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  1. It does look like Christina is set to win. They keep showing her all the time and Nyesha always has her hands in Christina's food helping fix everything. She was crimping her pasta for her this time. That does not seem fair. The other chefs only make suggestions, not actually handle the food.
  2. We deleted the series. Could not handle the stupidness anymore.
  3. That was just awful. They finally had a good relationship going on this show and then had to kill it in favor of stupid self-centered Stella ordering everyone in the firehouse around for her own wants. Not happy in this household or others that we talked to. Stella could easily have been erased from the show with no tears. And the firemen lugging the washer and dryer around??? Do firemen not know enough not to hook up an electrical appliance right next to a water source? Where was Severeid when you needed him? Oh yeah, he was off investigating a murder. What a stupid show.
  4. Just watched the first show. When the contestants arrived they were told what their competition was and the amount of time for the challenge. They all then ran to see their foodtrucks for the first time. Where did they get the food to do the competition? They seemed to decide quite quickly what to prepare and miraculously the food was already in the foodtruck. Instead of going shopping for the next challenge, they just should have used the well-stocked pantry in their foodtruck. No wonder there are no comments on this show. It is pretty sad. It seems that the simpler the concept, the better the teams do. The Waffle guys could spew out tons of waffles in the time that others produced something most people would want to eat. This season with the mac and cheese that they can't even make well is another case of simple getting lots of sales. Would anyone go back for more? Not likely. This show is rewarding the trucks that are selling poor quality food for very high prices. It would even the playing field a bit if the contestants were given a little time to acquaint themselves with their truck before they had to do a competition.. Also it is a real disadvantage when contestants have a truck that is constantly breaking down. How is that fair?
  5. This show was ridiculous. I feel like I am just wasting my time watching this stuff. As soon as it was mentioned that there was a girlfriend, I said to my husband "just watch, she will look exactly like Lucy". This show looked like they all sat around beforehand and improvised a bunch of stuff that didn't go together at all. It seemed more like a school production than something supposedly done by professionals that are supposed to have some skill. Showing some actor twisting his face around while sleeping and while serious stuff is happening outside is just juvenile. And don't get me started on Bailey, the superhero, the one that is everywhere all the time saving people left and right. How could LA manage without her for a few minutes? If this was supposedly a cliffhanger, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
  6. Just watched the tell "not much". Those sisters of Evelin are pretty classy dressers. I was wondering how long it would take for a boob to fall out. It must be quite lucrative to embarrass yourself and your family on tv.
  7. I really dislike where this show is going. As my daughter says, it looks like they hired the writers from Chicago Med and Fire. The stories are getting so juvenile, although I did like them addressing caregiver burnout. Everyone going all gaga over Conrad was silly. What are these, love-starved teenagers? I think the jump ahead was crazy. They addressed Covid when they began filming again and that was fine and then it was forgotten. Now they are what five years later and here we are left behind in pandemic mode still. It makes no sense. We all used to really like The Resident because of the characters and the acting, but they are losing us. Conrad's slitty eyes and smarmy smile are not attractive. I guess they will lose Devon next. I would have loved to see Nina back, but that doesn't seem in the works. I'll give it a couple more shows, but I am about done.
  8. It's sure a good thing that Crockett and Natalie are such good doctors. I was impressed with the way the convict was walking around on his bum leg after almost losing it. It sure healed up fast. I was also so touched by the wailing and thrashing about that Natalie did when she saw Crockett come out of the house unharmed. Sarcasm. You would think that they had had some sort of interaction besides conflict in the last few months. You could see that she was emotionally distraught about how he was. What a crock... There is no pattern to any of the storylines - it is like they decide in the morning that these two will get together and it makes no sense and there is no introduction to a relationship - it just magically happens. Except for April that is still making goo goo eyes at Crockett after one measly kiss. Geez, she must be a mess after a New Year's party.
