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Everything posted by Sycophant4Lease

  1. Alyssa really has a lot of "demands" in the looks department for a mate. It's as if she expected a Kennedy or someone with the name "Wellington .......III" to be awaiting her at the alter. Of course, this is despite the fact that she's got a double chin. A very oily complexion. Thin legs with knees that are almost knobby. But she does indeed bring the snobby attitude. Maybe this wasn't the reality show for her.
  2. Alyssa was expecting the perfect match. I do believe the "experts" got it completely wrong. Chris is NOT the one for her. I found that person. Alyssa, meet your "perfect match".............................. ...........................ACE. I truly think the two of you are soulmates. Enjoy yours lives together.
  3. That's exactly how I took his comments. Basically, self-deprecating.
  4. Just a little advice for anyone planning to apply/participate in this "experiment" in the future: If you find your match attractive/pretty/handsome, (maybe) tell them once. Not continuously and during every one of your talking head segments. Also, DO NOT ask everyone in your match's circle, "What did he/she think of me?". "Am I their type?" If you start off doing these things, you've already placed yourself at a disadvantage. Show some self worth and confidence. This could apply to the non MAFS world as well.
  5. Question for anyone familiar with the original story: Will Thony remain a "cleaning lady" throughout the entire series? Or will she begin to evolve (devolve) into a more ruthless criminal? Justifying it as a means to keep her son alive. Also, is she going to tell Arman each episode, "I didn't sign up for this"?
  6. Yeah but, I didn't mind the "slow down" that much. Her legs...............my GOODNESS.
  7. Did you all know about this? This might be the wrong place to post it, but I'm not on here enough to know all the "rules".
  8. I wonder what Gil is doing for money these days. He's let his beard grow, and firefighters are required to be clean shaven.
  9. Anyone else notice the grin on Bao's face as she exited thru the doors? My wife and I re-watched it at least 3 times. High-fives after each watch.
  10. I made this exact same point to my wife. She probably has learned to use that speech cadence while teaching. And it's become such a normal thing for her that it's carried over into the rest of her life.
  11. I think I've heard Myrla mention something in one of her TH's about starting a family with Gil. I could be wrong. I assumed that included children.
  12. Those of us who are still living here COMPLETELY agree. We get 2-3 weeks of Fall. Two to 3 weeks of Spring. Two months of Winter. Then Summer (heat) kicks in in mid April. And remains until late October. Not even kids want to participate in outside activities during the Houston summers.
  13. Johnny and Jose seem to have great chemistry. As a matter of fact, whenever they're together and Johnny has one of his emotional moments, it's Jose who's chasing him outside and comforting him.
  14. Agreed. Empire became too outrageous early in season 2. I really enjoyed season 1 of Empire. But I checked out after the third or fourth episode of season 2. I'm hoping this is not a pattern for Lee Daniels' shows. Lure you in with decent to good writing. Then have you asking what the hell's going on on now. On another note: I'm noticing the music is too loud at some times, you can't really hear much of the dialogue. That tends to happen a lot with these types of shows.
  15. It just dawned on me. I believe Myrla was confused and signed up for the wrong Lifetime show. Her intentions were to be matched with someone (an old man with a head full toupe'd hair) from Marrying Millions. You've all been enlightened. You're all welcome.
  16. Without getting into the details of outlining the things you posted. I'd like respectfully disagree with EVERYTHING you've type here. From a man's perspective, the expectation of sex for goods is NOT what I'm seeing from Gil or noticing in the threads. Maybe a couple of hours of non-complaints and an unforced smile with some kind words would be nice. What I AM seeing is a woman who just seems very dour and negative about everything she's encountered thus far in her 15 minutes of her arranged marriage. If she wants to crap all over everything (which she has) then at least wait until the honeymoon's over (which it is). My GOD! This is just day 2 of the marriage.
  17. Nail on the head. Several of his mannerisms appeared to "come out". Also, the 27 year old (can't remember his name) might be in denial. And he could be trying to spare his parents from some type of humiliation. As you pointed out, "Can't get sued for an opinion".
  18. Once again, my wife and I agreed with you. We questioned her "friend's" motives. I'm not trying shame anyone's weight. But maybe her "friend" was a bit jealous. Rachel was heavier and reshaped her body and is regaining her self-esteem. Sometimes people are NOT happy when you're happy. And try to mind f**k you into remaining as miserable as they are. Everything she said was negative and hurtful. And Rachel's mom never jumped in to show any support.
  19. Is it this actress? https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1024264/?ref_=tt_cl_t_5
  20. I'm with you on this. My wife and I spotted one for sure. And I was curious about another. I'm pretty sure who your two are.
  21. My GOODNESS! I expressed each of these thoughts to my wife as we were watching on Sunday. I have said in the past that the writing has now turned this show into utter CRAP. Basically, it has become EMPIRE 2.0. I checked out on that "cluster" early in the second season. You try and give your people and their shows a chance. They start off good and interesting. Then, I don't know what happens. I'm teetering on punching the "check out" button on this as well.
  22. Anyone else get the feeling that "Billy Bad Ass, St. Christopher" was very relieved that it was Paige and a producer following him outside, and NOT Pastor (former hood thug) "Sharpie hair alignment" Antoine? For all of his boasting about "meet me in the parking lot". He sure as hell went straight to his car. He probably already had his finger on the "Start" button. Looking to see who's coming. He would've truly had some "hands laid on him". That Pastor was seconds away from "keeping it real". Notice how calmly he said, "You gonna stop cussing me." Wide hips/Big chest wanted no part of that wolf ticket he was selling.
  23. Here's a thought. Has ANYONE even considered the possibility that HALEY just might be one who's "bad in bed"? Maybe she's just into "basic caucasian sex". Maybe she just lays there and Jake was having issues trying "bang" that stick out of her ass. I'm not saying that's the case. But there are two sides to the story.
  24. I wouldn't necessarily say Paige is "as disliked as Chris is". Not even "Zatch" rose to that level. To me, Paige is annoyingly and frustratingly predictable. I can just about forecast every single one of her responses/reactions to anything Chris says or does. It has to go beyond her man/woman/marriage biblical beliefs. Something (we're not privy to) must have happened in her past that has turned her into such a gullible doormat. Her self-esteem is at ocean depths.
  25. As soon as he stormed off, I said to my wife and daughter, "Queue Paige to stand and follow".
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