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Everything posted by dhilde85

  1. Okay- thank you. (It was bugging me for some reason.)
  2. This is sort of off topic, but does anyone know what Miranda gave her to drink in the beginning? She handed her a can of something.
  3. Does anyone know the song after Elliot gives water to the dog and starts the computer?
  4. Not just you- I thought Sherv was into men. I thought something was up because he was always hanging around GG's cousin (I think it was her cousin) and they were always bragging about the many women that they were hooking up with. (It seemed like they were trying too hard.)
  5. It was interesting how Asa has the whole "Persian Pop Priestess"/empowering women vibe and at the slightest hint of criticism, completely falls to pieces and turns petty with the the whole "I wasn't going to tell you the sex of the baby."
  6. I know, right? I love how they judge Asa and then wonder why she doesn't feel comfortable enough to share with them. I thought her and MJ were closer though.
  7. It's funny because they would NEVER let Katie live it down if she had been the one who cheated. Instead they throw "Tequila Katie" back in her face. Although I'm pretty sure that the guys would hate whomever Schwartz dated because they have some weird co-dependent bromance.
  8. I think she was just grilling him, trying to turn the tables, but I'm not sure...
  9. I agree- she's gorgeous. It's all about the charm though and making the target feel special. As she tells Richard, "You were never in love with me. You were in love with who you were when you were with me." This is what she does best because Maddie herself doesn't know who she is. It's like the movie "Runaway Bride" where Julia's character liked whatever her husbands liked. She didn't know herself.
  10. I wonder how the Doctor found out what was going on/that the FBI is involved. Did Max report back to him?
  11. Decoy? No idea. I've watched the episode 5 or 6 times and I still am trying to figure things out.
  12. Why did Celeste have plastic gloves on when she was at the apartment?
  13. At first I thought The Doctor was some sort of mob reference. Then he appears to be an actual doctor. Besides his identity, I want to know how they all got into the business of working for this guy and why. The actress playing Saffron/Maddie/etc. wears a wig, right? The actress in real life has gorgeous curly hair.
  14. Stassi had some great zingers- whether you love her or hate her, the girl is funny. Scheana and Shay not even sitting near each other at the wedding was awkward. The Stassi and Ariana scene was interesting- Stassi was practically salivating when Ariana started to cry. FI Tom and his trumpet... I think the saxophone player in the band was telling him to stop playing in his ear.
  15. I haven't read the book yet, but for those that have, does Madeline and Ed's relationship make more sense? On the show they seem so mismatched or more like really good friends instead of husband and wife.
  16. It amazes me that they're so young and they're doing this. If they were a few years older, I would believe it more.
  17. He's the cutest! The scene with him and Chloe running around on the beach was so sweet.
  18. The way that they smoothed over everything so quickly seemed suspicious- I was surprised. Maybe not suing her, but taken some sort of action.
  19. I think she wanted to let Nathan handle it. She wasn't the one screaming at Abigail. Part of it is her laid-back personality and part of it is because she's a stepmom. (Perhaps she feels it's not her place?) I think she cares, but doesn't want to rock the boat.
  20. I got the feeling she knew something, but she's so hippy-dippy earth child that I don't think it bothered her much anyways. I'm surprised Renata didn't sue the pants off Jane. There has to be more to that whole thing.
  21. I was wondering if Maddie is pregnant as well. I couldn't watch the scenes with Celeste and Perry tonight- I fast-forwarded through them. It was too much. Too real. (I hope Nicole and A Skars get awards for their portrayal of the characters.) Let me just say- I would have broken more than his urethra!
  22. I noticed this too- why weren't they getting wet?
  23. Never thought I'd say it, but Jax was definitely likable this season. I thought it was cute how he was helping the triplets and making sure they had everything. Sandoval wasn't too pleased, but 'Papa Jax' was endearing. Usually I like Sandoval the most, but he was so dramatic and whiny. His hair annoyed me as well. I didn't like Katie's dress- she needs to dress for the body type she has and not the one she wants.
  24. I agree that Ed is probably just awkward as well, though Zoe Kravitz has a banging bod- I wish mine looked like that! I don't know- this episode seemed out of sync from the others. There was too much music- are we watching a show or a music video? Also, Celeste's shirt reminded me of the 'Puffy Shirt' from Seinfeld.
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