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Everything posted by Mumbles

  1. I agree - sometimes they can get annoying, like Cameron Diaz, but most of the Americans on the show can't seem to make heads or tails of the show. I wonder how much sway publicists have on UK shows. In the US, they practically dictate what can or cannot be asked - and most hosts comply because if they don't, the publicists deny them access to their other clients. Of the US hosts, the one who can get away with the most is Letterman. I kind of love the corny openings because of their corniness. The Hugh Grant one was great because that scene from Four Weddings is AWFUL- Andie McDowell, whose acting was limited to begin with, is howlingly awful ("Is it raining I didn't even notice"). Hugh was snickering during the sketch so he probably agrees! If I had to get rid of one seg, it would be the red chair, but if a red chair story isn't boring, it's usually really great.
  2. I really like Emma, I think she's a great actress and writer, and would love to be at a dinner party with her - but she often exhausts me because she has that trait that many actors have - she's always *ON*. Which could explain her photobombing tendencies. Meanwhile, Hugh Grant is so understated and droll, which is why they are a great pair of guests together. Ah, Hugh. I actually think Hugh re-invented and saved his career after getting caught with the prostitute. He stopped getting the aw-shucks stammering doe-eyed comedic-romantic roles that he had been typecast in, but started getting cast as, and now thrives in, the more fitting irascible rogue roles. (He would have aged out of the ingenue stuff eventually, but rogues can be old). And I actually think he's getting more handsome as he ages. He's probably a dick in real life, but he makes for a fun guest on this show. Lenny Kravitz tries too hard. The vest, the sunglasses, come on already.
  3. A lot of that article is stuff that I remember reading before (the track meet, the gig in the Bahamas, the Lord telling her to quit), so either it's just a cut-and-paste of the previous articles, or Sherri gets asked the same questions, and gives exactly the same answers, all the time. But one thing puzzled me: This is the first time I've heard a reference to her rising from "poverty." She has certainly never described her background as being poor (certainly not rich, but when I think of "poverty", I think of dire financial straits - and if she had grown up poor, we would have heard about it, repeatedly ) and I believe people on this board who are familiar with Chicago have said that her neighborhood was nice. It is interesting that she is insistent that SHE quit, and wasn't fired. This has been her story since the announcement. I have no idea whether that's true, but I do find it odd that someone who is so fixated on money (for good reasons, her son will require more care than most other kids) would quit. That said, the show is letting her tell that story (unlike what they did with Star Jones), so she must have left on good terms, whether it was her decision or theirs. In contrast, Bitsy REFUSES to talk about the terms of her leaving and gets quite short when the subject comes up - either she doesn't want to pretend that it was her decision, or they won't let her do so.
  4. I know they're goody-goodies and don't partake of the wicked weed, but man, does this chick always sound soooo stooonnned.
  5. Actually...Russell was one of the few male guests that gave Sherri a taste of her own medicine. Either because he had seen the show, or because she had pulled crap like that when he was on the show before, Russell once made a point of being overly flirtatious with Sherri. She did not like it AT ALL. She tried to start some crap about it a few weeks later when Jennifer Garner appeared on the show (she had just co-starred in "Arthur" with Russell.) Jennifer stood up for Russell, saying he was a lovely, kind individual, and that shut Sherri up quick. I lurve Russell. If you like him, be sure to check out his books. Funny, literate, and thoughtful. People who misjudge him based on his sometimes-kooky appearance do so at their peril. (Check out Mika Brzezinski doing so on Morning Joe last year. Should be on Youtube.)
  6. Agreed. I don't have a dog in the fight and for all I know, Hader was fine with all of this, but it bugged ME for some reason when she introduced Hozier the second time, or introduced Jan's tribute (IMO a current female cast member should have represented the current cast). Gawd, it's not as if she's there every week, but she's been there quite more than other alums (or maybe it just seems that way) and when she shows up, she just hogs all the attention (like she did when she was there.) Hader is one of my all-time faves because he is the opposite of Wiig - really funny when he was the lead in a sketch, but when he was not, he made the leads funnier by stepping aside and being a great support character.) I loved last night's ep. As soon as Herb Welch told the kid, "you don't look like a Fitzgerald," I was sold.
