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Everything posted by catray

  1. These last two episodes were pretty great! City of Lights was decent, though it was painfully obvious Mabel was going to die, which was too bad. But, conversely, I did enjoy that not every story keeps a happy ending-- though there was hope that things could be put to right in the future. I really enjoyed the finale, though! I liked how the cases they solved throughout the season were essential in bringing back the library and foiling DuLac's plan. And good call on Jenkins as Galahad-- I remember someone calling it correctly! I'm definitely intrigued by the potential for having the three "next generation" Librarians going off on their own adventures while Flynn and Eve are the main focus. I think it could work, depending on how they do it. Though I would definitely miss Jake. I think the finale leaves a lot of potential for the next season; they can tweak the format a bit if they want. I loved that-- when Eve said it, all I could think was "finally! Someone telling it like it is!" About damn time! My husband and I really enjoyed this show so I'm hoping it comes back.
  2. Woo, the Musketeers are back! But like many of you, I am sad that the Cardinal has been killed off because Peter Capaldi is off doing Doctor Who. I guess there was no way for him to film both at once, but I wish he could have been off on a journey or something and made a few cameo appearances. I'm glad Constance will actually be doing something this season instead of hanging out at home and improbably showing up to help the Musketeers whenever they conveniently need it. And I wanted to applaud her speech to D'Artagnan because he was completely deaf and blind to the consequences of Constance leaving her husband-- especially given his job. I am probably most intrigued by more backstory/intrigue for Porthos of all the potential storylines the premiere sets up.
  3. God, this episode was so freaking depressing! I was holding out hope that the Admiral's daughter would still be alive, and then that was crushed. Ouch. I know these episodes can't always end happily but man, this one crushed me. Liked having Borin make an appearance-- I like her on the Mothership too and thought she worked well here. I hope she comes to New Orleans again!
  4. With the appearance of Morgan le Fay, I think we are definitely headed for an Arthurian showdown in the finale. Yay!! I am definitely looking forward to it. I wish they hadn't aired the episodes out of order because this definitely felt a bit off, but my husband and I had a laugh over Jones telling the truth: "this is the point where the guy in the movie says get out of the house!" Hahaha. But this episode was super creepy.
  5. I definitely think the Gibbs/Fornell backstory retcon was an inspired change by TPTB-- even if it is a bit ridiculous that they have the same ex-wife, it definitely allows for some great moments between those two characters.
  6. I'm happy that Tony and Zoe are together and enjoying what appears to be a healthy, adult relationship. I like them together. Nice to see Fornell again-- and he got some good scenes with Gibbs. Totally called the girl trying to assassinate the iman; but then the title of the episode gives it away. I kind of felt this episode was a let down after last week, but that's probably not surprising. I did like Gibbs, Fornell, and Vance having some morose bonding over their shared circumstances.
  7. Ok, I totally caught that the diner scene was the same as Jenny's death in "Judgement Day". I'm glad I wasn't crazy-- and I agree, shouldn't Tony, at the very least, have at least mentioned how familiar that crime scene felt. But... HOLY SHIT!! Did Sergei really kill Diane like Kate was killed?! HOLY SHIT. My jaw dropped and I thought maybe it was a dream sequence, especially since Gibbs seemed to recognize what was happening. Diane was not my favorite, but damn... that was cold-blooded. And poor Emily-- she doesn't deserve that. I hope we get an awesome scene between Gibbs and Fornell because I feel totally jipped right now. Not sure how I feel about Jeri Ryan/Rebecca as Ex-Wfe #2. I liked the scene in Gibbs' house with the two of them, but then she flipped the switch and became a bitch on heels when she was brought in over the suspicious money transfer which I preferred less. Poor Jimmy, I totally don't blame him for him declining to autopsy Diane. That scene really brought home the pain and grief they (the support staff) feel even though they aren't field agents. I hope this doesn't mean he's quitting. I would miss our little Autopsy Gremlin. On a humorous note, I do enjoy the running gag of Tim being caught in awkward situations with Gibbs and his ex-wives. In the season premiere, we learned that Sergei has some sort of connection to Ari and blames Gibbs for his death (mistakenly, as it's actually Ziva who killed Ari) and is out to get revenge.
