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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. Focusing on the original series, I thought part of the point was that it was deconstructing the stereotypes. Straight men can like fancy foods, wine, opera, classical music, and musicals. It isn't always as easy to tell who is straight and who is gay based on superficial things like interests and other elements of personality.
  2. What I meant was what the gossip would be if the affair became known. What the conversation among the men in their club (or wherever they might discuss it) would be talking about Larry and what the conversation among the women in their parlor would be talking about the widow. This would be the absolute best case scenario for both people involved. Gays and lesbians existed in the late 1880s and people were under tremendous pressure to marry so the idea of a beard doesn't seem completely outside the realm of possibility. Someone gay marrying a lesbian seems like the absolute edge of plausible, but possible. I could picture friends of friends who know people making discrete inquiries to make it happen and help them find each other.
  3. My guess is we will see Audra McDonald show off her musical talent but it will be at home. It will be her practicing for a church or some other type of event, or maybe just playing for fun. Singing and playing the right kind of songs was considered proper and a sign of good breeding for a lady, so it would make sense. That surprised me at first, but it does make sense. Mr. Russel knows how important his wife is to his successes, and the fact they love each other and will do anything for each other is part of that. It was not a marriage of convince where each is just playing their part. They are fiercely devoted to each other, and Mr. Russell wants that for his daughter. This is going to cause problems. Mr. Russell does not want this daughter to marry a fortune hunter. Mrs. Russell would probably be okay with it if the man had a title or prestige. I am pretty sure this is going to lead to a massive shouting screaming match between the couple. This is going to be a fight that will be loud and heard by every servant in the house. Absolutely. From the perspective of the time, Larry was just a young man sowing his wild oats and having a fling. It's what young men did, although he should have been a bit more discrete about his choice of partners. Mrs. Blaine would be a pathetic old woman chasing after a younger man trying to recapture her lost youth. Also, a widow should not be having affairs. She should wait until she is married again.
  4. Getting pregnant at 30 is possible. Given the time period (the 1800s) I found it highly plausible that she had other children who did not survive. In other words, there were other children, he was just the first to survive and grow up to become an adult. I could have sworn he worked in a bank. We never see him at work, but I am almost sure he has a decent respectable job. I agree with this. I think nephew or great nephew would work best. People did tend to have larger families.
  5. I am all for this hypothetical prequel/spin-off. I would love for the historical consultant Fellowes is using for Peggy's storyline to get her own show so she can do a deeper dive into this world. I would love a prequel about Peggy's father building his business, starting a family, and becoming a member of the Black elite. It could also include Peggy's life pre-baby drama. Huge YES to this. The character deserves so much better and there are so many more interesting storylines and aspects of this era to explore through Peggy. I am glad the writers' realized their mistake and corrected it pretty quickly. Maybe. George would have to make clear to Oscar that no scandal or indiscretion would be tolerated (per his wife's request). Oscar would have to be very careful, and produce children.
  6. I may regret posting this, because everybody has different tastes, and comedy is somewhat subjective, but I am curious who is on your shortlist (if you have) for permanent host? Based on who we have seen so far, who do you want to be the new host?
  7. I liked this episode. Toning down David was a huge step in the right direction. I can believe Niles telling him stories (lies) about what a ladies' man he was, but I'm not sure I believe that Daphne wouldn't find out and set her son straight telling him the truth in a kind way. Frasier's plot was great. I loved Alan wearing the gauntlet and coming up with different uses for it over the night.
  8. Charlamagne is now on my short list of people who I hope become the new host. I did not know that much about him, but I enjoyed his week.
