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Everything posted by Razzberry

  1. I've lost any respect I may have had for the whole "Law and Order" franchise. Abramson's attempt to rehabilitate her reputation is laughably biased and insults the intelligence of the audience. During the real trial I understood it was the only card she had to play, but the victims still being assassinated despite everything we know as fact is disturbing. I've seen parricide cases that were justified, imo, and many others driven by just plain greed, by a life devoid of any real consequences. Again, I've never heard of a parent sexually abusing their kids and later paying for therapy sessions. It's ludicrous, and all too quickly waived away here by a juror saying "Jose owned that doctor", another baseless assertion. As a CA taxpayer I say they've had more than a fair trial and are where they belong. For once wealth wasn't able to buy its way out of paying the consequences with an attorney who's paid to produce a miracle. That must really be what's sticking in her craw.
  2. Child abuse of any kind is a very emotional and triggering topic to far too many people. Sexual abuse from a parent is particularly egregious and almost guarantees the victim will be brutally damaged for a long time. This much we know. However, it's also important to remember that in this case it has NOT been substantiated to any degree. A couple cousins suddenly remember comments, but families tend to circle the wagons. Some photos were thrown out because there's no evidence of who took them or why, but based on the amateurish look of surrounding photos on the roll (like a picture of the door jamb?), it's equally likely the boys themselves took them while fooling around with the camera. On the other hand, there's many compelling rea$on$ to question the motiveS behind the claims in this case. What I can't understand is why would parents pay for therapy sessions for their son if this kind of abuse was going on? Wouldn't that be extremely risky for them?
  3. This is even more biased than the Scott Peterson series. I wonder if Abramson is a producer.
  4. Yeah, no, I would not want someone like that operating on me. He can barely eat breakfast without becoming upset, or make it home on the bus without becoming distracted. Too far on the spectrum, for dramatic purposes. Not sure I can suspend disbelief enough or if the show as a whole is worth the effort.
  5. I remember the trial like it was yesterday. It was actually more interesting and horrific than the show. I don't know, it just didn't hold my interest, but I like Edie Falco.
  6. It's an endless parade of defense attorneys, family members and hangers-on who are desperately trying to put one over on the public. Lovely, there was another pregnant woman killed and thrown in the bay like piece of garbage, but contrary to what the defenders of these dirtbags say, there is no cause for alarm about strange men looking to target pregnant women. The odds that Peterson will ever be executed are slim, but he's where he belongs.
  7. So let me get this straight. The hispanic woman who was also pregnant saw a couple of guys sitting outside her business. She said they looked scary, but had no contact with them. From this she infers they were probably looking for a pregnant woman to kidnap and hurries inside. They couldn't grab her, so they got Lacey instead. What??? Pregnant women are indeed twice as likely to be murdered, by their boyfriend or husband.
  8. Robin could've blasted him off her face like a pitbull and no one could blame her. Instead she just kind of shrugs it off. I wish *I* could. lol
  9. I watched the face-biting scene again just for laughs, but it's just dumb, and out of left field. You can't just go around biting people, a human bite is nasty and potentially lethal. Then instead of getting her mother help Mary starts making excuses for him and hitting herself on the head to the point people were comforting HER. Why wasn't he arrested - afraid of Mary's reaction? I wanted to throw something at the TV.
  10. Tonight's segment was more balanced. The cop also explained how the other pregnant woman with a dog sighting was mistaken identity.
  11. I actually missed Bill Pullman and his dominatrix.... feel like I need a shower after this.
  12. I know this wasn't a police procedural, but it wasn't supposed to be a comedy either. I was rolling when Alexander jumped on Robin and attempted to bite her face off.
  13. LOL I hadn't even thought of that, but you're right, it's just more creepiness piled on. And as if that wasn't enough, the Head Creep from season 1 is wheeled out for a death match with Robin. That was entertaining, I'll give them that. I'm looking forward to the finale for some perverse reason.
  14. I hate every character in the show, yet I can't stop watching. It's surreal - please tell me that NZ police and men in general are not this icky. Mary's "father" isn't completely detestable, but he's kind of a wimp too. Mary's a typical spoiled rotten brat who's now a stupid Manson girl - lovely parenting all around!
  15. I guess they needed a fresh angle, but this is ridiculous. If a member of my family did something like that I'd be like "WTF is wrong with you?" There's a fresh angle - interview the families about what went wrong and when.
  16. I thought it was a terrific episode. The scene at Ted's was exremely well done and the neighbor Jerry jumping on him was awesome. Bettany's really looking dirty and crazy. I wish I knew what really happened behind the scenes because Fitz's account has him solving the case single-handedly. Everyone else is portrayed as stupid, jealous, and an actual hindrance to his genius. He finds the 'smoking gun' needed with a phrase that's commonly said either way. I don't see how that's a unique or identifying feature. Rejecting the connection on the basis of a different typewriter, really? His wife gives him the boot and he rebuffs the advances of his co-worker. Call me cynical.
  17. I thought it was a great episode. It was easy to empathize with him up to a point. I think everyone has lost a best friend to someone else, but most get over it. Ted, not so much. I also found his ideas juvenile and derivative, but the way that professor befriended him only to tear him down was cruel.
  18. Cora's family seems more fundamentalist offshoot than Catholic.
  19. I'm more intrigued by Bill Pullman's character, though I don't think there's any connection. They must have very few homicides to let him spend this much time on a slam-dunk.
  20. I missed last week because Dish, I assume, took the show off DiscoveryID, and is running it on Discovery instead.
  21. It seems to have a more stylized look this season, from the camera work to the color palette, but I'm not sure it's an improvement. Still has the same forced drama, which now includes Haley's mysterious teen angst and Bos's mysteriously thicker accent. I know I'm supposed to care about the relationship between Joe and Cameron - so much so that a phone conversation with them, weighted with dramatic pauses, should have me on the edge of my seat as Joe recalls the ice cream truck melody and Cameron talks about her beauty pageant childhood - but I just don't.
  22. I groaned when I realized the only reason for Lady Amherst's presence was to perpetuate the "smallpox blankets" hoax. Her husband wrote something once in a letter, but that was never acted upon or taken seriously. Turns out that whole story was the work of one person, a college professor named Ward Churchill, who's been found guilty on several counts of "research misconduct" and fired. :Read more about that here Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. As endings go I thought it was good. It made an effort to wrap up the invented personal stories
  23. There's supposedly a rule that you need conflict to tell a good story. I don't happen to agree, but that's why we always get the asshole bosses, nagging wives, and defective detectives. We're getting the Trifecta. I just don't believe that no one cared to read the manifesto, they would have salivated over it, or anything from him. Fitz wrote the book so it's his word, but I'm not buying that part. Overall I'm loving it though, and Paul Bettany is mesmerizing, so I'm all in.
  24. I was going to request a forum for this show when I saw your post. Love that Discovery ID is doing scripted dramas, and it starts with a bang from the Unabomber, a barely recognizable Paul Bettany. Tuesday nights on Discovery/ID
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