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Everything posted by MrSmith

  1. OK. After watching the first part of the reunion last night, I take back every nice thing I said about Kelly. She's so dumb I felt like my mind was being attacked with a dull wood chisel. Seeing how she reacted to being called polarizing.... You could tell she didn't know what it meant or whether she should take it as a compliment, so she said thank you as quietly as she could. I loved the expressions on Tamra and Heather's faces when she said that. And then she even completely lost the plot on the conversation she started about Shannon never having forgiven her. On top of all that, she doesn't understand that she would still have had an affair even if she had been divorced when she was engaged to that dude who was married. And she completely ignored the fact she was still married, which would constitute an affair anyway! I was just, "Really? You're that stupid?" And I'm sick of Vicki and her denials of her involvement with Brooks' cancer scam. I don't understand why they don't confront her with the video evidence of all the times she's lied and changed her story about her involvement. On top of that, she got involved with that "Kill All Cancer" charity scam, claims that she wasn't involved with it (by saying "It wasn't my charity"), and yet also has said "we" shut down the website "voluntarily" and that "we" will bring it back up. Well, if it's not her charity, then why would she have anything to do with making decisions about the web site or the charity? Finally, off topic... If anyone is having trouble scrolling down the page because of an ad, in Chrome you can right click the ad, click "Inspect" and this will show you the HTML code for the page. As you hover over the code, it will highlight on the page what that code is rendering on the page. Look for an "iframe" tag (it'll look like "<iframe "). Right click that tag and click "Delete element". This will remove the ad from the page until the page is refreshed. There are also ad-blockers available, but I don't know how good they are for Chrome. (I do web development and I'm too lazy to install one in Chrome.) @Drogo Perhaps you can have someone look at the intrusiveness of your video ads and do something to stop them from interfering with our ability to scroll past?
  2. Not the same image at all. I prefer the other one! Put the coffee down and back away slowly, please. :D
  3. LOL. Not to pick on you, but your sentence structure makes it sound like she'll be wearing fuzzy pink handcuffs and chicken skin while eating dinner. I only point it out because the image it conjures in my mind is So. Freaking. Hilarious. Thanks for laugh (that almost got me in trouble at work)!
  4. This is all true, but she's a much more likeable person when she's not trying so hard and isn't drunk.
  5. You know, my wife and I really liked the version of Kelly that we saw in the season finale. The one where she's not drunk, is relaxed, and being funny. If that's the Kelly that Meghan knows, no wonder Meghan likes her. I think Kelly would have been much better off if she'd just come into the show with her mind open as to where she fits and if she'd just been herself instead of trying so hard (and drinking so much). We kind of hope she comes back next season and just decides to be herself. If she won't just be herself, then she can stay off the TV.
  6. What's more, her weight is probably just a visible symptom of her other problems. My mom was very heavy most of her life, including yo-yo'ing between a somewhat healthy weight and a definitely unhealthy weight (350-400#), and I know that mostly had to do with how she felt about herself, her life, and what her relationship with her mother and siblings was like at the moment. She drilled it into our heads (my younger brother's and mine) to never marry a "fat girl". Took me a very long time to overcome that "weight bigotry" and, even now, it still pops up from time to time. And my wife was heavy when I married her, but we cleaned up our diets and hit the gym and she's kept the weight off for a decade now. (Of course, it helps that I've been supportive and positive and that we did it together, rather than a mean douche putting all the responsibility on her.)
  7. Good point. lol Very true. If I wasn't interested in them, I kept them solidly friend-zoned.
  8. So much this. There are plenty of women I've met in my life (especially when I was single) that I thought were pretty and yet weren't my type. And I never got excited by being in their presence or had any desire to even kiss them.
  9. I think this is just a cultural difference. We (Americans) put an inordinate emphasis on love and being in love with the person you marry. Other cultures are a bit more pragmatic and recognize that two people can have a wonderful life together without being in love from the moment they marry.