  9. It was probably Hulu. They started off as a free service with tons of shows from the 1980s and modern series from Fox and another network that appeared on Hulu the day after they aired. If it was 2009, the timing works about right for it to be Hulu. I agree. The show wasn't really about the movie industry, actors or celebrities. It was more like a low-rent A Team. Colt Seavers was a bounty hunter, which was how he made money in between gigs as a stuntman. There was his cousin who had studied a semester of just about everything in almost every college/university. There was a woman, but I cannot remember what her role was. The trailer for the A-Team movie looked awesome and made me want to see the movie. After seeing this trailer, I have no desire to see the movie. Back when IMDb still had message boards, someone rewrote the theme song lyrics to "The Unknown Stuntman" with modern celebrities and it was awesome. It's a shame that won't be part of this version.
  10. Legally, yes, because I do not think New York had laws on the books at that time regarding racial segregation that were being enforced. Whether or not it would be socially acceptable is a different issue. I would say probably not. There may be circumstances in which it would be acceptable, but I cannot come up with one.
  11. I agree and would add it's also about how the parental relationships are different when it's a daughter as opposed to the sons. As you pointed out, the sons have significantly more freedom. They are supposed to earn money and avoid public scandals. This includes the woman they marry. As long as she is not someone who will ruin the family's reputation or position in society, they have options. With daughters, who they marry determines the rest of their life. It will determine their place in society and their entire economic future. I still want scenes of just the younger generation interacting with each other. I want to see the dynamic is when you have Marion, Oscar, Gladys and Larry in a room together, like at a party or some event.
  12. I find both of these possibilities to be realistic/within the realm of something that could happen in the show and possibly real life as well. And, because of who she was teaching, there was a better than average chance that someone from their crowd would find out, which is exactly what happened.
  13. Yes to all of this expect for one thing. I don't know if she would be able to figure out that Oscar's gay, or who in her social circle would be able to clue her in on the secret.
  14. I agree to some extent. I think she wants to marry for love and not someone her mother selected. But if it is someone her parents, or at least her father, will approve of and allow her to stop living with her parents and her mother's rules, she can probably convince herself that she loves Oscar.
  15. Peggy is one of the most interesting characters and I'm glad they finished that part of her story so they can give her something more interesting to do. I want to see more of Peggy at the newspaper and her relationship with the editor. Yes and no. I took that to mean that as long as Gladys is discrete and no one finds out, she will be allowed to have affairs and he will tolerate them as long as it does not become public knowledge or a scandal. Now I want a scene where Marion either feels the need to confess or explain something to her aunts, just as Ada and Agnes have discovered Oscar's secret. I want a scene of Marion and Oscar in one room and him telling her something like "Whatever you have done, it is going to be the least of their problems. You could have done almost anything and you will get a free pass." As long as the other man was okay with the baby having Oscar's last name and being part of that family, I don't think it would be a problem for Oscar. The marriage is supposed to produce heirs and someone to carry on the name, and to the outside world he will have done that. Depending on who the biological father is, Oscar might be okay with having the person in their life as an honorary uncle or something. Oscar seems to be pretty on board with the idea of Gladys having affairs. Larry is grown, but he is not yet married. I'm sure she wants a suitable match for him. Bertha won't be as picky, but she wants someone for her son who will not cause a scandal or ruin the family name among society. I think part of Bertha's character is that it will never be enough for her. She will always want more and better. There is always going to be something else.
  16. Sarah 103

    Disney Films

    I have a different thought on the issue. It makes sense to change a release date for a movie that isn't finished, because you can't do a mainstream wide release for a movie that is not completely done. I understand "serious" Oscar type movies changing their release dates because many of them are from smaller studios/production companies with smaller budgets that don't have the money for massive ad campaigns. They depend on the actors/creative team being able to promote the movie on talk shows and other places which are then circulated on various websites (like YouTube). Disney has the money to run ad campaigns on TV, online, and any other place movies are advertised. I do not see a reason for them to move the release date for a movie that is already finished.
