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Everything posted by Lunera

  1. I wonder what Jessa will say about wearing pants in her modesty talk thing. Since marriage her clothes have been terrible. She really should be wearing a more fitted skirt with that loose shirt and she needs a proper bra for her new jugs.
  2. I wonder if the Seewalds will be staying in the Vuolos spare room for this trip. Jana can sleep on the living room couch with baby Henry by her side to give Jessa and Ben some good night's rest...eyeroll...
  3. The tacos 4 life girl and Sierra live blogged it. Apparently their husbands are taking care of the kids while they road tripped there. I wonder if it was filmed.
  4. She looks good in pants..... Swipe for the pictures....
  5. Saw it. Carlin was just talking about a big history test she has tomorrow that she didn't want to study for and Joy was glued to her phone with Austin, I'm assuming.
  6. This is like the 3rd time I have seen her wear this exact outfit. She's so skinny...
  7. Alyssa is doing phone case promos now and Michael is selling more handmade baby stuff. She and Brandon are writing a children's book, too.
  8. Looks like something a high school boy would give a girl during a promposal.
  9. I think she's pregnant and with that I fear that they will move back to Arkansas. They are in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment because that's all that Jeremy can afford and Jim Bob will try to bribe them with an all expenses paid house and free sister-nannies.
  10. I think the boobs are the biggest giveaway
  11. Seeing as Jeremy used to live in the real world and was not a virgin I kinda thought that he might use condoms, at least, and tell Jinger to keep it hush. They looked so happy on their honeymoon finally alone and definitely not ready for kids so soon. I wonder if Jessa called her every week asking if she was pregnant already.
  12. During her time in DC she started acting quite smug and uppity. They were spending a lot of time with conservative socialites and we're the main focus on the show. I was so glad when the scandals knocked them down from their fundy pedestal.
  13. She doesn't mention anyone's name because she does know them. She hasn't bothered to get to know them. Seems like they had short interactions with a couple of people that probably lasted a few minutes or heard stories from others and wrote a whole "essay" about it making it all about them and their gospel. I bet they wouldn't have stopped for the woman having the asthma attack if they hadn't told them to and Jill probably just checked her temperature with the back of her hand and made up a whole story about how she used her "things" to examine her. But people will still send them money and pray for them even though they haven't done jack shit.
  14. It's on their website but I linked it from Tumblr because I hate giving their site any hits.
  15. She clearly died because of the injury to her head! I hate these fucken idiots! They write like a couple of 8th graders who are writing their first essay. All filler and nonsense.
  16. The Dullards posted an update on their site. They've basically done next to nothing while down there. http://keepingupwithfundies.tumblr.com/post/158744477394/dillard-family-update-wowjill-is-big-already
  17. How pathetic that Intouch weekly is reporting news on a used cars salesman
  18. Ana liked Michael Bates latest Instagram post where brags about how in love they are and how romantic and great her husband is.
  19. When is the last time Ana was pictured ?I'm pretty sure is pregnant right now and in hiding.
  20. Jana's dream guy sounds a lot like Chad Paine. I'm sure Jana wants to get married but after seeing the losers her sisters ended up with she'll be willing to wait for her perfect guy. It doesn't help that Boob screens the guys beforehand and probably shooed away some good candidates. Jana is no dimwitted Joy and he can't pull off a surprise arrangement like he did with her. She wants to get out of the TTH but has high standards as well.
  21. https://www.instagram.com/p/BRs0P52lt1f/ They looks so awkward it makes me cringe
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