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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. https://twitter.com/KatyTurNBC/status/803233161106755584
  2. I've been asking this daily, but seriously, WTF???? I Voted for Trump, So There!!
  3. Trump's continued extolling of conspiracy theories & those who perpetrate them remains as deeply concerning as a number of other things about him. The daughter of a Sandy Hook victim implores Trump to quit legitimizing the crazies....too bad he's one of them, so it isn't going happen, but it's worth reading because it highlights something I & others have mentioned here: Alex Jones, purveyor of trash and lies. Mr. Trump, Denounce Alex Jones
  4. https://twitter.com/mattmfm/status/803213223952420864 I thought about starting a new thread for this, but figured the mods wouldn't consider it a deep enough topic for that.... The Potential Positives We Can Expect (Hope for?) From the Trump Presidency: --The Evangelical Right has shown their true colors by supporting Trump and can never again claim the moral high high ground. Hopefully this results in them having less influence going forward. --Large swaths of people will be learning much more about our political process & how government works as a result of having this abomination in the White House. I've spoken with dozens of people who say that while the 2000 election caused them to educate themselves about he Electoral College, the level of horror this cycle has forced them to learn even more about hoe government works. --Protest art (especially music) will experience a huge uptick in activity & experimentation --HOPEFULLY a type of investigative, critical journalism Renaissance I'm sure there's more, and I need to believe some good will come out of this.
  5. https://twitter.com/timjhogan/status/803229195052662784
  6. https://twitter.com/crampell/status/802978662136090624
  7. Putin is licking his lips, watching American democracy implode at the hands of conspiracy theories & fake news. The U.S. won't have the will to stand up to Russian expansionism. Merkel is on her own. Meanwhile, we're at the mercy of a madman, counseled by sniveling enablers. Will anyone (national politician or a media outlet, for example) make a stand?
  8. I have a Twitter account, merely to follow others for news, sports updates, etc. It's a private account, I have 0 followers & I have never tweeted. IF I did tweet, however, I'd tweet this at Trump:
  9. ***Sincere question: Has anyone encountered any Trump supporter who is openly displaying regret for supporting him? any Trump supporter who is calling him out for his b.s. since election day?
  10. https://twitter.com/ZachWahls/status/803014972468932608 ******EDIT: To be clear--People displays better journalism than CBS by calling Trump's tweet storm for what it is--FALSE
  11. ^^^ I'd buy that maybe if Trump's supporters didn't skew older than millenials. I don't think lack of sciences education explains this. EDIT: wow, this was horribly worded by me (I was trying to type that out while also talking on the phone; guess I fail at multi-tasking tonight)
  12. Sorry Kurt, hate to say it, but you're screaming into a void. My girlfriend just showed me a Facebook post w/ at least 5 dozen responses about this. To a person, each Trump supporter is believing Trump's claims of massive fraud. What fucking world are we living in??? I just can't fathom this. How in the world can so many people be so deluded??? https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/803042582423109632
  13. FFS, Propublica...WHAT KEITH SAID. Stop with the damn false equivalencies!!! https://twitter.com/KeithOlbermann/status/803040525553205248
  14. Seriously, this isn't snark: so which MSM outlets are we considering as mostly uncompromised at this point? Is it pretty much only the Washington Post? I ask because it seems like pretty much every other outlet I regularly consume has made the conscious decision to not oppose Trump in any meaningful way (I guess one could say the NYT has been easing back to acting like the free press, but YMMV). I'm mindful of what Megyn Kelly said about Trump's team having no reservations about cutting deals w/ media outlets, even going so far as to describe scenarios where a given outlet is allowed to present negative Trump news in order to appear objective. Have I gone off the deep end? Is MSM more robust than I can sense these days? I know individual writers/tv personalities are showing some backbone, but as far as entire news organizations, I can't say I'm sure of their commitment to stand up to Trump.
  15. How in the hell is Keith not yet blocked by Trump? Too damn funny. He's been rattling the cage constantly today.
  16. I think Obama is playing the long game here. I know I'm not being original in my thoughts, but he's a very astute observer, and it's clear to me he grasps that having any kind of influence on Trump, no matter how minor, requires him to be, uhhhh, diplomatic. While I'd love to see Obama put Trump on blast, I think it's probably better for the country, overall, if he first tries to do what he can to moderate Trump's extreme views. Yeah, it likely won't help much given the craven gang of deplorables hovering over Trump's transition/future administration, but I suspect it's better than instantly being on the outs. We'll see, I guess. I also understand anger among liberals over Obama not railing against the election results. However, again, I think he understands the better role for him to play is to try & influence Trump, even if only in small ways. The chance of an election being overturned are not even minuscule, and while I understand people grasping at straws, the fact is, it isn't gonna result in a changed outcome. I've tried to not comment on these aspects because, even though I'm not a Dem, I am a #neverTrump Independent who voted for Hillary, and in-fighting over things that ultimately won't change the outcome just doesn't interest me. I'll save my ire for Trump & his supporters. Anyway, just my 2 cents.
  17. He doesn't care. It's all about his #butthurt. Again, the irony is delicious. He's the poster child (emphasis on "child") for anti-PC, yet he's the one who is all whiny & desirous of safe spaces for his butthurt. His supporter's are only glad to provide him with same. It's hilarious to me the blatant double standard being applied. My bowl of popcorn is at the ready.
  18. I won't follow Trump, nor will I directly link to his tweets... His self-delusion is glorious. https://twitter.com/Anthony/status/802973715457785857
  19. The language used by the Clinton campaign (lack of "actionable evidence") is interesting to me. ETA:
  20. Trump the Populist is the among the most hilarious aspects of his impending Presidency. That his supporters actually believe, or even just hope, that he cares about anything other than his own popularity/acceptance among his fellow economic elites is pathetic. Trump supporters I've encountered bemoan the elitism of liberals, but they are under the sway of Trump & his elitist gang of billionaire friends. It's amazing to me.
  21. Well, considering her intended audience, such knowledge isn't so universal based on the attempted discourse I've had w/ said audience over the past year especially. ETA: hahahahahaha, Keith keeps bringing it:
  22. Americans Keep Looking Away from the Election's Most Alarming Story
  23. LMFAO..."Dolores Umbridge of DC," hahahahaha https://twitter.com/KeithOlbermann/status/802917146124660736
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