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Everything posted by PrincessPurrsALot

  1. Reminder: Please do not include spoilers in the episode threads. Only discuss what was known as of the time that the episode was filmed. Future information can be discussed in character and media threads.
  2. I am now traumatized by Henry being bricked into a tunnel in Thomas the Tank Engine. He was so sad at the end.
  3. That was such a boring finale. I nodded off a few times. It was stretched out with the dull chatter. Are you nervous? Yes, I'm nervous? Are you nervous? Yes. Scintillating. Given that people aren't dying at the end, they really need a much more interesting and challenging final game to make it worth watching. For over $4M, there was a lot of luck in the final.
  4. Main topic: Freight trains Also: Kevin McCarthy leaves Congress before his term is up; Mike Johnson protects "insurrectionist anonymity'; revelations about Mike Johnson's views; covenant eyes app; everyone on CBS mornings wants to fuck meteorologist Jim Cantore Original air date 2023.12.10
  5. Michael: I had to parole to Pennsylvania. Me: No, you did not. You chose to chase Juju poon rather than be with your kids. You are scum.
  6. Quatlon always looks high. Or sad. Or both. We've captured that fashion wonder in the new fashions thread. Check out the best looks.
  7. If he hadn't been in prison and desperate for human connection, he never would have contacted her.
  8. Brittany and gpd. He has to praise God in all raps. God, of course, wishes Kerok was better if he's going to keep annoying him.
  9. Won't someone think of the jackets?!?!?! She is trying so hard to not laugh at that blue suit. He infamously asked, do I look like I would let a muthafucka use me? In that suit? Yes. Medusa vs dead skunk. Who wore it better?
  10. Is it sleepwear? Is it a beach outfit? Why does it exist in an adult size? Juju never fails to find something odd to wear.
  11. Our darling Shavel went from neon jumpsuits To that's a little too matchy matchy with mom To whatever the hell this is It's see through. It has frayed denim panels that are much too small. It's so short she is one wrong step from becoming the floor show. She has really upped her fashion game.
  12. The cons and con lovers make interesting fashion choices, from clothing that is shockingly horrible to highly flammable wigs to lashes so long you can feel the breeze from a blink a mile away to tacky, questionable tattoos. Here's the place to capture some of these winning looks.
  13. Folks, A few reminders: Don't speculate that anyone is taking Ozempic or other medication. If they say they are taking it, it can be discussed. Heather has never mentioned Ozempic. We can discuss disordered eating. Please be sensitive when doing so. Do not use any terminology commonly used to body shame thin people. Comments such as "eat a sandwich" are not okay. It is fine to discuss Heather's weight loss. Do it without shaming or making comments that have potential collateral damage to fellow posters.
  14. Those snippets are scathing. The author seems to really dislike Bethany. Now Beth will go after them. I am sure they are shaking in their boots. 😁
  15. I was surprised that Mai did not have a prepared answer for when they asked her who she gave the gift box to. It required thought because she also needed to guess who they had each chosen. I expected her to have thought that through on the way back to the dorm. I think Mai overstates her mad skillz. Phill really was great at figuring out who targeted him. Mai did a good job of convincing others that she was a strong player and to care about her. She also did what I call the Cappy plan. In an early season of US Big Brother, some of the hamsters damn near sacrificed themselves going after the people who got rid of Cappy, someone they had known for a few weeks in the house. Months later one said they should have watched out for themself and accepted his loss as part of the game. When people started asking Mai to make decisions for them, etc., they elevated her position - she's a leader; she's better at this than I am. Those thoughts turn her into someone they think somehow deserves to win more than they do and their play suffers for it. I am fine with any of these folks winning. I rarely get very invested in winners or losers on TV. Mai no longer has the people who helped her. The guys are friends. However, only one wins. I'm sure the show runners love having friends remaining in the final three.
  16. Phill was building his audition tape with his performance in the circle. I laughed when they all acted like it was a huge deal to watch the number drop from 9 to 6. Look around the room. You know there are only three left. You don't even need to use both hands for counting. 😆
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