  10. Well, she *is* lazy, but her inability to scale a sand dune is not necessarily the indicator for this character trait that you seem to think it is. She refuses to exercise and has said so many times on this show. *That* is what proves she's lazy. The only reason Azan could scale the dune as easily as he did is because he lives in a place where you get to traverse dunes as frequently as you wish - and Azan clearly loves being in the desert. Even when I was fit, lifting weights (including doing 1,000 pound standing calf raises [including my own body weight] and 600 pound seated calf raises [to work on the soleus muscles]), and doing cardio, I don't think I'd have had an easy time scaling a dune, either. And that was a time when my body fat percentage was between 7 and 11 percent.
  11. Walking up a sand dune is actually quite a lot of work. If you're not used to it, it takes a lot out of you. They're vastly different from a bouncy house. Like, not even in the same universe of difficulty.
  12. Interesting. Though, not interesting enough to get me to subject myself to OITNB.
  13. We haven't gotten to watch the latest episode yet. That'll be tonight/this afternoon. I think, as a white male myself, that being in the minority would be valuable experience. Same can be said for living in a country other than the one I have lived all my life. In fact, even being married, if my wife wasn't dyslexic, then I'd be finding an angle to move us to a foreign country. However, since she's dyslexic, that's just not going to happen (unless it's Canada, the UK, Australia, or some other primarily English speaking country) because to move her anywhere else would be to condemn her to an illiterate hell where she wouldn't get to fully experience and enjoy the vibrancy of that country, anyway. And, as someone who is also not close with his parents, Kyle getting to experience such a thing would be of great benefit to him. My wife's family is very close and I am now very close with them. It took me many years to adjust and to feel like I fit in, but it's been one of the best things to ever happen to me and that awkward and uncomfortable period of time was worth it.
  14. Between my wife and I, I keep championing the idea that he should move to Thailand with her. In fact, when they were on 90 Day Fiance before they got married, I couldn't understand why they didn't just get married IN THAILAND. He didn't really have any family at the wedding anyway and she is close to her family. Besides, he could bartend in Thailand and probably make at least as much money as he was in New Orleans.
  15. I'm glad to get your view on this, then. What did you take her to mean by saying "pure Dominicans"? Yeah, we didn't really care for how Azan treated Nicole, either. (For that matter, we didn't care for how Nicole treated Azan!) We figured his treatment of her is mostly down to being young, immature/inexperienced in life, and not realizing that you can get your partner to eat right and exercise by being supportive, positive, and building them up; whereas being negative, critical, and tearing them down is going to have the opposite effect. For the most part, if you don't have either direct or indirect (observational) experience with such a situation, it'll take a you some time to figure this out (and that assumes you ever figure it out; my sister-in-law's husband has never figured it out and they've been married about 22 years). Seeing him call her lazy really made us cringe. When it comes to Nicole, we're mainly angered that she didn't take even 5 minutes to Google "Morocco" and learn about that country's people, their customs, laws, religion, and history. Coming in a close second for reasons why we dislike Nicole is her constant and aggressive choice to ignore the customs around public displays of affection by unmarried persons. Even if that were allowed, she doesn't have to hang on him constantly. Give the man some space and let him be his own person some of the time. Third is the fact she doesn't listen and, instead, has to constantly talk. That's the short list. Nobody wants to read a dissertation on the ways in which Nicole screwed her own visit/vacation to Morocco, and I don't really want to write one, anyway. :)
  16. Fair enough, but in this situation I would think it would be worth the $100 to get a bluetooth headset. I certainly would. The ticket for driving and texting or having the phone to your ear is going to be at least that much money, and you'll get the hassle of dealing with the ticket as a free (and unwelcome) add-on. Pretty sure I acknowledged that...
  17. I'm pretty sure the "pure Dominicans" comment is a slam against Haitians. There is a lot of bigotry by Dominicans against Haitians. So, it was probably something along the lines of "Do they think we're just dumb Haitians? We're PURE Dominicans". I'm not saying it was right or defending it. I just wanted to point out that Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the island of Hispaniola and I wanted to say that I'm pretty sure that's where that comment came from. For me, it's the only way I can make sense of the comment.
