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  1. No, we do not order that. I don't know one person in my life that orders Gentry. I kind of liked Naomi making fun of it at Shep's birthday party when she rolled her eyes and said something like, "Oh, God. Gentry." for that very reason. Total promotion on JD's part.
  2. When I first started watching this, I thought it was so weird. Then while waiting for new episodes after about episode 6, I started rewatching episodes as I could because I started finding it fascinating. After the last two episodes, I find the series to be brilliant. I think Jude Law deserves awards for his portrayal of The Young Pope, along with other incredible actors on the show. I do wonder if he is supposed to have died at the end before they knew whether or not there would be a second season. Now I suppose they could have him waking up in a hospital at the beginning of season 2, if in fact there is a season 2, which I think there will be. I certainly hope there will be! I do wish that pedophile priest had a worse punishment than being banned to Alaska. I mean, I get that was supposed to be his punishment, but he's still out there with access to children. I need for Pope Pius to get on his knees at a truck stop and say some prayers for that sick bastard or turn him in to the police. Speaking of that pedophile, I don't believe his second, changed story about being molested, and even if he were telling the truth, I don't give two craps. I need that criminal to die already. Otherwise, I'm very happy with how it all wrapped up and with the changes we saw in the Pope.
  3. I have secretly liked the young Pope, Lenny, this whole time, even if I disagree with some of his views. I was raised Catholic, so I get where he's been coming from even if I disagree with some of his opinions. Having said that, after tonight's episode, I LOVE him! I said out loud to my husband when Lenny was praying in the parking lot and what was happening was actually happening, "No way!!!" Sorry, not sorry, but that was pretty awesome! I love this show and really hope it is picked up for a second season. Can't believe there are only 2 episodes left!! I've never really had an opinion about Jude Law one way or the other, but he is honestly doing a phenomenal job in this role. I am very impressed!
  4. From the same episode, I also always say, "Every day is somebody's special day." I just love this episode!
  5. One of my favorite quotes that I use a lot comes from Elaine. "I had to take a sick day, I'm so sick of these people!" It's the one with all of the cakes at work celebrating anything and everything.
  6. I think the lot of them use drugs on a regular basis (maybe not Cameran, but who knows). I know they don't have children, but it would be interesting to see who tested positive for what on a random drug screen on all of them. I'm not defending Kathryn's positive drug test. I just think people like Landon and Whitney need to have a seat. Pot, meet kettle.
  7. I get that in current "real life" time Kathryn just failed a drug test, which is not good, and Thomas just passed one (which boggles my mind), but watching the show last night, Thomas was clearly more than drunk, and I'm guessing it was coke mixed with alcohol, but regardless, it was definitely a drug and alcohol mixed rant. While I did enjoy some of the things he had to say, inappropriate as they may be, his face was pretty scary looking. I think they should both have supervised visits with their children, not just Kathryn, but they both need rehab - not that either of them would take it seriously. I think most of the rest of the cast also uses drugs, whether it's marijuana or cocaine or both - they just might be hiding it better by not going all psycho when they use. And to add a random thought - I cannot stand Landon and it has nothing to do with the Kathryn/Thomas drama at all. I think she thinks she's above everyone else, including we, the audience, and I can't stand her valley girl condescension in all of her talking heads. Especially since she's not as smart as she believes. It grates on my nerves every time she speaks.
  8. So very little of Landon talking about anything at all was quite a treat!
  9. Don't get me wrong, Kathryn brings a lot of drama on herself, obviously, and she and Thomas are complete train wrecks, but I just can't with Landon. Kathryn's hospital stint may well have been manipulation, but if they kept her for BP issues, that's understandable, too. Landon, who has never had or carried a child, grates when she says basically people go to the hospital all the time and to get the f*ck over it. This side of last week she was all worried about making ends meet and this week she's taking a spa treatment. I mean, GMAFB. I know they make money from the show and yadda yadda yadda, but she just irritates the shit out of me.
  10. I love this show and am so glad it's back! Having said that, I have to say, even though I know all of them make money from the show and a lot of this is scripted, it drives me crazy the way Kathryn and Landon talk about needing money. Kathryn talks about wanting enough money to live in a three bedroom house with her children and how the $2500 a month from Thomas isn't enough. Then GET A JOB! And Landon making the comment about not wanting some regular boring job and throwing darts out at random ideas and hoping something sticks. BOO HOO! I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry for their "plight." Must be nice to just have those attitudes without having to really do anything on your own to work for what you want in life. It's so obnoxious.
  11. So much WORD! When I heard that I said "I don't think God was part of you and T-Rav's drunk sex. Sorry!" GMAFB.
  12. Agree with all of the above sentiments. Also want to add (besides the Landon/T-Rav/Kathryn triangle story) it looks like from the preview and initial T-Rav dinner party that they are trying to show that Shep belongs with Landon, but honestly I always liked him with Dani. I think she's either in or was in a relationship with someone else in real life now, but I always rooted for them deep down. Am I alone in that? LOL! Anyway, I'm thrilled the show is back! I was born in Charleston and have always lived in SC, so maybe I'm biased, but I do love this show! Having said that, what a train wreck this season will be!
  13. Very late to even post this, but I'm watching the Mistress and Murder Case episode, and while I do think she is a gold digger, I just have to say I have no time for the plight of the old rich man who is pissed that she used him. I mean, have some accountability for your own actions and your own life. If he's stupid enough to give someone hundreds of thousands of dollars in money and "gifts" you get what you deserve. I feel like I lost brain cells watching that whole mess.
  14. In the episode with Amber, who "pushed" her husband out of the window, did anyone find it odd in the statement given by his parents that they kept referring to their own grandchild as "her" child and "their" child? I don't have the exact quote, but it seemed very disconnected and strange and impersonal. What grandparent makes such a blanket "statement" about their own blood grandchild? My impression is he was an abusive asshole who was discharged from the military for drug abuse and she was abused by him and it was an accident. It's insane to me that so much evidence was not allowed in the trial. I don't believe for a second that this was murder. It was a tragic accident, but I'm not all that sympathetic to the plight of an abuser like him.
  15. Haha! I'm in the south, too, so I get you! FYI, I was just in Charleston this past weekend, but that's probably only relevant in another forum. Wink, wink. Not that I have anything to report. LOL
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