  7. Too bad Josh had to call him a "hick" in his confessional. Jackass.
  8. Lost my vote when he referred to Wes as a "hick" after a perfectly pleasant stint with him on Exile Island. Jerk.
  9. Well, this is so lopsided that either the Fox bookers were asleep at the wheel (or secretly hate Bitsy). They set up Bitsy to interview Dr. Anthony Fauci, a world reknowned immunologist, about Ebola. It went as well for Bitsy as to be expected. http://fortressamerica.gawker.com/uppity-doctor-is-having-none-of-hasselbecks-ebola-borde-1642976766/+laceydonohue At the end of the show they had a former soldier who threw out a pitch at the Nationals game. The thing is, he threw the pitch as if he was throwing a grenade (on his stomach, hiding behind the pitcher's mound.) In the interview we learned that this guy has done a stint or two at Walter Reed. I found the guy to be lovely and a gentle soul, but the display at the game was rather bizarre, and I question why the team went through with it. On one hand, it's nice to give this guy the opportunity to do something he wanted to do. On the other, frankly it seemed like the guy might not have been all there. But needless to say, these idiots ate it up because, of course, all things military are awesome, especially when you and your family aren't directly affected.
  10. Comment of the week.. Next week, we'll learn what happens when Boston Strong twists its ankle. Mark Wahlberg and David Ortiz will be very proud, I'm sure. Seriously, I am so sick of that crap. It's cynical and there's something very gross about invoking a tragedy in which four people were killed and many others lost limbs, etc. - while you are participating in a reality game show and seeing sights all over the world on someone's dime. I'm going to be the turd in the punchbowl and say that I thought the Chaplin walk was kind of corny. Because I have a cold, mean heart.
  11. For people not familiar with Broadway, it's not such an outrageous question. The show is going on a national tour so maybe people have seen local ads and think that's the show Sherri is in.
  12. I am not a typical Fox News person, but I do have some respect for Chris Wallace among the Sunday shows (damning him with faint praise). The single funniest 5 minutes on Fox News every week is when he appears by satellite on Fox and Friends on Friday to plug his show. He can barely contain his contempt for them. Today he practically told them to shut up (they were making hay out of a joke Obama told about how ACA has been a success, despite what Fox News says. Pretty mild but they were carrying on like it was some sort of massive insult. He told them to pipe down and take their lumps with honor.) Edit: Mediaite has a link- http://www.mediaite.com/tv/chris-wallace-tells-fox-friends-to-stop-being-crybabies-over-obamas-fox-criticism/
  13. This just in. Generalissimo Franco is still dead, and Elisabeth is still an idiot. This is her on Ebola. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/elisabeth-hasselbeck-demands-to-know-why-medical-expert-isnt-panicking-over-ebola/#ooid=5lZDZ0cDrXSiWYX3H7gwi7SG6lP2R43K This is a woman who once (or maybe a few times) told us that what was keeping her marriage together was "fear of divorce" and who loves to perpetuate the idea that terrorists are lurking around every corner, so do you THINK she's in a panic about Ebola? Oh you bet. But what's amazing about this video as that these three dummies don't seem to comprehend what the doctor is patiently trying to explain to them. I don't even mean this as a joke, but I think these morons are beginning to lay down the foundation for a ridiculous "Obama is to blame for Ebola" storyline.
  14. One of the articles on the incident, from the NY Daily News, has a quote from an ABC flack basically acknowledging the disagreement but trying to dial down the heat. That basically confirms that *something* happened. Usually corporate flacks just lie about stuff, but ABC can't, because there were people there.
  15. Whoa. If this is true - and if it was in front of the audience, I doubt they'd make it out of whole cloth - this is nuts: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2771369/I-m-sick-s-Tempers-explode-The-View-Whoopi-Rosie-O-Donnell-come-blows-commercial-break-studio-audience.html The article seems to have a general anti-Rosie slant so I take it with a grain of salt, but if they're describing the incident accurately, she was in the wrong. Commercial breaks etc are carefully timed and Whoopi had no say in the matter. I'm a little bummed thinking of smirky self-righteous Bitsy sitting there reading this.
