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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. There are many things about the first season that disappointed me. The end of the first episode made it seem as though it be younger generation more or less united against older generation while the old money vs. new money conflicts played out and that didn't happen. Everyone was off more or less in their own story, with Marian occasionally being in the same place as Gladys, but I would not call the two of them close friends, which is what I wanted/was hoping to see more of.
  2. I want Dulce to host a full week, but I am not picky about when that happens.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/david-mccallum-ncis-beloved-ducky-213000713.html Although he is better known for TV than movies, I hope TCM will do some kind of tribute. I saw Violent Playground on TCM years ago. I had never heard of the movie before, but I the plot summary looked like it was something worth watching and I thought it might be fun to see a young David MacCallum. They really captured the intensity of his eyes in black and white. The movie goes way over the top at the end, but it was great until then. Also, I liked him in The Great Escape. For a younger person, it was strange seeing the elderly Dr. "Ducky" Mallard as a young man. I can see why The Man from U.N.C.L.E made him a teen idol/heartthrob/someone girls would put pictures of in their locker or bedroom.
  4. I agree. She may hate or despise her older sibling, but he's still her brother and she is not going to side with an adult over her brother. Also, she gets the satisfaction of humiliating Ed Rooney and ruining his day/his plans to expose Ferris.
  5. It's always nice to know I'm not alone. That being said, I can totally understand your viewpoint too. The first time I saw the movie I was kind of frustrated the question "why is this happening?" wasn't answered, but on a second viewing I decided it's actually better the question is left unanswered. As for venting, I have a whole mini-rant on the movie Grease that I am sure I have posted at some point so I won't repeat myself. Two classics that I cannot stand are Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (because the whole gosh, golly gee-whiz isn't America great attitude) makes me want to scream and break something, (although I do love Saunders wardrobe) and Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. John knows what Joey is getting herself into if she marries him, he knows what's coming and the fact that he hasn't made that perfectly clear to her makes me angry. Not related to my rant: Behind the scenes, it's a sad movie. I can't imagine what it must have been like for Katherine Hepburn to spend each day filming that movie wondering if Spencer Tracy would live to see another day. That must have been pure hell and torture for her. I feel like this post is kind of negative, so here is something positive. One of my favorite books of all time is Pictures At A Revolution by Mark Harris. I consider it a must read for any classic movie fan. Also, Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli by Mark Seal is one of my other favorite books. They are among the best production histories I have ever read. I read them and think with so many things that can go wrong, do go wrong, or could go wrong, it's amazing movies ever get made. Random Question related to classic movies: When did the shift from showing a letter on-screen as an insert (expecting the audience to read the letter) to having a voice-over (hearing the letter read by a character's voice) happen?
  6. Personally, I find it kind of creepy that you don't know why it's suddenly happening. The fact that there is no reason, it's just a random freak occurrence of nature going crazy, makes it more disturbing, but that's just me.
  7. This series was a good idea with a poor execution. I always had the sense the writers didn't think it would last long because they overstuffed the episodes with multiple plot lines. It didn't allow the stories to breathe and be as fully developed as they should have been. There is a version of this series that could have worked, just not the one they made. If they wanted to separate themselves from the original, making the central character someone other than Dean would have worked. Lillian would have been a fantastic central character. She is a devoted Black mother. While most Black women in that era had a full time or part job that brought in a much needed second income, Lillian has a serious full time career that required a significant amount of education. Watching Lillian trying to navigate the world and trying to help prepare her child for a different world than the one she grew up in would have been an amazing show. Making Kim the central character would have worked equally well. She has a strong commitment to activism and civil rights. Seeing her go through different forms of activism like working outside the system with the Black Panthers, or working within the system trying to get a candidate elected to office would have made for an excellent series. At the same time, she also has friends and a social life beyond her activism. Centering Kim could have blended the best elements of The Wonder Years and Blossom. I think part of the problem with Dean (and this is with the writing, not the actor), was that made him too much like Paul from the original series. Kevin in the original series is kind a bland everybody/teen that the audience can project themselves onto. Dean comes off more as the geeky best friend. One of the biggest mistakes the series made was starting in April of 1968. Someone on this board had one the best ideas I have ever read on the internet when they suggested the series should have started in August of 1967 with Thurgood Marshall being confirmed as the first Black Supreme Court Justice, and then the end of the first season is the King Assassination and the aftermath. It would have demonstrated from the start that this series is different (ending the first episode with a triumph instead of personal tragedy). Here's why that idea is beyond brilliant. It demonstrates the mixing of national triumph and tragedy that defines/encapsulates the decade/era. Also, it allows the viewer to actually see what the integration of the junior high was like from the start of the year. I want to see Brad and Dean becoming friends, and Dean's friends becoming Brad's friends. My theory is that unlike the other White students, Dean and his friends don't care that Brad is Jewish. It's a bond of outsiders. The fact that Brad likes the same comic book/geek/nerdy stuff matters more to Dean and his friends than religion. The shared interest matters more to Brad than the racial difference. Showing that process happen within the first episode would have been great television. Also, this would have made the timeline easier for the writers. Start in August, and then at Christmas time they could do the Christmas episode where Bruce comes home. Show him struggle to adjust to civilian life, and decide he'd rather reenlist. Sometime early in the second season would be the incident that results in Brian Cooper's death that also results in Bruce permanently ending his time the military. Also, the writers did not research the era as well as they should have. They were little things that stuck out to me as wrong, notable omissions, or out of place.