  17. When Frasier was talking to Eve at the bar, I'm surprised they didn't go for a joke about bartenders being a poor man's shrink or something similar. As soon as Frasier was watching the news broadcast on the fire and started talking, I was waiting for them to mention Martin. I thought it was touching that Frasier was worried about Freddie, and after spending so many years worrying about his father, he did not want to go through that again. The Dalmatian was adorable and young. I want to see more of him or her. David is a disappointment. They are writing him as a cute sitcom kid when he is almost an adult. I want to see an episode/plotline that is Freddie and David together without Frasier. I want to see what the relationship dynamic is like between the cousins.
  18. I would watch that show! We've heard enough of their childhood that there is enough to draw from. It would be wonderful to see Hester and Martin as a happily married couple and to watch them raise them their boys.
  19. I agree. My take on it, and this really just pure fan-theory, is that her interests were more like Niles and Frasier. She liked the symphony, the opera, "the finer things"/upscale snobby things. However, she was also more than willing to do things that Martin enjoyed, and may have even come to genuinely enjoy them herself. It may not have been her thing at the start of the marriage, but she was willing to give it an honest try and wasn't going to look down on it and make fun of it just because it wasn't her thing.
  20. In case anyone else was wondering when the new and final season would start. https://www.tvguide.com/news/the-cw-fall-tv-shows-2023-the-complete-schedule/ Tuesday, Nov. 14 9 p.m.: Whose Line Is It Anyway? — Season 12 premiere 9:30 p.m.: Whose Line Is It Anyway? — New episode
  21. I agree. People sometimes go to the wrong college, realize it was a mistake, and then transfer to a different school where they are a better fit. They could have had Freddie do that. I know they were going for father-son conflict, and there's still a way to make this work within the series. Instead of Freddie dropping out of Harvard, maybe he transferred to a "lesser school" where he was much happier. After college, he became a firefighter, much to the dismay of Frasier. I have the same question. Is Lilith okay with it or has at least made peace with it sooner than Frasier? Has Freddie been estranged from both of his parents for over a decade? These are questions I hope are answered when Lilith makes a cameo this season.
  22. I meant we never really got to see her as a regular character on the show and know what she was like to be with on a day to day basis.
  23. I would think any of them would want at least some time behind the desk as solo host because it would be something that could add to their reel for future projects/auditions. Dulce is one of my favorite correspondents, so I want her to do a full week for the purely selfish reason that I throughly enjoy her work.
  24. I'm not opposed to the idea of co-hosts. It's worked well on Weekend Update for decades. Ronnie Chang and Michael Kosta as co-hosts did not work for me at all. Michael Kosta's interview on Thursday was well done.
  25. They probably weren't DVRing it to watch every day, but I could see it being something they might have seen once or twice when they were home sick from school. I agree. I think that might have been the best part of the episode. You could tell Freddie had been waiting for years to be able to do something like that. I am now disappointed this is not the premise they went with and may like the hypothetical version of the show with a podcast instead of the actual series. Frasier goes to Boston and decides he wants to reconnect with Freddie. (Freddie agrees to move in for a better reason than given in the actual series). Meanwhile, Frasier spends time with Cornwall. Cornwall is complaining about how he is being encouraged to retire (getting bad teaching assignments, bad committee assignments; because it's TVLand, you can get away with stuff that might not be 100% accurate). Frasier misses really being able to help people, like he did with his radio show. On the spot, he pitches a podcast and appeals to Cornwall's ego, because he is so well known in the field (you can set this up a line of dialogue about how Frasier has kept up with all of his friend's books or articles in leading professional or academic publications in the field). Listeners who may not take Frasier seriously anymore would take Cornwall seriously. Eve becomes the producer. It still allows her time to audition. (All of the above is the first episode) David wants to help so he offers to do promotion/social media. Frasier and Cornwall assume that because David is Generation Z, he is a tech genius, but he is not. (This is the second episode) Main sets: Frasier's living room and kitchen The recording studio in Frasier's apartment Eve's apartment (it's where Freddie goes when he needs a break from Frasier) Mahoney's (this is the bar from the new series. I like the idea of a hang-out spot like Nervosa, and the name is a tribute to the actor who played Martin)
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