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Everything posted by MrSmith

  1. She must have really not sucked at that job to blow such an opportunity, eh? LOL
  2. In all fairness, I don't think they'd be able to find someone younger who's both as good looking as Ed Harris and also looks like they could age into him. That said, I'm not sure Jimmi Simpson fits either of those counts. Being a (straight) man, I'm not really the target audience for evaluating comparative male beauty. lol
  3. Maybe Tom from Wal-Mart is playing the part of Danielle's lawyer? If so, then you have to wonder: Did he intentionally get the address wrong? Thinking about that twists my mind up into hilarious knots. I crack myself up!
  4. Oh. My. God. I was so embarrassed for them because of their reaction to being in cattle country. I have an aunt and uncle who were dairy farmers when I was growing up (they've since sold their herd, but their son is now goat-herding). The smell really isn't that bad. I mean, granted that you don't want to be downwind from the slurry store or anything, but on average it's not that bad. And Vicki acting like she's so much better than people who provide the food she buys at the grocery store really reflected poorly on her and even Brianna. What makes it worse is that it's really the opposite because of how superficial, shallow, and capricious people like Vicki are.
  5. This is true. Kelly has no allies. Vicki, as usual, is only pretending to be her ally because it serves Vicki's purposes to do so. The fact Kelly cannot see this makes me wonder if she really did watch all the previous seasons as she claims to have done. I didn't start watching this show until S3 and that has been Vicki's modus operandi the entire time I've been watching. I'm not sure Andy's quite fed up with Kelly, yet, in spite of her sitting on the couch for these last two episodes giving the three across from her Lazer Eye-Beams of "I'm Going To Kill You, Bitch" the entire time. It could be she was directing some of those Lazer Eye-Beams at Andy, too. I'm not sure. It looked to me like it was just the ladies, but camera angles can fake a person out on that count. The odd thing here is that I do think there is a redemption-worthy person hiding below Kelly's surface. Of course, we won't see that person very often because it requires Kelly not to drink and it also requires her to spend a great deal more time thinking than she does talking and reacting. I think the amount of thought required to allow that person to shine is akin to the effort required for average people to not lose a staring contest, and I think that level of effort is similarly generally beyond Kelly's capability. Even if she managed to put that much effort in, I think she would feel that it would make her look like the very slow-witted person she is. And it may well make her look that way, but it's possible it could make her look like a very considered and balanced person, instead. At the worst, it wouldn't make her look any worse than she's managed so far this season.
  6. My wife and I finally got to watch this last night. We both are sick of Kelly and Vicki. That said, I'm pretty sure they both will be back next season because they've gotten everyone talking. At the very least, we think Kelly will be back, even if Vicki is not. Here's what we can't understand about these women. First, why can't they refrain from telling each other things until later when they know those things will cause upset? Second, why can't they control their own reactions to that information and have their freakout later when it's more appropriate? Prime example: Tamra telling Shannon about what Shannon's mother-in-law said at the kids' performance/concert, followed by Shannon's immediate freakout about what her mother-in-law said. Tamra can claim she didn't know Shannon would react like that all she wants, but she's been on this show long enough and so has Shannon such that Tamra should know better. I just don't understand why they don't have any sense of decorum, both in when they say something to another one and in how they react to what they're being told. So, I can understand Heather's reaction at the Japanese restaurant. You've got Kelly thinking she's in a "private" room, which is true only to the extent that it has walls, screaming obscenities at the top of her lungs without a single thought to how it reflects on her or the group as a whole. I'm surprised they aren't kicked out of, or banned from even entering, more places. As for that stupid cancer charity scam, Vicki wants to claim that checking the box was optional simply because the box wasn't checked by default. However, I went to that site to check it out when that episode first aired. The checkbox was certainly unchecked by default, but - if I recall correctly - the form would reject the submission unless the box was checked. So, you were required to consent to receive insurance solicitations to proceed. I remember this because I was planning on submitting the form to try trolling Vicki, but when I saw that I had to consent to receive insurance solicitations I changed my mind. As far as I'm concerned, the whole thing was set up to try to get her more business and not to be an actual charity. In my opinion, this is backed up by the fact it was never registered as a charity in the first place. And what I can't understand is why the people who were supposedly in charge of the supposed charity even decided Vicki would be the best choice as a spokesperson, given her recent history with Brooks and his cancer scam. This is yet another reason why I think it was all a set up by Vicki to make Vicki look better and fatten her wallet. And those stupid roses were definitely sent by Vicki to Vicki. It's so damn transparent and obvious. The fact that Vicki can't see that it's as obvious as it is and continues to deny that she sent them to herself just makes her look even more stupid than she manages to normally.