  16. Indeed, and it's worth checking out! She is infuriatingly stupid, as are her colleagues.http://thecolbertreport.cc.com/videos/tw7sr5/obama-s-coffee-cup-salute
  17. Probably not, and that's most likely the reason why she "joked" about it, rather than some extrapolation that because the victims have been white, Sherri doesn't care about them. I think that's a stretch.
  18. Re Sherri's Access Hollywood appearance - it is poor form for her to comment on a show that she was formerly on (possibly fired from) so recently. And her ISIS joke was in bad taste. She's wrong - the folks who are getting kidnapped over there aren't getting taken because they're wealthy (but in general, perhaps we shouldn't make jokes about people who are getting beheaded.) Her calves DO look amazing though.
  19. I agree that Sherri's hiring by the Cinderella producers was to tap into her fan base. But the show has been running on fumes for a while now. I think the last woman to play Cinderella before Keke Palmer was the one-hit wonder who sang "Call Me Maybe." We're not talking about A listers here (although from the chatter, Keke Palmer is doing a very good job). Point being, the show was on its last legs before Sherri was picked, and its demise can't be attributed to her. I am curious why her bestie Bitsy hasn't made an appearance with Grace (complete with big stupid bow on her head). Grace is the show's target demo. So much for all that crap about how much they love each other.
  20. I'm with a lot of you, in that I basically liked these slobs this year. Mostly pleasant goofballs. A lot of people complain about the lack of "drama." Last year had plenty of that, and most of it was hateful, racist "drama." I do wish there had been strategy and big plays, but it is what it is. (That's why Caleb refusing to do BoB with Frankie stood out for me in the clips, as the closest to "drama" that we got this summer). Loved Izzy, funny when her picture turned dark and they all carried on about it. The biggest laugh of the night was the clip of Frankie making his Arianda disclosure, Derek (or Cody?) getting her name wrong, and Caleb asking, "Are you even gay?" LOLOL. Shine on, you crazy (and stalker-y) diamond.
  21. Jenny comes off as a bitter idiot, basically calling the new cast quota hires. She doesn't even call Nicolle by her name (and Nicolle - of whom I am no fan, from her cackling on Morning Joe - is NO HASSELBECK.) Speaking of THAT dummy, she apparently went to lunch with Donald Trump and her two doofus co-stars, and posted the photo on Twitter. Probably a poke at Rosie. As if Rosie cares.
  22. Interestingly, it was Rosie who had made the comment that Bitsy got snippy about (that players who have been trained since boys to attack, fight, etc. on the field may have a hard time turning off those instincts off the field). Rosie can still push her buttons, huh? And yeah, why get upset about it? Rosie was just offering it as a theory, and given how anger, aggression etc have biochemical aspects, maybe there's something to it. She wasn't saying EVERY player had that proclivity. The only proclivity Tim would have after his underwhelming career would be to sit on a bench.
  23. Nope - and now she's fighting with the Huffington Post about comparing the NFL to Benghazi! https://twitter.com/ehasselbeck/status/511978314463182848 Listen, she may think it's appropriate to compare the NFL to Benghazi. Whatever. But an HONOR? Wtf? She just throws words like "patriot" and "freedom" and "honor" around indiscriminately.
  24. You know who else didn't know a lot, but spoke from the heart? Hitler! Okay, not really, but I can't believe we're valuing uninformed, ignorant, mean spirited invective over rational thought because the former is "heart felt."
  25. Well,this is iinteresting. Bitsy was interviewed in Parade magazine, but claims she was misquoted: https://mobile.twitter.com/ehasselbeck/status/511957685219381248 The article she links to is very good. The reporter just reprints her word salad with no attempt to clean it up. She of course gives a lot of lip service to the military, but then betrays a complete lack of empathy with them by comparing her new early hours to just being like in the military. Yep, car service from Greenwich into your highpaying job is just like being in the military. I'm beginning to think the only military people she's spoken with are her friends in the running club charity she's on. She also claims not to have known (at the time of the interview) who were the new View hosts. Fiddle dee dee. And she refuses to talk about her shitcanning.
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