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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Some of those photos are creepy -- Kelly's melted clown face, Gil's disembodied head, to name two.
  2. Yep. And is continuing to have children despite having complicated pregnancies, not very much money, and little space. And she still wears those stupid Gothard-approved banana curls. All signs point to Princess Erin being a true believer, whether she admits it or not.
  3. How old was Erin when she made the snotty comment about people with green hair? Late teens, maybe 20? That's old enough to have outgrown repeating what Mommy and Daddy say, and old enough to not be a snot. Erin is a bitch.
  4. I'm surprised Kelton the Klassy didn't grab Josie's ass for this photo, too.
  5. I always thought Erin was a bitch and that Alyssa wasn't far behind her. I very much doubt the Bateses have changed; they have the same awful beliefs dressed in a prettier package. Kelly Bates is just as repugnant as Michelle Duggar.
  6. That's been happening throughout history, and each generation complains about the one after it.
  7. When I lived in South Carolina, I knew of someone who had had two sets of twins and was then pregnant with quadruplets. All natural, according to rumor. I believe one of the quads died in utero, but that's still seven kids from three pregnancies (and past time to quit). Back on topic: David looks vacant in his wedding photo, too -- just not as dumb as he does now.
  8. If a woman has thirteen pregnancies no matter how they occurred, I'd think she'd have a good chance at twins. ETA: Plus Jill has actually had 18 pregnancies with five SEVERE miscarriages.
  9. No clue, but I'll bet that Israel will far exceed Jill's cousin count (if he hasn't already) by, oh, 2022. At the latest.
  10. The expense is justified because Jim Bob has a sweet tooth. Remember in the first special, when the Duggars went to Aldi and Jim Bob made a point of buying cookies? Someone, maybe Mullet, made a comment then that Jim Bob always makes sure to get his sweets (ew double entendre).
  11. Especially when they were living full-time in that damned RV! "When the RV's a-rocking, don't come knocking"? How could the kids NOT know what was going on? Did they just stand around outside until they heard Jill squeal, "Oh, David!"? One good thing about this conversation. It's turned into a dandy diet aid.
  12. That does not mean that taking Clomid only results in multiple births -- my aunt used it and had one kid.
  13. That is pretty funny, as well as accurate. Unless Jill has a ton of cousins from Mullet's side.
  14. Reading the Fundie Wiki page about the Noyes family made me wonder if Jill does something to enhance her fertility. A low dose of Clomid, maybe? Frequent ovulation testing? Her mother had four; sisters have five, six (pre-SEVERE paralysis), and eight. Jill and her 13 plus MULTIPLE, SEVERE miscarriages is the outlier. I also noticed that Jill's parents and sisters look typical. Her sisters Angie and (poor paralyzed) Amy look like they could be David's sisters, with their dark hair and dark complexions, more than Jill's. Jill is the only one in her family of origin who looks like a stripper.
  15. I did some Googling and even ventured onto the Rodriguii blog, searching for info about Amy. One thing that struck me is that the other Noyes sisters' husbands are fairly good-looking in a dorky kind of way. David stands out like a cockroach on a wedding cake.
  16. If this is accurate, Amy has six children...and some of Jill's are less than a year apart (Nurie and Tim, Kaylee and Renee). https://fundamentalists.fandom.com/wiki/Noyes_Family Might help if I'd included the damn link! Sorry, snarkers.
  17. It's probably the one the Duggars had in their first special. Just reading this made me nauseous (but I also kind of want to try it to satisfy my inner five-year-old). https://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2010/08/world-famous-duggar-ice-cream-cake.html
  18. Amy is Jill's sister and has a twin. She became quadriplegic in a car crash in which her husband was driving. IIRC, he fell asleep at the wheel. I remember that her survival was in doubt but not much about her recovery. Amy has a big family, I think seven kids, and Jill milks her sister's paralysis for everything it's worth. It's grotesque even by Jill Rodrigues standards. Jill must picture only a motorized wheelchair with dollar signs all over it when she thinks of Amy.
  19. Point taken. I just don't see the gauntness of the older Rodrigues kids in Sofia (yet). She's small, yes, but so was I. I see dark circles, but David has them too so I think it's genetic.
  20. I don't know -- the other kids might be happy to be away from their idiot parents even briefly. I wonder if someone gave SOFIA a gift card, and that's why Ottis and Jill took her. Otherwise, you know, birthday smirthday.
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