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Everything posted by hookedontv

  1. Hahaha Haley thinks that all their issues will go away when he gets out. Just like when people think issues will go away once they get married. Argh!
  2. I’m making Mac and cheese tomorrow, and some shortbread. My pets have food, I have food, my car had its wipers turned up.
  3. Indie’s kid in the back is like WTF? I hate that these kids are dragged into this shit.
  4. I’m sitting here waiting for the giant snow storm that’s supposed to be hitting us! Happy weekend-bring snowed in will give me time to work on my new vision boards.
  5. I hope Larry doesn’t blame the ducks. Dolly doesn’t.
  6. What the bell is Larry talking about? His online friend had a death in the family, so a trucker friend came in and finished the drive? He said there was a snowstorm and snow was “hitting the car and everything.”
  7. I don’t know if I can take another 26 minutes of this whining dude
  8. A family member died last year, drank himself to death. He couldn’t stop/gave up. Didn’t or couldn’t care anymore. It was heartbreaking to watch.
  9. What’s going on with Larry’s weird hair sitch on the back of his head?
  10. Why is he eating asparagus with his hands? I can’t take it.
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