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Everything posted by Lunera

  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/BRmk2ajj_5u/ Seems they are getting married on her birthday then
  2. I'd be so bothered if I was spending my precious free time off work relaxing in the park and some sickly white man came up to me and started preaching to me in I language I didn't understand.
  3. Looks like she's wearing slip-on Van's. No more flip flops and thrifted sandals for her!
  4. I don't see Ben as a cheater either. He is the type that will stay in a miserable marriage because it's the right thing to do. If he does eventually get out of the house and away from Jessa to pursue education in an actual shcool or a hobby he seems like the type that would crush on other girls but never actually act on it. He's way to young and has barely been exposed to other women besides sister-in-laws it's bound to happen.
  5. I came across the Instagram of Jessa's "bestie" Kristen, the tacos 4 life girl. She is fundie and graduated from a Christian College and got married to her college sweetheart. They opened the restaurant righ after and then she got pregnant about a year after. She also has a nose piercing and tattoos...gasp... I wonder if Jessa is jealous of her she seems to have had an ideal life, while Jessa had an uneventful life and got stuck with an unemployed teen boy and now lives under Jim Bob's thumb.
  6. I have been watching the Duggars since the beginning and they never had a southern accent. The accent is something Jessa has started doing recently in order to sound cutesy and sweet like the Bates girls. It sounds so fake and it makes her sound dumber than she is.
  7. I noticed Ana is using Instagram again, she liked one of Jill's posts
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/scared-less-amy-duggar-king-150042263.html Her father was her abuser.
  9. I bet it's her guilty pleasure. She probably wishes she had a bunch of sister wives to take JB away for the week.
  10. I don't believe that Jessa loves the idea of being pregnant every year until she reaches menopause. She just parrots what her parents say "children are a blessing and we'll take how ever many god wants to give us" blah blah blah. Before she married she mentioned the idea of waiting a few years before having children and she was never really motherly. She loves her kids but obviously doesn't want a horde of them even though she keeps saying she does.
  11. I wrote in the Jessa thread that I suspect that Jill and Derick never had sex during their 8?months in CA and that's why she didn't get pregnant down there. That can really hurt a marriage that is just beginning I mean the whole point of the quickie marriage is to have sex. It may make her feel like she's doing something wrong if he's not initiating sex and we know she she never will.
  12. Jessa will reveal one letter of the the name everyday to keep her smug face pasted on the People website. She will do it randomly and have the leghumpers guess. *eyeroll* Seriously, who does she think she is? It's not a big deal! She needs to learn from the Bates who have their names picked out and announced even before the baby is born.
  13. Same with a guy that just started where I work. He looks like a slightly taller Bin with glasses and that same dumb voice.
  14. I hope she enjoys this baby because I think Jessa will be pregnant again within 6 months. She seemed surprised that it happened right away with baby no. 2 because Jill and Ana didn't get pregnant right away but I suspect Jill and Derick never had sex while in central America and Josh was too busy with porn and cheating to pay attention to Ana.
  15. I follow a few Duggars and friends on IG but I don't know who this lady is. This picture just randomly showed up on my feed with pregnant Jessa front and center. Her bio says she's a nurse.
  16. Ben was a child when Spurge was born. He reminds me of those teen parents that name their kids after what they're currently obsessed with. Except he chose some weird preacher's name and not an anime character.
  17. She probably wants to foster an older girl to take care of the new blessings. Then she and Ben can resume their daily dinner dates like before Spurgeon was born.
  18. For some reason I follow Sierra and checked out her etsy. Those jar cakes are $10 a piece! ($40 for 4)They look like they're made from Betty crocker box cakes and frosting.
  19. If Brandon does follow those Gothard rules they might be having sex only twice a month. He does have a full time 9-5 job so it's normal he would be tired after work, so maybe only the weekends. He doesn't seem like the kind to initiate sex and neither does Michael.
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