  9. This show is so stupid. The actor playing April's brother must cringe when he goes to work. April is such a know-it-all. How did he become a doctor if he doesn't know anything? As far as the inmate goes, I'm surprised we didn't have the usual intervention by Natalie or Will or April and someone took it upon themselves to save the inmate from the terrible justice system. The people in this hospital are so whacko anything is possible. Natalie right away told the mother of the kid with the fake father that she was going to involve children's services. It is so hard to watch this show. At this house, we are pretty much at our limit. So tired of Crockett and Ethan and bat crazy April. Put some normal people on staff for crying out loud!!! I thought Crockett was ok but they drove him off the cliff with the stupid April storyline. People in charge of a hospital should not be portrayed as juvenile, pining for each other while at work. It is not interesting or appropriate behavior while at work. We have Will taking off from ER to go look for another doctor that didn't show up for work. Never in the world should that hospital be operating - totally unprofessional.... A
  10. You are so lucky. I had to watch the show because my garden is covered in snow....
  11. April should be fired. She says she cannot do her job because of her feelings for Crockett. I guess it would also hamper her giving medical diagnosises instead of the other doctors too. The show last night was laughable. My husband was even snickering at what was going on. Nataloon(love that name) was trying to be her usual bossy self and Crockett overroad her on most things. She does not like to have someone defy her so obviously she must be in love....Crockett run for your life!!! Maggie was ridiculous. She should also be fired. What hasn't she tried to do to save her friends in the last few shows? She is jeopardizing other patients in her noble cause and doesn't even see the reasoning in not doing what she is doing. Her boyfriend could have infected a lot of people because she wanted to take him home. These people on this show are shown to be juvenile and unprofessional. I can't even go there with Will. He acted like he was unhinged. Thank you Dr. Charles for having some common sense. If they got rid of April, Will, Natalie and possibly Maggie, I think I could live with this show. I used to like Choi and hope that he could become normal without his albatross of April. This show is really in trouble. It gets worse each episode. I don't know if I can take it anymore.
  12. Ok. Those girls in the firehouse are getting more immature every week. What was that pattycake game that Stella and the paramedic (sorry, can't remember her name) were playing? What 30-40-ish women would be doing that at work? They are really giving females a bad name by writing this garbage. It just makes them look foolish.
  13. I watched 90 Day Fiance and I would guess that the only reason Evelyn was on there was to promote her music. Strangely, I can only recall them showing her singing once and it was awful. The producers must have felt that to show her "talent" would ruin that portion of her story, so here she is again pimping her singing. It is still awful. If anyone has heard throat singing, that is what it sounds like to me. It is not a natural sound but she has listened to Katy who first told her that song choice would be key. She has managed to find a couple of songs that she can chortle along with but I believe there can't be that many more choices out there for her. Just because your voice sounds different doesn't mean anyone is going to want to listen to it. It is a travesty that so many talented people went home already and here she is moaning and wailing for us.
  14. The writing on this show is so awful. The guy who is so enamored with Natalie has a child that is what about 3 months old? So it is 3 months or so since his wife died and he is asking how long a person should wear their wedding ring? I don't know why they waited this long because they were making google eyes at each other when his wife was still alive. This is just so distasteful and unprofessional. I guess they ran out of people at the hospital to switch partners with. Do they have a limited budget and have to keep the same rotation of players in the picture all the time even if it makes no sense. I am so sick of Ethan and April. I used to like him but that has changed. All you ever see is the intense acting where they show all these characters looking longingly at each other over the patients' heads. I sure wouldn't want to be caught dead in that hospital. On the other hand, that is probably how I would end up. The Bekker character is also so annoying. The stories are out of grade school. How can a show like this keep getting renewed when there are others that don't seem to stand a chance even though they are really interesting and well-written and acted.
  15. My take on the catfish story. Interesting to find that she contacted the wife many years ago with a creepy uber interest in her. She sounded like she had a crush on the wife. The wife blocked her from facebook and then she decided to take on the husband's identity and insinuate herself into their life in an odd way. It seemed to me like she was trying to get back at the wife for snubbing her and wanted to hurt her in any way she could. Therefore she was contacting other family members and trying to find out as much as she could about the family. She has crazy written all over her. I think the people were being super kind to her after what she did to them. She probably only came on the show so she could spend more time with them. She is obsessed with them. Hope some actual help comes her way.
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