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Everything posted by Awfarmington

  1. Sounds like she needs to find a hobby...besides reality TV.
  2. On one of the FB pages for 90 DF, the name Maria has been brought up often. Apparently she's obsessed with Mo. Was she also on the show or just a crazy fan?
  3. I've noticed that, too, they never look like the did pre weight gain. I don't know if the rumors of a make over are true, but even if they are, it's a waste. She needs something stronger, like shock therapy or tranquilizers.
  4. I don't know how worldly Abby is. But when I was just a year younger than her, I dated (about 4 dates total) a guy who had a foot fetish. Back then I didn't know what a fetish was. I only knew it creeped me out when he grabbed my sock and started sniffing it. Sean impresses me as someone who is consumed by his sexual fetishes and Abby may not realize what she's getting into.
  5. I thought I was the only one underwhelmed with Mama June. She looks marginally better but her lack of beauty wasn't just the weight. I also agree with you about Danielle, weight loss and a makeover aren't enough. Also, attractiveness isn't just physical...her entire demeanor is repulsive.
  6. Okay, so I think he's more voyeuristic than polyamorous. If I was his neighbor, I'd make sure to keep my curtains closed.
  7. If he was smart, he would come to an agreement with her. He could 'give her, her sex' once every 6 months. In return, she drops the annulment. Then after a period of time, the arrangement is done.
  8. Someone I went to school with is married but brags that he and his wife are open to 'things'. Not to get too graphic but she is allowed with other gals, he can be with other gals and they can have 2 girls plus one boy (him) at once. But she's not allowed with other guys. I wonder if Sean was meaning that same thing when he said polyamorous??? I also saw a FB where he stated that he and Abby talked about it and she said hell no they decided it wasn't for them. Disregard the above statement...just read his profile and he wants to see his woman with other women AND men ?
  9. They will...when I'm finally single again. But I like to use my bad decisions as a cautionary tale for young women who are heading down the same path.
  10. From personal experience, you're exactly right. I remember crying on my honeymoon as the first night. I called one of my close friends telling her a made a huge mistake and wanted an annulment (totally a Danielle moment lol). She talked me out of it, convincing me that I just had to adjust to marriage. It'll be 21 years coming up soon and regret daily that I didn't listen to my gut way back then. Chantel has this window of opportunity that she should take advantage of before it gets too messy. But those who are in 'lust' rarely take it.
  11. Chantel will always come 3rd. If she was smart, she would cut her losses now before they have kids or buy a home together.
  12. What is the income of the quad family? If I remember correctly, last season they were struggling to pay the bills. This season they are considering a 6 bedroom home with a playroom.
  13. So was the Act toothpaste and mouth rinse yet another product placement?? Brushing seemed to be mentioned at least a few times, then the close up of the toothpaste looks a bit obvious.
  14. The one in remote South America, who claims to have no utilities but has an iPhone and internet. 4 different mug shots...where is TLC finding these people? Court parking lots?
  15. I just read on the FB group for 90DF that Paul has also been arrested for violating an order of protection and has a go fund me under a false name to pay for the wedding. I really wanted to like him, he seemed like the classic nice guy that's a little socially awkward. But turns out he's just another creep.
  16. Not intended, really. She can make a pretty decent income, compared to what she's making now...which is probably zero. I think being a barmaid would be ideal for her. The potential for tips is great, and she loves the party scene. It's an honest job and would help pay the bills. TLC money will only last so long.
  17. You're so right! These girls were okay looking, but very thin (anorexic looking) and also very tall with unique features. Then you have Victoria Secret type of girls that have boobs, and few more curves, and traditional beauty. Pao is not tall enough for either, not facially gifted enough and too thick. Maybe fitness model but I think that's even a stretch. She could probably make out very well as a barmaid though. She would be considered very attractive in that setting and has an outgoing personality.
  18. I've always felt she wasn't THAT good looking. Pretty for sure and better looking than the average woman. But the world is full of attractive ladies, successful models need to be MUCH more attractive. I watched an episode of maybe Dateline or 20/20, can't remember for sure. But they followed young GIRLS wanting to model. One of the group made it, then went to New York. Once in New York, there were of course many more models wanting to make it big. Most ended up working non modeling jobs. So why Pao thinks she's model material is interesting. Unless her family and friends have built her up so much that she doesn't see what we all see.
  19. The thing about Danielle is though she clearly is not the brightest bulb, she is resourceful enough to find people who can help her achieve her goals. I'm sure she had friends/family/Google (or Mo) to help with the visa application. Then airport employee's to guide her along the way when she traveled. Now we see her friends/family/lawyers advising her with the annulment/divorce process. You really don't need be smart in life as long as you have people around to point you in the right direction. I have a feeling 2 of her 3 girls keep things running on the home front. They seem like they have more common sense than anyone in that family.
  20. Exactly why I can accept the fact that she stole to feed her kids. But it sure sounds better than saying 'I stole to pay my internet bill so I can catfish men' lol. But it all goes back to my previous statement...she'll use her kids needs as an excuse anytime it suits her. She reminds me of the kind of woman who knows/suspects the bf is molester her kids but turns a blind eye because she wants a man so badly.
  21. After all the criminal elements showing up with tlc cast members, I'm surprised they aren't vetting the current ones better. Granted, it's not the usual sexual predator that TLC tends to attract, but it's certainly not jaywalking either.
  22. Terrible excuse. #1- Food banks/pantries are everywhere. #2- Emergency food stamps are available for those in need. #3- Schools have free lunch programs + programs to feed kids during the summer months. If Danielle can navigate the visa process, she can certainly figure out how to fill out paperwork for food stamps or look up food pantries in the area. My bet is that the credit card was used to pay internet, cell phone, new tv's, etc.
  23. I didn't misunderstand. I was referring to the new trend of 'doing what makes you happy comes first', my take was that you did NOT agree with it either ?
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