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I didn't care for that book either, especially as someone who struggles with anxiety. The whole premise made me so uncomfortable! For some reason, I decided to listen to The Bride Test by the same author and it was even worse. One thing that really bugged me... Aside from that, I keep seeing people raving about The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren and I thought it was dreadful. I couldn't stand Olive. That book was such a chore to get through.
This made me laugh out loud. What a group to pick from! That would've been way more entertaining than what actually happened, to be honest. I just watched this episode a few hours ago and my first thought when it ended was along the lines of WTF was that? The next was that I feel like this episode gave me a good idea of what being on drugs must be like. I'm seriously starting to question what goes on in the writing room. I usually go over and watch with my mom, but something she had plans when I watched. Now she wants me to watch it again with her. It'll be interesting to see if it makes more sense watching it a second time. On the other hand, I feel like I'd rather set my own hair on fire than watch this episode again. This was such a convoluted episode in an already convoluted season. The show has gotten so hard to follow and if it was interesting, it might be fun to figure out. Instead I'm left making statements like I'd rather set myself on fire. I know it's been mentioned by a few people how the reveals tend to ruin things. I completely agree. The biggest examples of this are Ivy and Gothel. Again, as has been said by others, Ivy was so much more interesting before she was revealed to be evil. Now I'm finding myself tuning out during her scenes and she was one of the few characters that could actually keep my attention. Plus I think Adelaide is easily among the best of the new cast, though that's not saying much. That said, I didn't care for her performance this episode. Then there's Mophead. I liked her better before we knew who she was. I found her intriguing. And then we find out who she is and that of course came with the terrible rape by deception plot. Ever since that episode, I find her completely unbearable. In fairness, I've seen enough things from the actress to make me find her obnoxious so that may be coloring my opinion of Mophead. I can't stand her and her coat hangers of doom. I just can't take her seriously. The performance feels more like something you'd see from a high schooler. Apologies to all of the talented high schoolers out there. I know we're supposed to hate her, but I hate her in the way that makes me want to change the channel every time she's on. I just want her to go away. When WHook grabbed her, I kept hoping he'd just stab her in the throat and that'd be it. Man, this show is making me violent. I knew there was 0 chance of that happening and if he had, it of course wouldn't have actually killed her. But it would have been so satisfying. Instead we get her disgusting "always a pleasure" and a look that I guess was meant to be flirtatious/seductive. Instead it reminded me of that look that babies get when they pass gas. Apologies to all babies everywhere for comparing them to her. Seriously though, that's what it made me think about and then I was feeling bad for Colin. Honestly. this whole reboot has me feeling bad for Colin. He's one of the few actors who seems like they're actually trying and he's so much better than most of the others, but there's only so much he can do with what he's been given. I'm getting increasingly annoyed with them constantly putting him in the same outfit. Give the man some new clothes already. And like @Shanna Marie pointed out, it doesn't work with the character. It looks more out of place the more we see it. The conversation between Alice and WHook around the tree was annoying. I'm happy that they know how the other feels, but it'd be nice to let the audience in on that. I'm sure it's coming. They're just going to play it out in the most tedious way possible. Unfortunately, after this episode, I don't know that I care anymore. It's somehow been dragged out and rushed at the same time and this was the one storyline I was sort of emotionally invested in. Alice and Robyn have way more chemistry than Henriella, but who doesn't? Unfortunately, they're trying to play it off as an epic romance but it's hard to buy it when this is the first time we're seeing them. And not saying their names to make the kiss all the more shocking was stupid. Especially considering that we already knew it was coming. I find myself impatiently tapping my fingers while waiting for them to just get on with it already.
Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!
VoicePlaya replied to regularlyleaded's topic in Once Upon A Time
That and not every character needs to be in a romantic relationship. It's okay for a character to be single. Even when they're as good looking as Rogers. Having him remain single is the right decision. It would be a mistake to give him a LI. And besides, having his true love be his daughter gives Colin something different to do. As far as Rebecca, good grief. So is Robyn cute or not because that really wasn't clear. Honestly this doesn't give me much hope for the Robyn character. A re-imagined Robin Hood could be a good thing if it meant she was closer to the original Robin Hood story, but it probably means she's like her dad. Who basically had no personality. So yay? -
Annie was there. She showed up while Beth was on the phone and went over to hug Randall.
I guess when you've already destroyed countless families, what's one more? I like when Regina stans go on and on about how much she's suffered and how sad it is when people reject her all the while ignoring all the lives she's destroyed one way or another. Honestly with all she's done to others she's lucky to still be alive. It's gross that the show wanted us to feel bad for Regina in this situation. She's not the victim here. To think there was a time where I was sure she'd pay at some point.
Bet that'd be more entertaining than whatever they end up giving us.
Ooh boy. Just when you think it can't possibly get any worse, it does. I'm starting to think that pretty much everyone on the show needs to step away from social media for a couple of days at least. Instagramming in her case. There was a person she told to stop watching the show and later blocked. There was a weird apology. Then someone shared a picture from a post in her instagram story where she tries to say that Whook gave Gothel consent, but he didn't know it wasn't really Rapunzel and that she tricked him. Um, okay. This was followed by her saying the writers write the story, not the actors and people need to separate the characters from the actors who play them. And that Gothel might be evil, but she's totally a nice person. I guess she's hurt that people are upset since they weren't trying to upset anyone.
