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Everything posted by Awfarmington

  1. Danielle needs protection from Danielle. Make Faith the new mom and things should go less "stupidly".
  2. Her left breast looks like a flesh colored implant, not even a normal fake boob shape, literally an implant slapped on. Replied to the pic before reading replies, glad I wasn't the only one who noticed.
  3. I was definitely using 'real marriage' loosely lol. I was trying to differentiate between her and people like Mo. Mo clearly had it in his mind that he was going to only stay with Danielle as long as he had to, she was a means to an end. Even though Anfisa married Jorge to live a certain lifestyle, the marriage wasn't a sham. I don't think she came here planning to leave him as soon as the ink was dry. Also, if Jorge wasn't such a lying, liar, I think she may have genuine feelings for him, or may even now.
  4. At this point in my life, it's like a mom van (in SUV form lol)...we've got kids and dogs, so it's strictly utilitarian. When I'm single and kidless, I'll upgrade to newer, just because this thing is taking a beating. But it'll still be practical, because I don't really care that much about what I drive.
  5. He just needs to unfriend Danielle's friends and family on there and make his account private. But I have a feeling he will never make it private...too hard to pick up rich women when you're not public with social media accounts.
  6. Not gonna lie...we though a teen boy and girl sharing a room wasn't ideal. But he was adamant that traveling was a way of life for them and where they put all their disposable income towards. I have a friend that leases her cars, because she wants a nicer car and also a new one every 3 years. She could afford a fine 3 year old used car, and financially it would make more sense. I drive a 2012 Kia, because it runs great and gets the job done. But we pay for our 3 school aged kids to attend private school because that's what's our priority is. She thinks I'm crazy for paying what we do when they can go to school for free and I think she's crazy for throwing away money on a lease...and Starbucks lol.
  7. I once worked with a Russian guy who was exactly that way. He and his wife both made good money. They and their two teens lived in a cheap two bedroom apt. But they traveled OFTEN. He said the same thing...that it boils down to priorities. Some people throw all their money into a home, or nice cars, or going out to eat, etc. But they traveling was their thing.
  8. My money is on pheromone incompatibility.
  9. I remember being 26. Married, 3 kids and traveling...to the grocery store mainly ?
  10. I suspect Danielle doesn't truly want him deported. If that happened, she knows she would never see him again. Except so-shull media of course. As long as he's in the US, she has a shred of hope that there will be contact. Especially with TLC or some other network picking their perfect storm. Danielle is the human equivalent of herpes...Mo will never be 100% rid of her.
  11. Yes!!! Generally control freaks can at least put on a good show in the beginning. He didn't do a great job in hiding it. Even down to the wiping the make up off..."I'm a good wiper"...weirdo.
  12. Divorce attorneys aren't cheap. Is Danielle really throwing away all her TLC money on trying to get Mo deported through an annulment? If Danielle was smart (she's not) she would bank every penny of that money because the cash cow can't be milked for much longer.
  13. When Jesse brought up her commenting on all his FB posts, I had to chuckle. That was yet another thing he sounded annoyed with. Also, I see that with some of my own friends on FB. They are my age (40's) and I feel embarrassed when they feel the need to 'mark their territory' like that.
  14. One day, I'm going to find a way to use that word in conversation.
  15. The way Cortney laughed when she brought that up was a little weird. Like first a little chuckle, then more laughing as she thought about it. I'm not sure how causing your mom that degree of stress is amusing.
  16. In this case, with Jorge not disclosing his criminal record, I wonder if that would work in her favor. Not only is he a felon, but a big lying liar. Even though she came with an arrangement, I do believe she planned for a real marriage. She thought Jorge was loaded and she'd be a pampered housewife. I doubt she has any plans to take off after becoming a citizen. For one, she doesn't want a job. Two, she isn't attractive enough to find a true sugar papa. Jorge was her best shot, but he's proving to be a chump.
  17. Because Danielle is on the loose in Ohio and newly divorced ?
  18. Poor thing has to take her make up off before they get jiggy ?. I actually empathize with her there, I would just die of my new boyfriend want to see my bare face lol. My theory is he either wants to see what she truly looks like before commiting, doesn't want make up on his silk sheets or both.
  19. Jorge didn't know what he was sorry for? He's either lying (again) or is dumber than I thought.
  20. The scene on the bed with Russ- Her hair looked terrible. Bleaching and extensions have caused so much obvious breakage. She needs to give her hair time to recover and go back to her natural color.
  21. 'Carry me over the threshold!' ...that was embarrassing. Either he didn't want to hurt his back or he was establishing who's boss early on. Either way, he seems underwhelmed and annoyed by her already. This is going to be a long 6 weeks. Speaking of which, she wants to stay longer than that? I can tell she's totally missing her kids ?
  22. I don't know how he rose to the occasion even once lol.
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