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Everything posted by navelgazer

  1. I'm really starting to like her. i just hope the Sunday move doesn't hurt her.
  2. Go get 'em, Senator Graham! I saw the senator on Trevor's show not long ago. He was delightful -- funny and self-deprecating. Trevor brought in a pool table so they could play. The senator grew up living over a pool hall, so he's a pool shark. I was a little shocked at my liking him. In general GOPers make me rage-blind.
  3. I think the first one is IOKIYAR -- It's Okay If You're A Republican.
  4. I just hope that sitting Democrats realize and understand what is required of them if/when der drumphenfuhrur takes office. They must Garland every single cabinet nominee. They must level charges of Tubby's violation of the emoluments clause, an impeachable offense. And they must never, ever, ever compromise. Ever. They have the opportunity now to go where Bernie would have led them as the leader of he party. They had better be smart enough to take it.
  5. Can Oregon and Washington and Hawaii come, too? There's even a name that's been put forward for the new country -- Cascadia.
  6. Paris sees Rory and Max react to seeing each other, realizes something's not right about it, then assigns Rory to interview Max because he was the most popular teacher. (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)
  7. New owner and Edgar [more at link]
  8. The Republicans are scrambling now, trying any legal justification, no matter how flimsy, to try to put a stop to Jill Stein's recount efforts in those three Rust Belt states, PA, MI, WI. Unfortunately for the GOP, they don't have a partisan Supreme Court to put an illegal stop these gosh-darn stupid recounts for them this time.
  9. A part of PA is in a recount, but I haven't seen anything about statewide.
  10. Wonderful to see the magnificent Michelle Forbes on my screen again. I have been a huge fan of hers since her breakout on Guiding Light.
  11. I've been Internet-only because the apartment I live in had never had a full-time occupant before me. My landlord had never needed to equip the place with a cable hookup. Besides that, he would've had to pay the local CLEC -- the rural monopoly Internet/cable provider -- to lay the cable from the road, 150 feet or so, and he's rich, so he's cheap. With that, I never bought a TV, so I wore out about five of those old mini-DVD players. Then about five or so years ago, I happened by accident across two of my favorite movies full-length on YouTube, Damage and The Count of Monte Cristo (Caviezel version), in sequential 10-minute clips I could just start and let play just like I had a real TV. This was before YT got so uber-efficient at copyright enforcement. Once I started getting the little red frown all the time, I heard about a couple or three different places on the 'Net to try and I found all of Gilmore Girls and Babylon 5. I was ecstatic. I even bought an Gyration air mouse that I can use to click my next show while lying down.
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