  8. After the Santa episode, this has probably been my favorite episode of the season so far. I feel like the cast is beginning to gel and settle down a bit. I didn't think Ezekiel was too annoying this outing. My one (and recurring pet peeve) is when Cassandra goes on one of her mindgrape rants and just spits out seemingly random words-- it drives me nuts. I get that it's supposed to be a stream on consciousness thing but it gets annoying. I did enjoy her being evil though, and using math to be active, rather than reactive. I am definitely interested in the shared history and background between Jenkins and Dulaque-- given that the first episode revolved around the crown of King Arthur and Excalibur (not to mention the name Dulaque/DuLac/Du Lac), my mind is definitely on the Arthurian bent. My first thought was that Jenkins is either Arthur or Merlin, so I guess we'll see. This show is full of cheese, but I love the Warehouse 13/Indiana Jones vibe and it's fun. I do agree they could pull back a little-- Noah Wyle, in particular (and I love him) seems to be a bit manic when onscreen.
  9. It might have been interesting to see if maybe they would have diverged Gracepoint even farther from Broadchurch if it had been given a second season; however, I think the fact that Gracepoint got basically no promotion certainly didn't help and so I'm not really surprised it got cancelled.
  10. Nooooooooo! SyFy needs to get season 3! We should probably all send emails to SyFy, though it probably won't do much if they've already decided not to spend the money. Argh!! Was not expecting Natalie to be a god-slayer, but fuck, way to ruin everything! I am completely squicked out by Gaia now being in love with Anders because she became Idunn. Damnit!! I feel bad for Gaia and Axl; though really for Gaia because she had no choice in the whole thing. And Ty can't catch a break, seriously! Cursed as a god and a mortal, I guess. Why didn't he just tell her?! Zeb knows about all the gods, so why can't Dawn? (I guess it was because he was snooping and they're not supposed to tell mortals, but... C'mon!)
  11. Damn, I thought this was going to be a happy trip down memory lane with Gibbs' rules and now I am lying on the couch crying. The end with Tim kissing his dad and saying he loved him (and Merry Christmas) had tears streaming down my face. Poor Tim! While I did enjoy having the hackers back because I like callbacks to other cases, I agree that hackers were annoying. Especially Khan, who I want to punch in the face. Even though what they did to him skirted the law, but he totally deserved it-- what a smug, unrepentant bastard. The case was a little silly (what, a problem McGee and Abby CAN'T solve?!) but it was nice to get some flashbacks and rules. On a shallow note, Abby's hair was looking really good this episode.
  12. With these last two episodes, I am really impatient for the last episode to air! I hope Ty can finally find some happiness now that he has lost his god powers. I love all the stuff going on right now with gods and goddesses. I am getting the feeling that we are probably not going to see Season 3 on SyFy either, which sucks! Hopefully there's some way to see it!
  13. I like last night's episode a lot-- loved that they did in the 40's/50's style. My interest in Bones is waning with every episode, but at least last night's was fun. I agree that it would have been nice to have Eric Milligan and JFD make small appearances, given their roles on the show, though I wasn't really surprised that neither one of them appeared.
  14. catray

    S05.E09: Morbidity

    I'm behind and slowly catching up-- my favorite part of this episode was definitely the reappearance of Brody and how googly-eyed everyone was around him. Never gets old! Other than that, I'm not feeling this storyline. This should be something that I would enjoy, a scientist exploring the troubles etc but there's something about this show that feels so disjointed right now.
  15. I'm glad this show has been renewed-- despite my occasional issues, I still enjoy it!
  16. I am playing catch-up but have finally watched the first four (whoops, six) episodes. Random thoughts: -Ty and Eva's relationship has to be one of the most dysfunctional, destructive ones I've seen on tv, but I'm still sad she died. Poor Ty really can't catch a break. -Axl as a woman was great-- really enjoyed the actress and I hope we see her again. -I don't like Dawn suspecting that Ty killed Eva, but given her own experience, it's maybe not surprising. -Axl growing up and becoming more Odin like is great -I love Olaf and Ingrid.