  8. I want an Adventures in Babysitting reference, especially Steve watching it (maybe because Nancy and/or Robin wanted to watch it) and doing a bit of commentary. Something along the lines of "Chris can handle car thieves and a gang, but could she protect the kids from the spooky/supernatural stuff as well as I have?"
  9. Sarah 103


    My guess is that part of it has to do with when the marriage took place in terms of the ages of those involved (not necessarily the age difference). Jerry Lee Lewis was in his twenties and Myra was in her early teens when they were married. At the time, this was seen as shocking, horrible, outrageous, and a bunch of other negative things. Elvis waited until Priscilla was 21 before they were married. In that era, waiting and the age of the couple when they actually married made a huge difference. By the time they married, both were legal consenting adults. To the general public at that time, it was seen as perfectly normal for two adults to get married. There was nothing shocking or scandalous about it to people in the 1960s.
  10. I'm not sure if the problem is her acting or the material given to her. An actor can only work with that they have been given. Whether it's the actor or the writing, Marian is the least interesting character in the series. I understand you sort of need her to connect the different plots and serve as a center for the other characters to revolve around and a point of view character (she's new like the audience so it makes it easier to do exposition/explanations), but I often wonder if you actually needed her once the series had gotten started and all the characters had been introduced. Put it another way, if you cut her romance out of the season, would anything truly great or wonderful have been lost?
  11. "Impossible Child" sounded like "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" from Wicked. I liked the song "Impossible Child" and I'm sorry it was cut, but I can also understand why it was cut. I still think it should have been in the movie.
  12. My comment was more about Ferris's original plan for the day. At the start of the day, I don't think Ferris had anything more in mind than one final skip day, and his friend really needed to get out and do something fun/out of the ordinary on a school day and enjoy himself.
  13. I wish they did this slightly differently. Instead of CBS picking 10 episodes, I wish every episode was a possibility, and then seeing which 10 episodes out of the 200 plus were the fan favorites, but I do not work for CBS. My absolute favorite episode was not listed. https://tvline.com/news/blue-bloods-release-date-september-return-fan-favorite-episodes-1235036380/
  14. The timeline for this show is a bit messed up, but I think it's still too early for Disney World.
  15. I think it's because they insisted on giving Dean something to do/a plot line. Dean's story didn't really add anything. I would have liked to have seen how the firing tested Bill's friendship. Show Bill struggling/being torn between his wife and his best friend. Possibly show him trying to sneak around to see his friend. It would have been more interesting than Dean and Cory building the soap box derby car.
  16. My guess is the other dog owner involved is not a heartless monster who is going to take puppies away from the mother before six to eight weeks, when it is safe to separate puppies from the mother and have them go to new homes. Due to TV Land Logic/Plot Reasons the day the other dog owner decided to drop off the six to eight week old puppies was also the same day Bonnie went into labor. Labs usually live on average to be 10 to 12 years old, so Dickens is well within the normal life span for his breed. Dickens being alive and well is not because of plot reasons/TV Land logic.
  17. My thought was, "It's like Leonard has been reading this message board." I'm so happy we got to see the puppies, and they are adorable. I am looking forward to seeing who gets the other puppies. I am still rooting for Leonard to get one. It can be a pet/mascot/therapy dog for the halfway house. Larry is finally starting to grow and become a better person, which was wonderful. I hope it continues. I liked the story with Will and the younger characters, and especially the policeman. There was a definite theme of found family/adoption. Geordy is very much Will's father and I liked the the police officer is going to be the same (in a more official capacity) for the orphans.