Yeah. It's things like this that make me think the writers should stay far, far away from twitter. They only make it worse. The actress playing Gothel needs to stop. She's not doing herself any favors. I always have to laugh when people tell fans to stop watching if they don't like a storyline. Especially in a situation like this where so many people have already stopped watching. If I could say one thing to her it's be careful what you ask for. Enough people stop watching and she'll find herself out of a job.
Yep. Robin's feelings generally weren't given much consideration. Because heaven forbid anything be allowed to be about anyone other than Regina. I actually saw a tweet yesterday from someone listing Robin's rape under the category of horrible things that happened to Regina. I can't. After Graham and the crypt sex, I can't say I want to see Regina in a relationship with anyone. I know it's coming, but the idea kind of makes my skin crawl. Especially since this new rape has brought all my feelings about the others right to the surface. That said, I'm thinking that her LI (if she must have one) should and likely will be a completely new character. Whook's about the last person she should be with. The man's suffered enough already.
It's kind of scary when you really start talking about all the rapists on the show and more names keep coming up. I'd forgotten about what Arthur did to Guinevere and try not to think about Walsh at all. It makes me wonder who else I've forgotten about. That's not even getting into all the people who slept together under the first curse when no one knew who they were. People who wouldn't have slept together otherwise. Mary Margaret and Whale, David and Katherine, etc.
That's an excellent question. I think it's funny that they keep harping on how Gothel is a villain as if this episode didn't make that painfully obvious. But it's not enough. Until they actually admit that it was rape and make Gothel suffer some kind of consequences for that. Stop dancing around the issue and admit it. I'd love to see her ultimately go the way of Pan and Hades - she should end up in the Underworld by the time she's done. Not that I'll be holding my breath. We all know that they'll never do any of that. Their track record in this area speaks for itself. At least in Whook's case the deception didn't go on for weeks or however long it went on with Robin. Whook got to be angry about it whereas I don't really remember Robin ever being allowed to get angry. Not that that makes it any less disgusting or maddening. Whook is still a rape victim and they'll never admit it. Just like Graham and Robin. Because apparently rape doesn't count if the victim is male. Not according to A&E anyway. Nor does it count if the victim is an underage female as we learned with Emma and Neal. It's not rape if the act is committed by a character that the writers love, right A&E? That's certainly the way it seems. It also goes to show that A&E are shockingly tone deaf to what their audience wants. At least about the big things. It's weird because as has been pointed out, they threw in a few things they knew fans would love. Colin singing being the prime example. They can get it right every now and then, even if it's usually something relatively small in the grand scheme of things. And yet they can't, or outright refuse to, understand that using rape as a plot point is not something people want to see. That rape by deception is not seduction. That the refusal to call it rape does not mean that it stops being rape. That the complete lack of consequences for rape on this show is appalling. The rapist will just a pass because they're villains and that's just what villains do. Except for all the villains they've had who somehow managed not to rape anyone, but whatever. The victims will never get to defeat their rapists because who cares about the victims? Sure, none of them did anything to deserve being raped because absolutely nothing justifies rape, but what does that matter? It's just a plot point, after all, and if A&E have taught us anything it's that rape is okay as long as it advances the plot. Anyone ever watch Whose Line is It Anyway? The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter? This is kind of like that, except everything's plot driven and rape doesn't matter! I can't imagine why so many people are so upset about this. I mean, it's not like we live in a time where more and more sexual assault victims are coming forward every single day. It's not like people are especially, and rightfully, sensitive in regards to rape these days and maybe showrunners should show a little more sensitivity than usual. Or you know, any sensitivity whatsoever. It's not like this show has a history of handling this kind of thing horribly. Oh wait.
Same here. This episode was pretty meh. Whook/Rogers and Alice/Tilly remain the only plot I care about. Though the fact that they just randomly found each other was silly. The reunion itself was sweet. Well, until she almost killed him or whatever that spell did. But her just walking up to him? This show has reached new levels of lame. We finally got a Henry/Murderella kiss that just solidified their lack of chemistry to me. I still like him better with Ivy, even though her not bothering to look in the coffin before transporting it was stupid. Add Nick to the people I think Henry has more chemistry with than Murderella. That list just keeps getting longer. I still like him with Ivy the best, but I'd happily take him with Tiana or Nick. Who am I kidding? I'd take him with just about anyone over Murderella.
They actually went there. It doesn't surprise me that they would do another rape by deception, but man I was hoping they would resist. But of course they couldn't. It's disgusting. And Ivy's comment about him being her one night stand. Ivy, the term you were looking for was rape victim. Gothel does make for a believable villain, which is something. Seeing her with Rogers made my skin crawl. Colin was fantastic tonight. I loved getting to hear him sing again and seeing his interactions with Alice. The scene with him holding her as a baby was too sweet. I'd given up on ever learning anything about his mother and was pleasantly surprised when we did. I enjoyed seeing Smee more than I thought I would. I've always been kind of indifferent towards him, but it was nice seeing him.
Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!
VoicePlaya replied to regularlyleaded's topic in Once Upon A Time
I thought she looked young too and that did make the clip a little creepy... I feel like the more I hear them try to explain the Wish Realm, the more I hate it.