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Everything posted by Awfarmington

  1. I have one who needs speech therapy. He's in private school and the state provides so many hours of therapy per year. It averages out to 45 mins a week, and they provide the service right at the school.
  2. Our neighbor was a teacher, before she took a break to stay home with her kids. We weren't overly friendly, but her sister in law would walk over to chat if I was outside doing yard work. Her boys were friends with mine so we were acquaintances. She also wasn't fond of the neighbor lady but their husbands were brothers, hence the reason she would be next door visiting. One time, when she walked over to chat, she mentioned that SIL was very 'teacher like' with her parenting. Very structured and formal with lots of words. Jen reminds me of my neighbor, I think she cares about them. But parenting doesn't come as natural. Bill seems a lot more comfortable but lacks discipline. The nanny is probably more suitable to be doing the parenting,
  3. By being with Josh, it's a very reasonable demand. As well as a Porsche, and a mansion...with separate bedrooms.
  4. Agreed. It's one thing to stand up for yourself, but this kid is just a brat.
  5. I can give her a pass on May not being pottie trained, not all kids are ready at 2 years old. But that's the only pass, she is still a lazy parent who does very little 'parenting'.
  6. Maybe the diaper changes during the night is because she is waking up and eating. Knowing Nicole, May is probably still taking a bottle at night, so that could also be a reason for extra changes.
  7. Also weird she wakes up crying at night because she's hungry. I know each child is unique, but at age two, none of my kids woke up to eat. Hopefully it's just a time difference issue and not following in mom's footsteps.
  8. Dad and brother really rubbed me the wrong way. Andrei and Elizabeth would do well to move far away. Dad admitted that she only works part time and doesn't make much. So it's not like she has a great job keeping her there. Elizabeth said their wedding is going to be 'really' expensive. They have 90 days to tie the knot. She is only working part time. Dad is not going to foot the bill now, apparently. How exactly is this expensive wedding going to happen?
  9. I hate that I'm agreeing with the twit, but I'm with her on the apt (looks more like a house or duplex). I LOVE old homes, antiques, vintage anything. Free heat is a big deal in northern climates. But if their budget is $900 max, and this place is $1200, the $3600 at year difference seems high even with free heat. Since they would pay electric, free heat would likely be natural gas, which wouldn't be $3600 a season. If it included ALL utilities, $1200 would be a great deal for a big apt like that.
  10. It sounds like Molly brought him here as domestic help, and for free gigolo services. Pretty good deal (for her) even with the money paid to get him here. Free child care, dog walker, sex, and probably makes him clean and cook.
  11. He probably feels like he purchased a beauty queen. He may have enough self awareness to realize that he couldn't find that locally. Although we of course have men (and women) who don't seem to understand their expectations are unreasonable, and want a partner way out of their league.
  12. What a @&!^%# Josh is. I think he is the most superficial cast member ever, by leaps and bounds. If you're super hot, and you get on your partners case about toning up, (losing the pooch, etc) that's not okay. But if you're ugly, and doing that, it's especially nervy.
  13. Many years ago, we had my parents in law and sister in law with her hubby for dinner. I had a main dish with several sides. Halfway through the meal, BIL was taking seconds (or 3rds) of the mac and cheese. There were about 2 servings left. As he scooped out all of it, onto his plate, he laughed and said "I hope no one else wanted any because I'm taking it all...hahaha!'. After knowing him for 20+ years, I can no longer be in his company. He is the most obnoxious, selfish, immature person I know. Will is just a kid and I don't want to give him the same label as my BIL. But I do notice some similarities with parenting styles. Little things like taking all the cheese really needs to be addressed. Being inconsiderate isn't cute or funny. It will only get worse as he ages. Another story from the past...when my kids were small, my inlaws would have us for dinner once a week. One dinner, my MIL set a little bowl of applesauce in front of everyone. Instead of saying thank you, my daughter whined that hers didn't have any cinnamon on it. So my MIL apologies and reaches for the cinnamon to sprinkle it on for her. I intervened and said she wasn't going to get any, because she used bad manners. MIL was very put out about how 'mean and unfair' I was being. Fast forward 20 years, her grandson from her daughter (and obnoxious BIL) is a very spoiled and whiny kid. He's 10 but you wouldn't know it by his actions. Recently the women in the family and cousins got together for lunch. My nephew's behavior was the usual and my MIL told him his whining made him sound like a 2 year old and was clearly irritated by it. Since then, she made a comment to me that 'I guess you being strict paid off'. Very rare that she compliments me, but I think she finally gets it lol.
