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Everything posted by Razzberry

  1. I remember watching a doc about Victoria where some descendant, I'm thinking Prince Michael of York ? Kent? (sorry if I got that wrong) confirmed that she was absolutely smitten with Melbourne. Since childbirth has always been dangerous (remember aunt Charlotte!) you'd think a Queen who wasn't especially maternal anyway would limit the number of births after an heir & spare.
  2. Oh my gosh, what was she doing with him? He’s so gross. And she’s not. I know, right? There must be something seriously wrong. She needs to explain this in an episode of "Evil Lives Here". Even the show says There were signs:
  3. I quit watching it on a regular basis sometime after they went to Paris. Don't give a crap about any of 'em any more, to be honest. God the tatts, the clothes and hairdos have gotten way too stylish, it takes me out of it. They seem more like cartoon characters, or some boyhood fantasy of Hirst's.
  4. I missed all 3 episodes of The Killing Fields this new season, but have dvr set to record them tomorrow morning. I can't even remember if Roady in Louisiana ever resolved those cold cases. He was obsessed with Eugenie Boisfontaine, but it kind of petered out for me. Glad to hear of new locale and cases.
  5. Families are so clueless or biased that it's generally a waste of time to even interview them. I usually go make a sandwich or something, but I kept hoping they'd actually investigate a bit more. They seemed to buy the wife's purely emotional argument 100%. On a purely shallow note, Johnny Dodd's voice could talk me into believing anything he said. ;)
  6. I was hoping that People Investigates would investigate the claim about lab technicians supplying their own semen as control samples more thoroughly. That seemed like a real stretch to me. Why would anyone want to, knowing they're dealing with crime evidence, and what did female technicians do? Nevertheless it would probably be enough to raise reasonable doubt and unlikely a DA would proceed with prosecution. Why kill yourself just for being questioned? I disagree with the wife's lawsuit. I think he knew the jig was up.
  7. I saw this over the weekend - or perhaps another show covering it.
  8. Yep, the taxpayers will be supporting that slob for the rest of his sorry life. Apparently he was planning on killing his girlfriend of ten years next, according to Kala. His girlfriend said “I knew there was something that didn’t sit right with me about him, but I couldn’t really put my finger on it.” She's attractive but she must be dumb as a fence post.
  9. I don't know if they're still posted but Todd Kolhepp reviewed several interesting items on Amazon under his own name, mostly tactical gear, weapons, a big hunting knife... and a set of spatulas. His reviews had that same cocky, narcissistic tone.
  10. LOL. I'm watching him right now. Very interesting background. Nice looking guy, but he should at least wear the bangs.
  11. Witness: "That guy was an asshole!" Kenda: "Well my my my. I'm looking for one of those."
  12. I wonder if they're running out of themes for the shows. What about ... Murderous Mailmen If He Can't Have You, No One Can Pregnicide Not-So-Gentle Giants Btw, Paris is looking for "pen-pals" on the Write-A-Prisoner site. His profile: Paris enjoys reading, long walks around the yard, and stabbing people.
  13. They kind of glanced over it - they really need to make a whole series around this family - but I think Charity consulted some of the best shrinks around and they flat out told her to move and change her name if her ever gets out. He tried to, or did stab Charity once already ( I forgot) and slaughtered his baby sister, faking CPR. He's a chip off the old block. I don't think there's anything a mental institution can do for him other than make his life better and easier to escape.
  14. Well, that was one effed up family. I believe Park Dietz gave good advice to Charity, but she obviously doesn't believe they have a psychopathic gene or she'd stop having kids. Granny's a charmer. The look in her eyes when she talked about manipulation spoke volumes to me. She really enjoys it. Was beaming about manipulating the jury that acquitted her. That must be like winning the Psychopath Olympics. Paris's letters to the baby need to stop.
  15. Sounds like little Paris may have Burke Ramsey'd his sister, or maybe I've just been watching too many of these. I flipped over to NatGeo for a change of pace and watched a doc about male chimps. How at 15 years on they spend most of their time bullying and abusing the females. Disheartening.
  16. The guy in Dryden who got out of prison still seems a little angry about the whole deal, which struck me as weird. The woman he married is pretty, possibly a hybristophiliac. I see jealousy ahead, uh oh. And now the other guy who doesn't like getting dumped and breaks in with a weapon! WTF is with these guys? I looked up the town to find the population - 14,000 in 2010 - and found this: TV Series giving Dryden a "bad name"? "Believe it or not, some residents of Dryden, NY, take issue with Investigation Discovery calling their community Village of the Damned. In fact, more than 3,400 people have signed a petition asking the cable channel to stop the limited series of that name, which the petition authors view as “voyeurism of human suffering and tragedy.” Not big fans of the First Amendment apparently.
  17. I watched Final Vision and thought it was well done. Nothing new, but enjoyed seeing it covered it from Joe McGuiness's perspective, and the guy playing him was likable. Was surprised that an ID movie had a couple of actual songs from the era.
  18. The paranormal shows are curing my insomnia, but I agree they need to go. Ghosts can't compete with humans for scary. I did like this last Deadly Dentist. He's the one who inspired the Lorne Malvo character on Fargo.
  19. Was that the "Cold Blooded" shown on Sundance? I thought that was excellent, with a lot of new footage and information. Very well done.
  20. Who cast Jack Black as Rodney Alcala? Just kidding, but this chubby guy, really? Looks nothing like him and his wigs scream low budget. Unbelievable how stupid the psychologists, parole board and judges can be.
  21. I have insomnia so I end up watching a lot of these shows. It's one of the few channels that don't go to infomercials. My favorite ongoing shows are A Crime to Remember, People Investigates, Homicide Hunter, Deadly Women, Evil Twins. Who the (Bleep) Did I Marry? was pretty good, but it's done I think. Looking forward to Deadly Dentists, Dating Game Killer, Village of the Damned. Hated that William Phelps show with the profiler and fake serial killer phone calls. The questions they asked were so stupid and obvious. Typical scenario: Phelps: "Raven, why would this guy pose the bodies in that way?" Raven: "He wanted to shock whoever found it. That's it." *click* (maybe even "Raven" thought they were idiots) Then he and the FBI profiler would act like this was insightful and helpful information.
  22. This was a strange one. All I know is the parents are lying, but why? Leaving an active toddler in the care of grandpa with his oxygen tank was stupid. Accidents can happen, but you don't dispose of the body.
  23. From Variety: The 7 Biggest Mistakes in ‘Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders’ "Dick Wolf has broken my heart with his first venture into true crime, “Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders,” which ended on Tuesday night. The “L&O” franchise has always been my favorite procedural series, but this miniseries takes the “true” out of true crime. Yes, we are warned that characters and events may have been changed, but the creators should not have been allowed to alter the facts of the crime." article continues here: Menendez Murders - Biggest Lies
  24. This guy was so brazen, no one was safe. Unlike many crimes where cops have a good idea about the perpetrator but not enough evidence to charge them, I don't think they ever had a viable suspect. I did learn one thing, his blood type being A+, but it truly is a mystery.
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