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Everything posted by A.J.

  1. I thought of that as well. I hope Ana is still around.
  2. This was my favorite part of the episode. I watched that twice. Brady's sincere apology made me tear up. I wish they would have finished up by hugging it out. Putting the romantic times aside, they have been friends for a long time.
  3. Maybe he takes after his uncle Victor who does the same thing at home sitting in a chair all day.
  4. Good one. I too don't get Vivian from her. I just think of her as a whole new fun character to watch.
  5. So do I. She gets a lot of heat on this board but I find Abby to be a calming spirit. She can deliver her points w/o being harsh and on the attack like her pal. Everyone on the panel seems to like her. I'm glad she's back.
  6. True & true. Billy Bush got a raw deal. He's not innocent but the crime did not fit the punishment, especially for something that happened years before Trump was running. NBC knew about it way back then and did nothing until it became a story.
  7. I too am not quite feeling Robin as Vivian yet. All I see is Dorian Lord in a very bad wig. However, I loved her lines today to Eric. I also enjoyed Eric getting annoyed with her and telling her to shut up. Good stuff.
  8. LOL! @ princess of grief. 😄 I wish Meghan would kick rocks. And I'm sure I'm in the minority but I look forward to seeing Abby again.
  9. If they took Kristen away from the crowd then everyone would not have gotten the chance to confront her. We would not have seen everyone's shock, reactions and comments. This way is always more entertaining. And I was more surprised that Kayla wasn't there since she was the matron of honor at the last wedding.
  10. Many people may not like Elisabeth but show me (outside of political views) where she is this horrible person. Whoopi and Sherri are still friends with her. She was a bridesmaid in Sherri's wedding. Sherri mentioned recently on What What Happens Live that they recently talked. Elisabeth is also still cool with the make up artist Karen Dupiche. Elisabeth and Rosie were really cool until their on air incident. She hung out a lot with Star too back in the day. And Joy doesn't seem to hate Elisabeth. Now Meghan is another story. The only person that seems to get along with her now is Whoopi and Abby and that's because they mostly don't go up against Ms. McCain. Meghan has been seriously rude and disrespectful to Joy on air multiple times. She's often rude to guests, she is rude to co-hosts and she berates the audience. She seems to always come to work with a stick up her behind ready to get into a fight. She is the absolute worst co-host to ever sit at The View table. Elisabeth is far, far better at this job than Meghan.
  11. I almost hollered when Brady stuck out his teeth and said "Mean, Mean, Mean" in the voice of Susan. That was so unexpected and funny as hell. 😄
  12. Both Brady & Eric are quite handsome. Most of Will's wardrobe is flannel. It's like he got a good deal at Costco.
  13. Sara will be missed. I was surprised they didn't include goodbye messages from other past co-hosts. I wouldn't expect Holly and Leah but Julie and Aisha would have been nice to see.
  14. Jedediah is a Libertarian. But you are correct that both she and Elisabeth made sure to get their point across. And they both did it with more class and respect than Ms. McCain.
  15. Anyone hear the "we love you Meghan" from an audience member at the top of the show? This is like the 2nd time I've heard someone scream this out. When and why did this start? When did she get so popular? Not too long ago she was berating the audience for clapping at things she believed to be terrible. Now she has fans. Is she paying these people?
  16. I actually laughed out loud at both of these scenes. Xander was giving Kristen the business and it was glorious. And Kristen answering the door in the mask and Gabi's reaction was priceless. That was the best. 🤣
  17. Anyone know when the ladies take off for Summer break? I need a break from the blond beast. And I hope against all that she is not there when the new season begins. For the life of me I can't get how they keep someone who is excessively rude to all the hosts (at one time or another) except Whoopi, berates the audience and continues to be beyond unprofessional.
  18. I enjoyed Julie today. I wish she had had a bigger container of water to rinse off those two. I fast forward all of their sex scenes as I hate seeing those two horndogs in heat.
  19. I'm kind of over Kristen in her true form but not so much Nicole as Kristen. I enjoyed her wrath today. I didn't expect her to lash out and attack Stefan like that. She was really into it to. I was shocked, tickled and thoroughly entertained. I also love the animosity between her and Gabi. As for Eve, I'm one of the few that like her. We've seen her vulnerable side which includes helping Claire, bonding with Theresa when Eve first arrived on the show, being in love with Brady, caring for Will, etc., etc. She is such a good actress too. However, I do hate how she is treating Eli.
  20. "Kind of", she was full on obvious for many days, though nowhere near as bad as Ms. McCain. Speaking of "her", I stopped watching after the 1st segment. I'm tired of watching her crap. I can't anymore. Please leave already and never, ever come back. She has ruined the show for me. If Barbara was still there Ms. McCain would have been gone a long time ago.
  21. And engaged to his brother. Does no one see a problem with this yet again?
  22. I either forgot this or this happened during a time I was not watching. They are definitely cool now. Which makes me wonder why she forgave Kate but Nicole remains public enemy #1. After E.J. died the two ladies shared a very moving moment. However the next time they were together, Sami was back to hating Nicole.
  23. Paula and Sara are definitely still good friends. Sunny seems to get along with everyone. And it's good that Jedediah is still cool with the ladies. I really miss the "genuine" camaraderie between all the ladies. That's a part of why I started watching The View. It was informative and fun. Even if some of them didn't like each other that much they were professional and respectful. Unfortunately Meghan McCain has ushered in a new day. She almost always sucks the life and fun from the show almost every time she opens her mouth. It's extremely difficult to watch when she goes into super b!tch mode.
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