  17. I love these types of episode. Of course, it's ludicrous that they would be able to screen that many people in such a short amount of time, but I don't care. Tony was awesome this episode (which has actually been pretty consistent this season) and really, everyone was great. I liked Tony's text at the end calling Tim "McTurkey." Love the bromance. Love seeing Jamie Bamber as Jake. Smart, sweet, and adorkable. Although I hope it doesn't lead to any on-screen (or off-screen) angst for them, I did like that Elie and Jake are having to confront how this job has affected their relationship and how it is changing Ellie. It would have been awesome to see Gibbs make a snow angel. What a tease! Shameless in the Shallow end: I think Ellie needs a shirtless picture of Jake at her desk (from their holiday of course) that we can occasionally catch a glimpse.
  18. I loved the original Jurassic Park, but I'm sadly disappointed by the trailer for Jurassic World, which seems more like a paint by numbers SyFy movie. And I'm feeling irate about Bryce Dallas Howard being a "sexy scientist"-- ugh. Feeling old, but I think I'd prefer to see the older Drs. Grant, Sadler and Malcolm on the island again. But I'll probably see in the theaters because I'm a sucker like that.
  19. Given that personal boundaries don't really seem to exist on this show, I can't get too worked up over this. The team is constantly in each other's business (especially Tony, c'mon) and in real life, there is usually a much more distinct boundary between your professional and personal lives-- but in the 12 years this show has been on, that boundary has been very fluid, to say the least. I would totally be on board with this too. She did, but I was mainly trying to point out that I liked Bishop confronting Tim and Tony over their keeping secrets (and basically excluding her from an inside joke that they all knew about, including Gibbs it seems).
  20. I was very pleasantly surprised (and very happy) to see Salli Richardson-Whitfield back as Carrie Clark-- I like her as an actress, I liked her former appearance on the show, and I like her chemistry with Gibbs. The Navy Corpsman on the either hand, wow, did she remind me of Blake Lively-- at least in the way she spoke. I sound redundant these days, but I thought this was another good episode. Although some of the aid she delivered might have been outside the purview of the Good Samaritan Law, it would have at least been nice if they brought it up by name instead of just harping on the "she didn't have a license" instead of just ignoring it altogether. At least there was also some realism to her sentence-- she didn't get off scot-free, but also didn't have to go to jail. Not gonna lie, I cracked up when Bishop said "ewww, to each other?!" when McGee revealed he and Abby had dated. Even though it was in the men's room, I did like Bishop confronting McGee and Tony about keeping secrets and leaving her out. And I liked McGee actually defending Burt to Abby and not being jealous of their relationship.
  21. Another good episode and felt appropriate for airing on Veteran's Day. This had a more old school NCIS vibe to it, at least to me. So.... Have TPTB actually started reading this forum? Or the defunct TWOP forum? They actually addressed Gibbs going easy on the ladies (well really just Bishop but I'm just going to use it retroactively for that desk)?! I am practically in shock. I wanted to applaud when Gibbs told Bishop to get off the floor and use her desk (to be fair though, she was at her desk several times in this episode and I actually really haven't noticed).
  22. The team uncovers a fradulent charity targeting those looking for missing military personnel.
  23. Wow, I am horrified that they let Yuzuru Hanyu and Han Yan compete after that collison, but especially Hanyu, who as it now turns out, needs a 2-3 week recovery. For shame! You could hear how shocked and upset Tracy Wilson was-- both of them should have been pulled to make sure they were ok. I am also astounded Yulia ended up with the silver after all the mistakes in her program, but I guess that's the name of the game these days.
  24. It kind of seems like that's what they're doing, although at least it's not in a single day! The episodes are Wed/Thurs at 11:00pm... It's really screwing up my DVR.
  25. Oohhh, I hope he does make another appearance on Haven-- mainly because I feel like he was kind of wasted before and that he might be needed to wrap Mara (and Haven's) storyline.
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