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  1. Not sure this is allowed but in a different forum someone pointed out that the I in the stacked word challenge was upside down and that this had been grounds for losing in a previous season. Im still not feeling it, as in if there is strategy Im not tracking it because there are to many idols and no votes. I get why they are doing it. I remember a stretch of seasons where things got sort of by rote. Alliance, keep the strong vote out the weak, merge and reverse while trying to maintain your tribe alliance numbers. The one idol throwing the occasional wrench. Maybe that got a little boring but there was more social drama in tetms of people switching, swing votes. And a good blindside felt more like a good blindside. IDK, but I feel the pendulum has swung too far or tgey need to do a better job with these advantage rules besides no votes. Also thinking Jonathan will go home based on physical threat history when he doesnt have immunity and I also thought of the shift to big feet tiny board type challenges. I actually thought he should have pulldd back in some of those challenges and let the chips fall. I think Mike has a very slight speech impediment. One that may cause people to think he sounds dumb but I dont think he is. Doesnt mean he is survivor smart but he is plenty otherwise smart. I think I read somewhere that Tori? Hasnt really practiced (as a therapist) much yet. Internet says she is working on her PhD has launched online courses and online counseling specializing in eating disorders and body positivity. Hm. She is a pageant girl and into crossfit. The exact opposite of who I would want counseling from if I had an eating disorder or body image issue. She has been on some kind of reality show and tried out for American Idol. School and being a therapist sound like a plan B hobby.
  2. I am sad to see Jenny go as I think she was strategy smart and explained things well in secret scenes as well as explaining to allies. I need that:) And I like watching when there are a few smart people playing. Was she the last one? Its sadder because Im not sure who else I like, is Rocksroy the fireman? I like him so far and of course Jonathan. But generally finding the cast boring. Aww someone mentioned Chris Nolan. That was an interesting transition for me. He seemed to be fairly obviously the self centered or narcissist or clueless, arrogant full of himself sports guy, however you want to amateur shrink it and I didn't like him. Then it got sort of interesting. Because he was also trying to be nice, like it was a decision, and was also really focused on his mother and her MS. He actually said somewhere that he hadn't been an understanding teen, young man to his mother and was making up for it, or something to that affect. Then veering back and forth from the standard arrogant guy to the helpful and understanding tribemate. It was like watching a leopard trying to change their spots. Some self awareness but he still was fundamentally what he was, it was interesting to watch. Then I found the video of him pitching either a college or AAA game - he was no slouch, looked very good. And somewhere I really started to like him. Back to this season, I'm not loving it. One I think social media has destroyed my attention span. You guys paid far more attention to tribal than I did because it was just sort of confusing and thus boring to me. The players aren't particularly interesting (yet?) and low hope they will be. Ya gotta have a Cirie or Sandra, Coach whoever out there to keep things perked up. Two, I don't mind idols and twists per se, but these all seem sort of convoluted and hard to think through. Guess I'm too lazy. A regular idol, hidden on the leg of the challenge for some tension is good by me.
  3. Was Jackson on the orange tribe?
  4. Cant think of anyone on the orange tribe I want to see gone
  5. They have a horse!
  6. This is the 2nd of 3 found right?
  7. So no tribe swap? Merge at how many people left?
  8. So that's....4 left on the tribe that was at TC tonight. How many are on the others? 5 or 6? So that's 15 people left? Merge usually happens with 11 +/- so 4 more people have to go before the merge, 4 more weeks/episodes. Usually no episode before Thanksgiving so merge before or after Thanksgiving?
  9. I was so confused. Jessica said that she had the power to block someone elses vote. So.........did Devon block his own vote without letting his tribe know? If you can block anyone's vote you can block your own right? So, if he didn't want to vote he could just say, the advantage says I can't vote. But would Probst bust his strategy? Because honestly I don't think swing voters usually fair very well. Edited: I had to google! Jessica was able to use the advantage to block someone at a different tribal and she was the one that picked Devon and she blocked him Ah. So... if they both make the merge I assume that wont be a friendly arrangement.
  10. I think the speculation from Reddit is that Varner goes over something that happens with Zeke There is also some rumors that this elimination is for bringing up some personal issues about Zeke which puts Varner on the hot seat. This is not 100% confirmed but probsts ew tease this week said this weeks episode will show why survivor is still culturally relevant. This is the speculated final 6 again from reddit. Sad to see Varner gone and Ozzy not even final 6 The final six in the finale will be: Cirie Aubry Tai Troyzan Brad Sarah I'd like to know when the merge is and who makes the jury. Final ep May 24(?)
  11. In the book she says that when Jane reveals he is the rapist his response is so very so what psychopath no emotion so when Celeste confirms his arm whips out and cracks her, the book says almost casuallysolutely knew exactly what he was doing (or would if he were a real person:) I think he abo I'm reading into it my own interpretation but he does have his "reputation" to lose and visiting rights with the kids. So that's why I think he takes his shot and that would have been it. I think at that point he knew it was over and wouldn't apologize or he never would have hit her publically in the first place. People can rationalize the one hit.
  12. The thing I really missed, along with the everyone starving and drunk and the fight, was Renata's "planting seeds" that started the fight. I guess they transmuted her nanny sleeping with everyoe into Maddy's affair but Maddy's affir was so useless. Renata getting her revenge on the inevitable gossip by the seed planting was so unexpected and funny.
  13. I disagree. While I thought the idea of Perry, who is very very into control, hitting Celeste once in the book was sort of unrealistic, the idea of him totally off his nut and beating the shit out of her for whole minutes on the show was really off. At least with one pop he can then, you know, hit, her, call her a name, tell her he's going to fight her for the kids, and walk off. You can almost see him doing that once he realizes that with Celestes knowledge of Jane's rape he can't manipulate her into staying so he gets in that one last shot. But he is just too controlled to just start wailing her in front of everyone.
  14. I wasn't that surprised by Adam's being interested in raising a baby as they set them up with helping with Laird and his sisters baby. It was one of the one times when his OCDness on a person actually seemed to fit a life role although as the kid got older it would turn into helicopter parent of the worst level. I'm not sure what happened with Adam and Hanna as I was watching way to late but yea, they seemed to be building on an unrealistic rose colored glasses we can turn back the clock emotional high all day then all of the sudden the overfilled happy balloon sprung a leak and totally deflated? What happened to Shosh's stattaco speech and over speeded manner? Its like she was a different person. I have never understood the Jessa hate and in some ways like her most of all. I too wondered if she was pregnant and if that is one of the reasons she went so far off the rails. I wondered if that was why she was down with Laird and the baby and why she was so upset when Laird got mad because she was too loud. Like she was testing the waters of motherhood and someone told her she sucked. I actually thought when she was marching down the street she was heading to an abortion center. She has always felt guilty about Hanna/Adam and both didn't want to get in the way of that if thats what needed to happen and also needed to know if he came back that it was finally decided. So that day was really hard for her, waiting to see what would happen. She really needs someone, Adam apparently, to love and lover her back. I don't think its easy being Jessa. She has the self awareness to realize how hard she can be but none of us have the ability to change who we are that fundamentally and I think the show has shown her struggle with that for those who look. That bar scene just seemed so full of self destruction, insecurity/fear and darkness and was very real to me. People with her childhood can have no emotional foundation. I think its the best scene in all of Girls and the Jessa actor nailed it.
  15. make room for me. There were good parts and I liked the series and def the overall story, no problem with Perry as the dead guy. But as I said above I think this was the weakest episode with so much filler, walking down the sidewalk of torches..whats his faces wife driving by...
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