there something wrong with my clock? I just woke up and it says the show was finished an hour ago. But the Episode thread (Ep 10) is still locked. Do those locks get taken off automatically by the board software? Or is it possible one of the mods has either forgotten or has missed unlocking it for some other reason?
  23. Cujo, I was short on time earlier and I could not say all that I wanted to say. I said, "Good post. Well done". But I wanted to say much more. It was an excellent post and you opened my eyes to several things that I had not previously understood. Yes! Production does want the idols to be found and I was mistaken in thinking it was so dangerous for Christian to tell his secrets in his confessionals. After all, we have no way of knowing just how many confessionals TPTB had to review before they chose the ones to broadcast. So Christian may well have given them a huge number of confessionals before they decided to select the one where he explained his strategy for finding idols. All in all, he was never in such great danger as I imagined he was and I want to thank you for setting me straight on that point.
  24. Oh dear. I apologize. I was shooting off my mouth without thinking and what I said was very foolish. By this stage of my life, I really should know better. I said a whole bunch of dumb stuff and I feel quite embarrassed. The truth is that lawyers have helped me a great deal and have always earned more money for me than they have cost me. I am putting the rest of this post in a spoiler box because I fear many people will not want to read the rest of this since it will surely sound like a rant.
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