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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I thought that bit was horrible, but I then thought that she said it that way, because it made sense to her.
  2. I'd try to make a run to a health food store, or decent grocery store, for things like coconut oil (it helps to get rid of fevers, for one thing, gives you energy, too).
  3. I can't believe I'm still watching. I would ask someone to PM me, when it stops being about a love triangle, and these people use the brains that they were supposedly given, but I don't think it's ever going to end (and I don't want to see Olivia and Fitz together). I understood Mellie's reaction.
  4. I remember Cyrus ordering the hit on James - I could have sworn that was the case. I can't remember if he tried to call it off, just as it was about to happen.
  5. I thought of Halloween, as well. Kathy Bates also made the episode for me, although I liked Twisty's "Ssh" to the little girl. I thought I recognized Mordrake from somewhere - Wes Bentley!
  6. I feel so bad for laughing at this, but I'm cracking up here. I wonder if the actor who plays Bob, will be the special guest on the Talking Dead, this week.
  7. Oh, I thought you were talking about the scratches on the trees, like the one Morgan looked at before he walked into the forest.
  8. I hadn't thought that they might have been former parishioners. Someone mentioned the scratches possibly being Hobo signs that are used to show where you could find food and/or shelter, or be unwelcome.
  9. I was afraid to post on TWOP, a lot of the time, because I stopped trying to read the entire thread for most shows. I watched the trailer from the first page, and I saw the hose being directed at the walkers. Do I dare to hope that they might turn it on themselves, once they're out of danger? Unless it's just a quick thing to put them off whilst they run off to safety.
  10. Gareth looked to be kicking Bob in the face or chest. I wonder if he's still Bob, or if he's turned.
  11. That's the third time I've seen that ending, and it only gets more horrifying to me. The guy playing Gareth is doing well when it comes to making him cold, and frightening. So that shows that the cannibals were the ones watching them. That "A" scrawled in blood on something... I wonder whose blood that was.
  12. I know. It was the only lead they had at the time, though, so it would make sense to watch from a distance, if they wanted clues as to finding those people. Wouldn't they have to restock those shelves with something? It was both the shelter and the food that kept Beth and Daryl from leaving. Maybe the writers just don't care, because they know she'll show up.
  13. Yes. You'd think she would want to see the funeral home, maybe scope it out and see if anyone visits, or watch for the car - once they've recovered a little from what just happened to them.
  14. I've just re-watched that last scene (ew), and it was odd how Gareth seemed to be blaming Bob, specifically, for the loss of their home and people. Unless they weren't the ones watching Daryl and Carol in the forest, and were surprised to come across Bob.
  15. I watched my recording at 10pm, and since I was asleep by 8pm last night, I watched this week's episode this morning, as it was slowly getting light. It was a perfect time to watch it, and I got to fast-forward through the adverts. I would have been nice and relaxed, as planned, had it not been for my dog knocking over my tea, and then my having to quickly bath him, and wipe up the mess, before making more tea, and then settling back in.
  16. She was absolutely *determined* to find Glenn - nothing was going to stop her. Her sister, on the other hand? Meh. It reminds me too much of my own sister, without going into details. In the episode where Beth tried to kill herself, Maggie panicked, and blasted Andrea for leaving her alone, and letting her make the choice to go through with an attempt. She was trying to keep her around, and brought up favourite memories for the two of them. She mattered to her before. We have Rick and Daryl declaring each other "brothers", and a real sister just doesn't seem to give a shit.
  17. Just after someone says something about no more splitting up, Daryl and Carol rush off to chase that car. Sasha and Bob were happy, so of course he had to go. :/ I like him, so I'm sad to see him go, if he is gone, and doesn't end up hobbling around like Herschel. In the preview, Sasha said that I don't mind the slower pace, and the conversations. I wonder if those scratches in the trees, are the Termites indicating where they've been - although that one marking last week, was different. At first, I wondered if Bob was just going to the loo, but then I remembered that the church would have bathrooms. I figured that he'd been bitten, when he was crying. I don't think he would have taken the group to Terminus, and been a part of that. I could be wrong - I thought maybe he was drinking out of guilt, last season, as to his reasons for being with the group. That was before I saw "Alone" earlier this year. I much prefer watching this at 7am, so that I have the rest of the day to get over it. Just like Hannibal.
  18. When do they film the show? Earlier in the year, on the final Talking Dead for the season, they said something about how Andrew Lincoln needed his beard back by the end of April. I suppose they're filming the second half of the season now.
  19. Yes, this has happened to me, as I've started to watch it again. I need to watch it occasionally, because it cheers me up, but I'm finding that it's too soon for me to start over again, because parts of it are irritating me. When I was first watching the show, almost three years ago, I looked up the boards elsewhere, and couldn't relate to what some were saying about Christopher, Lorelai, etc. I had the same thing happen with LOST, and a couple of other shows: I started to watch from the beginning, no week in between episodes, no advertisements, and certain characters were suddenly grating on me.
  20. I would know that voice anywhere. I had my wireless headphones on, since it was 1am, and was getting something from the kitchen when I heard her.
  21. I was saying the same thing as I watched, and I rarely talk back to my TV. Fitz really is a dolt, and as usual, a real arsehole to his wife. I loathe this character. That kiss between Fitz and Olivia did nothing for me, and I didn't buy that they're so in love. She looks like an addict, who was doing so much better when she was away from him. Olivia losing her temper with those parents at the end, on the other hand, was PERFECT. God, that was good. I also loved this, and her scene with her daughter. I didn't mind her giving her a free pass for that: she had been basically ignored for months, by her family. I also liked her comment, "I'm your mother, so I'm having a tiny seizure inside, but..."
  22. I was half-asleep, and fell asleep on the replay, but I thought it was better than last week's episode. The clown in the store at the beginning creeped me out - the not-so-cute version of ET hiding in the furry toys. I knew he was going to be there, and I guess that was the head he pulled out in front of the kids? I don't like Dandy, and felt bad for the girl when he carried her back to that trailer, but it also cracked me up when the clown looked like he thought he was really messed up. I wish they would give Jessica Lange something to do, aside from the aging diva character. I thought she was at her best in Asylum, even though she was also an entertainer at some point in her life, on that season.
  23. I was surprised by how squeamish I felt last night, since I've watched Hannibal, and they have been beyond gross with that they've shown. I still cringe at several things if they come to mind. As much as I like Glenn - ever since I first saw him onscreen and yelling, "Not dead!!" at Rick, I think it would have been more shocking if they had got as far as killing him. The timing was too perfect (although I really didn't want that bat to connect with his head).
  24. I still like them both, but they annoyed me last season, when they were so focused on each other, that they practically forgot about everyone else. Maybe that's just normal when you've experienced that much loss, but it just bugged. I was glad to finally hear Maggie ask about her sister, at the beginning of this episode. I was also going to comment on Maggie's looking like a supermodel. It's silly and distracting.
  25. Oh, I wondered why Rick was looking at him in particular. I didn't watch the marathon, and have only just started re-watching season 3 on Netflix. I almost didn't catch Morgan at the end there. ♥ I love Carol - she's so clever - and when Rick saw his baby? Finally!!! I also loved Tyreese just lumbering back in there, and throwing himself at that guy. I wasn't sure if they really killed Gareth, if they really shot him, or if he faked it. I didn't see the crossbow (I did later, when a repeat was on), but I couldn't stop thinking about the teddy bears, and what you just said: all of those people. :(
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