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  1. Obnoxious and bizarre. If you removed the cologne bottles from the commercials, they would be meaningless. And trying to capitalize on the media focus on trans folks by casting Elliot Page in the one shown here.
  2. DayQuil commercial with sick folks, with red runny snotty noses in close up camera shots. Ugh, just terrible disgusting marketing. That is horrifying.
  3. Can you imagine the comments if Noel suddenly started wearing plain sweaters/jumpers?
  4. I had to stop following the show on Facebook because of spoilers.
  5. Agreed. I think his lack of modulation is part of the issue for me, maybe that is partly nerves. I can't believe this season is almost over, it's flown by. I've been watching the Australian version, which is very similar in format. I've only found this season and last season of that show online. They bake in a "shed" instead of a tent. The female judge doesn't seem to have a huge vocabulary with her comments, so much of what she says is the same thing over and over.
  6. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Sumayah's didn't bother me at all, she sounded a lot like one of my nieces, and her "vocal fry" is tiny compared to Christian's. I wasn't surprised Gill went home, she is a great baker but didn't show the finesse of the other bakers. I'd like Dylan to win it all.
  7. Those people with complex medical needs, multiple doctors, multiple medications, will really appreciate a good broker who helps them pick a plan. We've a family member with 6 doctors, on more than 10 meds. The broker was able to sort thru the fog and found the right plan for her. It can be very intimidating, especially when one insurance company drops an entire group of doctors & hospitals, months before Open Enrollment.
  8. Chicken thighs don't dry out like the white meat, and are better if cooked to a higher temp. I've cooked them to 165, and they just aren't good yet, the texture is too similar to raw. I like 180 for on bone thighs with skin.
  9. I looked up the info on blueberries in the UK, and they come on later in the summer and stay into the fall, some varieties into November. I'm in Ohio, and they usually come on in early June. Im sure going to miss Nelly. Her energy was so positive and lovely.
  10. A couple of reasons most likely. Most legit medical sources have come out and said there is no benefit for seasonal allergy sufferers of using local honey. That combined with the fact that this is "medical" info, which they aren't going to delve into, is the reason.
  11. I adored Noel and Sandy together. Matt was never a good fit, he and Noel ended up acting like two 12 year old boys. Noel and Allison make a nice pair too. Looking forward to the next episode.
  12. We turned on closed captioning for every episode this season. I can usually get what is being said, but the various accents and quick speech makes it tough for my husband.
  13. The editing makes it seem like this. The timing and the various shots aren't necessarily in any type of order.
  14. Please explain how this ad does that, because I don't get it. I don't care for the ad, but don't see any victims or victim blaming here.
  15. They didn't give him "more" time, they gave him the 15 minutes lost while cleaning up the shattered canister.
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