  14. Dinner prep soft core porn humor seems to be becoming a theme with Jen and Bill...one can only hope next week's meal doesn't include any meat or lettuce ?
  15. I have to air a grievance with that. I totally agree that Bill's decor was tacky. When Jen said they agreed that he could decorate the outside, and she the inside, it seemed reasonable. Typically decorating for the holidays is something that the wife handles. But in the case where the husband has a strong opinion, there has to be compromise. What irritated me is that Jen accepted his tacky blow up decorations, then he comes inside and tries to force his tackiness on her. She kept telling him not to put it on and he persisted. No wonder the kids don't listen to her, look at the example he gives. I know they make it sound endearing that Bill is a big kid. But I wouldn't be able to handle that in a spouse.
  16. This is the first time I noticed such blatant product placement. Second thing, and maybe my poor is just showing. But the toy shopping at the specialty shop seemed extravagant. Not only because the kids were just going to town filling the carts. But he could have gone to Target and gotten twice the toys for the same money. They did show the name of the business a couple times, so maybe the toys were 'donated' by the shop as payment. I'm to the point where I don't trust anything TLC shows as genuine lol.
  17. I noticed that, too, and was surprised. Not by Bill but that Jen played into it. I'm way less proper than she is, but would be mortified to joke around about my 'salad being tossed' on national TV ?
  18. I noticed back on the first episode (or second?) when she met her friends and sisters for a girls night out that she exaggerated Andrei's dominance. On the FaceTime, he was asking when she would be home. But when she got to the restaurant, she repeated the convo not exactly as it was said. She made it out like he was louder, ruder and more demanding. So she is definitely trying to play the victim. With Andrei, she keeps forcing the fact that her family is so protective and he will have to prove himself as worthy. I don't think Andrei gives **** if her family cares for him or not. And actually, if anyone is the victim (there isn't one) it would be Andrei. Elizabeth is going to be an attention whore, and pit the family against him for his alpha role.
  19. I'm hoping the next episode shows Olivia telling gramps what the perv said and gramps will finally be the one to handle business. Clearly Molly and brother Molly aren't going to. I have to give Brother Molly *some* credit (not much though) because he did 'tattle tale' that Olivia was keeping the BF over too long. And he did mention that he isn't as strict with her but she also need to mind mom. So there is some effort. Not to mention he's not dad or step dad. He's an uncle staying there, probably for monetary reasons. I'm not sure how much of a roll uncles should take with nieces. I'm also wondering how much editing there was for the pool game scene. They show him with a shocked face and go back to Olivia and Luis. But in reality, did he tell Luis to cool it and that wasn't aired? Or is he playing the chill future BIL and staying out of it. We likely will never know.
  20. I though that was a red flag, too. But of course you're going to be willing to keep secrets when you plan on pursuing said girl. When I was 16/17 I had a couple adult males in my life that were 'cool' like that. But the intentions were soon very clear.
  21. Agreed! First of all, it didn't look like the aunt or Azan were eating. Secondly, I've yet to ever see a hostess prepare just meat for a special meal. No bread or sides of any kind? It was pretty obvious that it was producer driven or the family was trying to play a dirty trick.
  22. Not to mention the fact that he might have to grow up and get their own place. Having roommates, a wife and kids under one roof isn't ideal. I wonder what's going on with his other kids and support. Even if you don't have visitation, courts usually enforce child support.
  23. I think Josh and Luis would both be in first place after tonight, if it was a pervert contest. The way Josh looks at Aika (every single scene) is like he was watching porn. He's one sick puppy. I think Luis might be closer in age to Olivia than David and Evelyn are? Either way, he is going to be in the very least checking her out. But more likely, much more. Talking to her so openly about sex, and the constant reminders that she is basically grown made it obvious.
  24. Sorry, I should have clarified my point. I was similar to Makayla in that I was too invested in giving an opinion (repeatedly) that wasn't asked for or wanted. I've since learned not to waste my breath giving advice. If the relationship isn't meant to be, it'll eventually end when one or both parties call it quits. Well meaning friends who are thinking with their head and not their heart generally don't make a difference.
  25. I don't know how many members here follow the FB group for 90DF but David's friend Chris and his wife have been posting a lot lately. His version is he is a super generous friend, who wanted to help David get back on his feet. That the whole massage thing was an act, and pressured by producers to say, even though he didn't want to. They're also now saying David is a lazy mooch and they are done with him. The last part was paraphrased. Personally, I think they're all up to no good, something about their relationship seems fishy.
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