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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. https://twitter.com/pastpunditry/status/814503972908179456
  2. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/312105-alt-right-leader-lands-250k-book-deal
  3. Bibi has problems of his own: https://twitter.com/thehill/status/814487920207872001
  4. The Trump Foundation story has been buried in a sea of shit. I agree w/ the OpEd I posted from WaPo the other day, by a Hungarian expressing concern based on what has happened in her country: if anything brings down Trump, it's probably be nepotism/self-dealing (though #RussianHack MIGHT do the same, but self-dealing would necessarily be a part of it, IMO). Anyway, I couldn't help but laugh at this quote from Fahrenthold's article:
  5. FFS, no need to worry about Trump & Goons starting their own state-run propaganda arm, MSM is gaslighting us all on their own. https://twitter.com/digby56/status/814308969749430273
  6. This guy kinda sorta sounds like me (though I have always been a registered Independent who was decidedly conservative as a young adult but has actually become more liberal in adulthood). He definitely sounds like older friends of mine who were Republicans but have left the party over the past 10 years or so. Donald Trump and the GOP, I want my party back
  7. I'm gonna keep repeating this until polls show Trump supporters can accept the FACT that he did not win popular vote, nor did he win an EC "landslide" no matter what he says. https://twitter.com/DavMicRot/status/810477307987165184
  8. I have friends/family in Kansas, many of them voted for Brownback. Some of them admit regretting it, and a couple are in the process of moving out of the state. https://twitter.com/chrislhayes/status/814227255652155392
  9. https://twitter.com/notsalome/status/814118743181762560
  10. Juts a reminder that Obama & Holder will be focusing on re-districting; this has a huge impact on why Congress, among other things, looks the way it does. The most effective way to combat it? Get more Dems in state houses & state election boards. If you care about fair elections, get other like-minded people to care abut state/local politics/elections. https://twitter.com/PoliticsWolf/status/814146217039032320
  11. The point made above about the stock market is well taken, but I still want to point out:
  12. I watched a populist leader rise in my country. That’s why I’m genuinely worried for America. emphasis mine
  13. ------------------------------------------------------------- I won't link to a David Duke anything, but McMullin re-tweeted this:
  14. https://twitter.com/Evan_McMullin/status/813940139315474432
  15. https://twitter.com/ericuman/status/813927118157426688
  16. Well, for Republicans, government action = loss of personal freedoms, ostensibly. That's what many Republicans in my life would say (Trump supporters as well as #neverTrump 'ers). I put it that way because individual analysis doesn't go that deep in the vast majority of cases, IMO. Other things like internalized attitudes toward racism/misogyny drive fears much more than nuanced political philosophy. JMO.
  17. So #RussianHack didn't help elect Trump, huh?
  18. ^^ I posted the same story in the OK what's next forum. Hell, the story itself is largely comprised of tweet arguments among the nazis. Not difficult to ascertain accuracy.
  19. I assume this reaction is in response to CBS evening news? I refuse to watch network nightly news, os am unsure....
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