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Everything posted by Awfarmington

  1. I've heard that often and have to disagree. Once you become a parent, there are many times NOT putting yourself first (making yourself happy) is best for the kids. There are many things that would make me feel happy, but I don't buy/do them because funds are put into kids braces, school tuition, and time is invested into kids activities, appts, etc. Me telling my kid with an overbite that mom is using orthodontia money to get liposuction will be better for him since it'll make me happy, makes no sense. Same thing with Darcy flying to Europe for 6 weeks, saying she has her kids best interest. Just admit she found a boy toy that makes HER feel good. It'll be a repeat of Danielle and Mo...the girls will be forced to hear all about the problems that will certainly ensue.
  2. And now her son had a record because she wouldn't stand by him when he was standing up for HER. They're all losers. But Danielle is the biggest one of all.
  3. The smugness kills me. Both families need to stay out of the marriage. But the way Pedro's family acts makes me feel stabby and they're not even my inlaws.
  4. I think I phrased it wrong. I was a single mom with my first child and most mom's (single or married) put their children first. What I meant is her behavior is typical of the type of single mom that puts a man before her kids. Not that, that is typical of single moms in general. I hope that makes sense!
  5. Danielle is the typical single mom that uses her children's feelings when convenient, but actually puts herself BEFORE her kids. They'll throw their kids under the bus for some scumbag, but when it suits them, they'll take on the role of a martyr. Danielle's kids made it clear they didn't want Mo around. She didn't give a flying @&$! for all this time that her kids took a back seat to HER wants and desires. But now that she wants to enact revenge, suddenly her kids feelings are considered? Nah, you're a phony just like Tom and Mo. The girls would do well to put distance between them and Danielle. She will only drag them down.
  6. Agreed! She needs to cut off all contact with Mo's boyfriend. Although she's as bad as Mo so I guess I don't really care that she's being turned against by that creep.
  7. Ugh, Walmart Tom is such a phony. It was obvious last week that he wasn't neutral. But this week, he just confirmed his love affair with Mo. The jokes on him though, because Mo is only using Tom as an ally with his Danielle problems.
  8. With her even once is over the top. But my point was that Tom was trying to normalize it, like 'geez, guys aren't animals that can get it on constantly'...paraphrasing there. First, he wasn't comparing apples to apples. There is a big difference between one time ever and all the time. Secondly, he wasn't addressing the elephant in the room, which is the reason it only happened once. Mo is not attracted to Daniel, to put it mildly. Totally repulsed would be more accurate. So instead of sounding silly, defending Mo by a lame excuse, tell her the hard truth. Mo is a snake. But as a mother, anytime I see a woman put some piece of man meat before her children, it sickens me. She's lower than dirt now.
  9. Hard to keep the story straight when you're a big liar.
  10. Daniel had to realize that Tom wasn't going to help her get an annulment. It had to be producer driven.
  11. Tom's full of it. As far as he knew, Mohammed was traveling around the country for business. Uh...because he's a career guy? Or because Daniel made enough money for him to afford to travel further than Walmart? Even dim Daniel didn't buy that bologna and Tom is almost certainly more astute than she is. Having sex ONCE, 3 months after the marriage is extremely abnormal. Unless his wee wee fell off. So for Tom to defend that as normal (because men don't need to have sex all the time) is ridiculous. I get WHY Mo doesn't want to get it on with his wife, we all do. But come on, don't try and make her out like she's a sex maniac for wanting it more than once. Tom is on point telling Daniel to put her energy into her girls, and staying off SM. But he wasn't neutral by any means. If he was, he would admit Mo is a cheater/user and Daniel is crazy.
  12. There was a full camera crew when they tried to trick them into eating chicken feet lol. Feeling fear of getting a beat down and attacked by the 'pack' of dogs IS pretty ridiculous, with a camera crew there especially. But fear of being fed something nasty, hazing, or whatever else is plausible. Pedro's mom made it clear by her words and actions that she can't stand Family Chantel.
  13. This may be stretching it. But had Family Chantel not be tricked with the chicken feet, I think they would have been less afraid to get out at the grandmothers house. They might have been on guard at that point and felt like it was an ambush of some sort. The way Pedro's mom and sister kept smiling was creepy as hell and I might be afraid to get out, too.
  14. THIS^ I I don't get all the hate on Chantel's family. I don't care for the way they handled things. But Pedro's family took it to a whole 'nother level. The dumb smirk on their faces was infuriating. Then the way they acted when Chantel and Pedro were fighting. Pure trash.
  15. The butt squeeze was no accident so the theory makes sense. BUT she looks JUST like Pedro except skinny and wearing lip gloss. I know their are cultural differences but I can't see butt grabbing as acceptable for siblings, ever.
  16. As someone who raises chickens and has for many years, the chicken feet made my stomach turn. Chickens routinely step in their own waste. Which I realize can be washed, but still. The worse part is that chickens are prone to many different parasites. Which includes ones that burrow under the scaless of the feet and lower legs. That's where they feed and live.
  17. I've been searching for this show. Where/ how do you watch?
  18. I really hope Amy and Matt are frequently occupied with their new love interests and are too busy to even need 'boundaries'. Maybe I was just a moochy new mom, but when I had my first son, my MIL had us over usually twice a week for dinner. I loved it. She is a great cook and I liked the break from cooking when I was operating on little sleep.
  19. Thanks for clarifying. I was multitasking while watching tonight and sometimes miss things, but I guess I did hear correctly. I've said it before, I'm not a fan of Matt or Amy. But I do feel bad for them in this case. Imagine watching your son on national television basically say he doesn't give a $hit about living near you or being happy that you'll be in the grandchild's life. Also, how dare Amy possibly have them over to eat too often. And how dare Matt ask his son to help on the farm that he will take over one day.
  20. Maybe I misheard, but didn't he say he was excited to be back because they would be living near Zach and Tori? No mention of Matt and Amy?
  21. I took it as he wanted to meet him because he was part owner and would be running into him on the farm. If it were me, I'd like to meet him just to get the awkwardness over. Also, apparently he wants to drive one of his tractors, so there's that ?
  22. Could Jeremy and Audrey be less enthused about living near Matt and Amy?
  23. Usually women realize that once they're a little older. Niceness and stability is too underrated when we're young. Then sometimes it's too late when we've seen the light. and all the good ones are taken.
  24. Usually they pay for that service. He's getting abused for free.
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