  7. No, she did actually say that if she was in anger management right now, that she would have beaten the crap out of Tamra. I turned on closed captioning to verify.
  8. This *IS* the thread for that episode. My guess is that the show paid her way to Morocco (including covering any bills she might have at home during the period she was away) and that was either completely or mostly in lieu of cash. I would bet they even got to effectively pay her less than everyone else because of this. Nicole is certainly stupid and desperate enough to sign up for that deal.
  9. I just finally got to watch the latest episode last night when my wife got home from out of town. I'm not sure I'm buying this whole two timeline thing. For me, there's just no unequivocal evidence of that being the case. In fact, I would argue there is evidence against it. One piece of evidence is the fact that the Dolores that is with William right now remembered being attacked by the Man in Black, which is one thing that helped prompt her to shoot the host that was going to attack her in the barn. Immediately after that, she ran off and ended up with William and Logan. If it turns out there are two timelines, that'll be kind of neat and interesting. Though, I'm not sure I'm going to want to have to help my wife understand it. I don't understand all the dislike for William or the actor playing him. I think @jojozigs is absolutely right about William in his/her posts. It's pretty clear to me that the William character is accepting the reality he's presented with, accepting the rules of that world, and is getting drawn into it. Based on his dialogue, it seems to me that he's never really felt like the hero in his own life and it seems like he's never really felt he had a lot of choice in how his life unfolded. Westworld is giving him the chance to be the hero for once and to take complete control over what happens to him, and that's a really powerful thing. It looked to me like Logan really bullied him a lot and I suspect that his fiancee in the real world is on the Ice Queen/Cast Iron Bitch spectrum. So far, William's gotten to turn the tables on his bully and leave him to his fate, and he's found a woman who isn't on the Ice Queen/Cast Iron Bitch spectrum (even though she's a robot and not a human), and now he's starting to realize that life doesn't have to be the way it has been for him up to this point. I'm looking forward to seeing what Maeve does in coming episodes. She's very conniving, ruthless, and intelligent. She'll provide a lot of excitement in the near future.
  10. Sorry, no. It's from Sunday, but I only just got to watch it last night. I apologize for the confusion.
  11. There's no way this is possible. Bernard had just left Theresa's room/apt when Elsie was grabbed. Also, Theresa clearly knew what Elsie was doing because she says something to Bernard about how his employees are checking up on her employees and how if his employees were instead doing their jobs, then they would have caught the problem in the software. So, it's one of Theresa's employees who grabbed Elsie - not Bernard.
  12. Well, my wife finally got home from out of town and we were able to watch 90 Day Fiance last night. Wow. Just wow. Nicole is beyond dumb and entitled. She's definitely on the road to becoming Danielle with her attitude of "If I can't pay for it right now, then I'll just get someone else to pay for it". Her mother is definitely helping her too much in her life already. She needs to make Nicole's life as hard on Nicole as she possibly can and force Nicole to realize the only way she's really going to get anything in life is to do for herself. It was enjoyable to see the looks that crossed the lawyer's face as she was talking to Nicole. I guess I really am reaching the end of my rope with these people for this season because I am running out of things to say about the episodes. I'm really sick of Jorge and Anfisa. I wish he would just send that bitch packing and then call an end to their storyline. He seems to be a bit like Nicole in that he's going to do the thing that people tell him he shouldn't do specifically because people whose advice he trusts are telling him not to do it. The whole thing is exhausting, but it was nice to see Lourdes again. She really wins this whole season with her calm demeanor, no-bs approach, and her killer expressions that say everything without a word being spoken. The look she gave her other sister for saying that that's what you get when you pay someone to spread their legs tells me she clearly understands Jorge better than their sisters and indicates to me that she knows that their sister having said that is just going to cause Jorge to see this through to the bitter end. As for Chantel and Pedro, Chantel's family can't be any more classless than they were last night with looking over the stupid and fake pre-nuptial agreement. I can't imagine they could be satisfied with it since it's so generic. Pedro should have just run away from that family. Apparently, the sex is just that good. Anyway, I'm ready for all these people to be off my TV - unless Lourdes is going to come to the reunion. Then I can stand it for a little longer.