  18. YES!! Lillian being that rude seemed completely out of character for her. Her lines/dialogue would have made much more sense and been more in character for Bill. When Karen showed up at thier house, Lillian should have at least asked the girl's name and then politely and firmly said something along the lines of, "Karen, do your parents know where you are and that you're alone? You can talk to Dean in school tomorrow. Goodbye." There's no way they would have given Dean the lead with only a few days/a week to go before opening night. I get it's a sitcom/TVLand, but I am not willing to roll with it. That's too far for me. I wish they had saved Bruce's plotline for another episode, and we got to spend more time on Dean and the theatre kids. Demonstrate that the theatre kids are unpopular misfits and that Dean fits in really well with them. Show Dean torn between enjoying his new friends and the popularity he risks giving up by being with them. (basically, I want "Square Dance" but with theatre kids instead of Kevin's dance partner who was into zoology/entomology). Also, Bruce's plotline has a major flaw. In 1969 Alabama, the odds are pretty low that the incbumbent would be a Republican. This is still the era of the solid Democratic South (granted, it's towards the end of it, but still very much within that era). I love the idea of the plotline, but it doesn't work historically. I actually wish that plotline had been the whole episode. Show Bruce supporting a candidate that Bill disagrees with and Kim protests against. Have the argument between Bruce and Kim about trying to work within the system and cause change from within as opposed to protesting from the outside. Show Dean torn between his older siblings and how awful it is for him to watch them fight. Still have all the father/son stuff with Bruce and Bill, just find a way to make it more historically accurate. It's a common problem with this series. They try to do multiple plotlines and end up shortchanging them.
  19. Keep in mind, this is based on the ideology of the era: My guess is that she can get away with working while he's still working, because she can say she's helping out so the family can afford little extras. No one in her social circle needs to know how much she's making and how much satisfaction she gets from her career and having an identity beyond wife and mother. I'm not sure if she can use that excuse when he's retired. I'd imagine there would be more pressure on her to quit, to stay at home and take care of her husband, to travel and do things they couldn't do while he was still working. I suppose she could use the excuse you suggested of trying to bring in a little more money because his pension won't cover everything they want to do. What were the pills? Were they just generic "it's television and drugs=bad?" It's a shame. Daniel wants a real relationship (or at least as close to one as they could get given the time and place) and I'm not sure if Leonard really wants that or is ready for it.
  20. Bill throught it was about race (the swinging didn't start until the Black couple left), but it wasn't about race, because there was another Black couple there. Dean's teacher correctly thought that Bill and Lillian would not be interested in that kind of party. My understanding is that Vietnam Veterans received less generous benefits than thier WWII or Korean War counterparts. They did not get nearly as much money/coverage for tution or other benefits. I'm not sure why, but that's what I've read.
  21. I liked the idea of the episode, but not the execution. 1969 seems far too early for a key party, especially one in Montgomery Alabama. New York, San Fransisco, L.A, those cities would maybe be the absolute edge of plausible. Bill's unease socializing with white people didn't quite ring true based on the industry he's in. The entertainment industry was far more mixed and integrated than most, so it seems as though he would have spent more time around White people in a quasi-equal capacity than other Black people in that time and place. Also, unless he's teaching at HBCU, the faculty where he would be teaching would be a mix of White and Black professors. If they wanted make Bill uneasy and uncomfortable around White people socially, have him spend the entire dinner on edge, thinking almost everything is a potential slight, and then looking to Lillian who will nonverbally let him know that everything fine's and it isn't what he thought. I wished we had gotten to see Bruce, Kim, and Dean interacting together for an extended period of time. We really don't know what the silbing dynamic is like when it's the three of them together. Maybe the only theatre still showing Easy Rider is further away, as is the party Kim wants to go to. The three of them end up having a crazy adventure together, instead of Dean going off on his own and Bruce and Kim having a heart to heart talk.
  22. I like that idea. I'm not sure I would call him evil. I would say he was entitled, self-absorbed, a total jerk, and someone so awful that multiple people would easily have a motive if he was murderded.
  23. I was so excited when I read this! (This also confirms @giovannif7's link and provides a bit more information) https://deadline.com/2023/07/grease-rise-of-the-pink-ladies-vod-dvd-release-cancellation-paramount-plus-removal-1235447103/#:~:text=Grease%3A Rise of the Pink Ladies premiered on Paramount%2B on,bar people from discovering it. I know what I'll be asking for this holiday season. Maybe if enough people buy it, that will demonstrate interest and someone with power will bring back the show for a second season. A girl can dream.
  24. I would totally watch a series that's Leonard and Daniel running the halfway house with the new housekeeper. Also, I want to know more about the new housekeeper and her background. She seems like a wonderful accepting person and I'd love to know what shaped her to become the person she seems to be. It's very strange to see late 1950s/early 1960s clothing, but late 1960s language and issus.
  25. @AnimeMania Thanks for the information. “The Librarians: The Next Chapter” sounds great! I can't wait to see how far in the past the librarian is from. (Anyone want to make a random guess/prediction). The show may be delayed due to the WAG and SAG strike, but I will be excited to watch it whenever it starts.
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