  18. What we got from all of that is just that Alla uses the word 'love' in a more strict and reserved way than most Americans do. She didn't do herself any favors by simply saying she has never told Matt she loves him. She should have prefaced or followed that up with something to the effect that she cares about him deeply, and doesn't know whether that is real love or not. She's not conning anyone; neither Matt, nor herself, nor the government. She's no more wrong than I was right in telling my wife that I loved her while we were dating and yet didn't really have the first clue about what that actually meant until much later.
  19. You know, here's what I can't understand: He's got all this money for an expensive car, expensive ring, and so on, but he doesn't have the money to get a bluetooth headset for his phone? Hell, I drive a 2002 Saturn and I have enough money for both my wife and I to have bluetooth headsets. We live in MN and it's illegal to drive and hold the phone to your ear, as well. So, having the headset comes in handy surprisingly often (since I'm not an entrepreneur). I just don't understand people who don't have headsets for their phones. Are you seriously *never* going to use it while driving? I like mine for whenever I'm talking on the phone. I can't stand holding the phone to my head.
  20. No, it turned out to be "clever" editing on the part of the producers to make it look that way in the previews. Also, has anyone else noticed that they run an expanded version of the previous week's episode immediately before the current week's episode? We caught the last 18 minutes or so of the expanded episode and it had footage that hadn't been aired last week. For example, there was footage of Alla's bachelorette party. This kind of stuff really irritates me because I feel like if they can show this footage during a regular one hour episode the week after the episode originally aired, then why can't they just show it during the original airing? Why do I have to sit and watch their episode a second time? Of course, I'll now be taping the expanded episodes..... So, their ruse obviously works. Though, I'll be DVR'ing it and skipping all the garbage I already saw.
  21. We don't have children, but we do have a couple of nieces and several nephews. If any of them ever were to watch this season (or any show with a person or character who acts substantially similar), I would use it as a teachable moment. Anfisa and Jorge both are object lessons in what not to do and how not to act.
  22. Even his sister pronounced it that way. I suspect his mother just preferred the spelling. That said, his sister's name is Lourdes and he did pronounce that with two syllables. So....
  23. Very well said. You've said it better and more succinctly than I did and I was trying hard, too! :)
  24. I don't think Lauren was douchey. The fact is that she was so drunk from the previous night that she couldn't remember anything she did or conversations she had. So, she's surprised that Kate's attitude toward her has changed and can't understand why, even though Kate's attitude toward her is perfectly reasonable considering that Kate was the sober one. Lauren was yet another fine example as to why one should not drink to excess.
  25. The worst part of that was he was only using their new dating relationship as fodder to make the psychic lady look bad. He has an axe to grind with psychics because he doesn't believe in such abilities*. And so he just went in there and asked if there was a future for his relationship with Emily in order to put the psychic lady in a bad spot. If she'd been smart, she'd have said 'yes' because that would have taken the wind right out of his position**. After all, you can't argue with or humiliate someone who's agreeing with you. And I think it's terribly low class to force Emily to be part of the hatchet job by virtue of the fact you're asking about your relationship with her. If you want to do a hatchet job on someone, then man up and do it yourself. Don't involve unwitting (and likely unwilling) bystanders in your "reputation murder spree". * From what they showed of these psychics, they clearly were fake. At least the older lady was. The younger one that Ben attacked wasn't shown enough. However, I don't discount the possibility that a psychic somewhere has genuine abilities. There are, after all, stranger things between Heaven and Earth than you or I could imagine. ** Even if this lady has genuine abilities and her truthful answer based on those abilities was "no", she should have said "yes" because I would have expected her to be able to see this argument coming. And she should have known it was coming not based on her being psychic, but based on how the general public perceives and reacts to psychics.
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