  13. So that's what they're calling Harley Davidson manufacturing plants nowadays?!? :D
  14. This is so spot-on. I'm an introvert and socializing can wear me out quickly. I can tell when I'm in situations where it's going to happen more quickly because in those times I can feel myself projecting my energy outward. I visualize it like an arc or half an ellipse that's only slightly wider than my body, and the farther out I have to project my energy the faster I'll get tired. Whenever I can, I reconfigure the social situation to require less energy from me, but that's not always possible. When I get tired, I try to go spend time alone (possibly sleeping) because otherwise I get very irritable and short-tempered. Sorry for going completely off-topic, but a lot of people don't understand and I just felt like I should share.
  15. LOL. LOVE. IT! Thanks for proving the point I tried to make to @Quof earlier.
  16. It seemed like she was from a town outside of Bangkok; like somewhere kind of rural. This is just my impression based on what little they have ever shown of her family.
  17. ROFLMAO! Things that happen behind closed doors....
  18. I understood that, but my point still stands.
  19. I kiss my wife with no problems, but I can't share a toothbrush with her or eat using a utensil she has used without first washing it. Strangely, I can drink from the same bottle or glass as she without any problems. Some people just have these little hang-ups and they (the hang-ups) don't necessarily make sense. In fact, when I first met my wife, I had very complicated rules about what kinds food could touch what other kinds of food on my plate. And some of those rules still apply. For example, beets can't touch anything else on my plate, except potatoes. In fact, I'll generally not take beets on my plate until I can make them the only thing on my plate because I don't want beet juice to touch anything else on my plate (except the aforementioned potatoes, which is fine). It used to be that only corn, peas, and beets could touch my potatoes, but I didn't want corn and peas to touch whatever meat was on my plate. Potatoes could only touch steak, not chicken or turkey (even at Thanksgiving), and gravy was never allowed on anything except potatoes. Deviled eggs still can't touch anything else on my plate, either. I've eased up on it quite a bit from when my wife and I started living together, at which time it was very strict and I simply wouldn't eat the foods that had commingled when they "shouldn't" have. (I would eat around the areas where they had commingled.) So, it may not make sense to you, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. Everybody's different and some people can share their spouse's toothbrush. I am one of those who cannot.
  20. You can't measure something that has only one dimension using a two-dimensional unit of measure. So, one side of a square cannot be measured in square miles. It can only be measured in miles. A square can be measured in square miles because there are two dimensions. As for the speed of the train, I don't see any reason why that train would be constrained to the low speeds of actual trains from that era. Granted, I wouldn't expect it be doing 160 mph like a bullet train, but I also wouldn't expect it to be doing just 15 to 20 mph, either.
  21. Noooooo! Don't go! You conjure such wonderfully funny images. If you leave, who's going to do that? You fill a niche in this eco-system. You can't leave! Jorge's sister Lourdes is the real star of this season. She's level-headed, calm, and can say everything that needs to be said with just her eyebrows.
  22. My wife and I haven't gotten a chance to watch this episode, yet. That said, I'm getting to the point where I don't want to watch anymore. I am so tired of all this bullshit with Liz, Alexander Kirk, Red, and the (now completely mundane and uninteresting) mystery of who is Liz's father. I'm also sick of Liz having a baby. Kill her kid in a car accident or something so we can stop listening to her whine about her baby. Even better, have some Blacklister kill the kid, sending Tom off down a dark path of revenge and trying to track down who hired the Blacklister that killed their kid. And have that dark path cause the end of Tom's relationship with Liz. That way, we can get back to the interesting stuff and stop dicking around with this boring shit. The alternative is they keep dragging this crap out and I don't return to watching this show after the winter hiatus.
  23. Yeah, I'm not sure he's doing it illegally. I don't know the in's and out's of that industry (obviously). It just sounded to my wife and me that he's a street dealer rather than running a dispensary.
  24. Yeah. Completely unmistakeable. In the beginning of the season, it sounded like he ran a dispensary. Now, it sounds like he's just a street dealer.
  25. I literally laughed out loud ... again ... at work. I may have to stop coming to this site during work hours. LOL
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