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  1. I just ran across this on YouTube, Vicki demonstrating her sense of humor. My apologies if this has already been posted here, I gave up on OC a few years back.
  2. New York was the only franchise I was still watching. The last season was a crapfest but nothing that couldn't have been fixed with two cast changes and a new season. Won't be watching the new cast as it's very clear Bravo isn't interested in a 72 yo's viewership or opinion. No one to "make it nice" for the new season.
  3. NY is the only HW franchise I still watch, so I would tune in to watch both shows, as long as Leah isn't involved. I'm not entertained by her, and I fast forward through her talking heads and any interactions involving just her and her family. I can take or leave Eboni, she doesn't get on my nerves the way Leah does. I'd like to see Lu, Dorinda, Sonja, and Tinsley, for starters, return. I've seen and heard enough from Ramona, would not miss her even a little.
  4. Ugh. All this Kevin and Sophie drama reminds me of another will they or won't they end up together that I hated, Ross and Rachel. I was so glad when R&R split up; really hoped they'd stay that way; feel the same way about K&S.
  5. I can picture the ad: 1000 Pound Sisters: The Next Generation.
  6. An extra from the TLC Thespians Club.
  7. I'd like to see Dorinda, Luanne, Sonja, Tinsley, Alex, and occasionally the Ramona Coaster. I've seen and heard enough of Leah and Eboni, enough; although between the two, I'd rather see Eboni return. I liked B in the early years.
  8. I wonder how often sheets and towels in these two households get changed. I shuddered thinking about it.
  9. OMG. I'm amazed that she is still alive.
  10. I was with you on this sentiment. I watched season 1 but when it ended I told myself I wouldn't be watching season 2 of this shit-show. And I didn't, until two days ago, when some blurb I read about them on the internet caught my eye and before I knew it I was searching On Demand to find episodes. Two days later I've watched all of season 2 and now I need more!!! And I need it nooooooow. 😝 This show would be easier to watch without all the farting and belching; a little of that goes a long way for me. 😷
  11. Apparently TLC quietly gave up the "learning" channel premise around 2014. I don't recall this rebranding, and I sure would not call it "tender loving care!" Maybe: Take (a) Lesson Chump."
  12. Is it too mean to say that that's one masculine looking face (Angela's face, not companion)? Asking for a friend.
  13. Love Story 2020--Love Means Never Having to Say Don't Fuck Hookers.
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