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  1. B&T are coming back for eps 9 and 10. I think Gigi may be gone for the rest of the season.
  2. I truly loved this show, all the way through Season 5. But man, I'm curious if Christine Baranski ever looks back at badass Diane from TGW and compares her to Diane now, tripping during the workday, laughing like a maniac, levitating off a sofa, always in the midst of an existential crisis, never doing any actual lawyering...and wonders what.the.fuck.happened.
  3. Clearly I'm in the minority, but I can't freaking wait!
  4. I really do hope we get a Season 3. As flawed as it is, there is no other show like it right now. Some of it is nostalgia for the original and some of it is just reveling in a show about lesbian friendships and relationships. It's definitely a soapy mess and everyone from 30-something to 50-something are acting like teenagers with their view of "relationships" after such a short time together. I also think the show would benefit from more than 10 episodes. Finley and Sophie are such a drag to the show and they focus SO MUCH time on them. They moved wayyyyy too fast from Sophie being conflicted over her love for Dani and not marrying her to being so in love with Finley that she has to follow her around and clean up after her like they've been together for years. I get that they're friends, but they should probably stay that way until Finley is less of a disaster. The pissing in the hallway is irredeemable character-wise, IMO. Dani and Gigi are super cute and I like them. They moved pretty fast, but on this show that's par for the course. Shane and Tess, the same. I too don't understand why they aren't even considering a LTR. Alice and Tom are fine. Micah and Mirabel are odd, since Maribel doesn't seem to be all that into Micah, yet says she loves him. Meh. Bette and Tina. Tibette. This is where we diverge because they have my whole heart. They are toxic and unhealthy and they keep replaying the same old issues over and over again, but I can't quit them. I've never seen a couple with more chemistry than those two. I feel bad that Carrie was such a terrible character and that Pippa is basically just an obstacle. They might be interesting in different storylines, but anyone in Bette and Tina's path gets steamrolled. Every time they are on screen together I just melt. Can't help it.
  5. I totally agree - and I hope I'm not wrong. Carrie seems like a very nice person and would probably make a wonderful wife...just not for Tina. I think they have zero chemistry and I really don't buy them as a couple. I actually hate that storyline overall. They gave us no real reason that Tina left Bette, after all they went through to finally end up together. I think it was a shitty way to introduce some B&T drama that we've already seen a hundred times before, and also to let Bette date her way through the new cast. Yuck.
  6. I got whiplash from how fast I went from "Aww, I love this guy!" during the intros to "What a delusional assbag, I can't wait for him to get the boot". Tanking your game that quickly has to be some kind of record.
  7. I loved this show last season, but man...it is in a different league this year. The hour FLIES by, which is very unusual in a weekly drama. There's usually some boring/slow parts that drag a bit, but I haven't felt that at all. I can't stand Leland, but I also find his scenes compelling and look forward to them. The move to Paramount+ has served the show well. Glad to hear it's been renewed already. At this point, pretty much everyone is haunted/possessed in some way, right? Kristen, David, Ben, Leland, Kristen's daughter, Sheryl, etc. I think only side characters have been left unsullied.
  8. OMG, I think about it every time they're on screen. I feel like Judd needs to go at least one size up, and all the men's sleeves are like those cap sleeves that every women's summer shirt has. I can't imagine it's comfortable to fight fires and rescue people while circulation is cut off from the bicep down.
  9. Well, the Bette and Tina exhilaration was short-lived. Now that they've been renewed for S2, I can only hope that Carrie is fodder for yet another grand reunion. I don't care that they've done it 3, 4, 5 times. I want it again. I'm glad that the thruple thing is overwith, but I hope that the characters of Nat and Gigi stick around. I like both of them. Shane shouldn't let herself be talked into a baby. It will end badly for ALL of them if she realizes she just can't do it. Finley and Sophie have anti-chemistry. Also, I agree that this hospital thing was on Sophie. Dani made it clear that she'd drop everything and go with Sophie, but Sophie said no. She can't be mad at Dani for that. Can't believe next week is the season finale. So glad the show is back. :)
  10. I'm back in 1000% after this episode. I gasped when it was Tina at the door! They are a hot mess of a couple, but I absolutely love them together anyway. And their chemistry is absolute fire. I'm glad that the show and the actors recognize it. (I agree though, the excuse for her leaving Bette and Angie was so weak. And not very believable.) Dani and Sophie should NOT be engaged. I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to start the series with them about to get married when they are the most fragile couple on the show. Finley annoys me to no end. I don't find anything cute about her or her antics. Alice was always going to get heartbroken in this throuple arrangement. Even though she was the one pushing it last night. Still reeling from my Bette and Tina high. :)
  11. I'll watch anything L Word, so it's not like I'm going to give this up, but man, this just doesn't have the same mojo as the original. Bette seems like a shell of her former self, and I don't care about her new relationship with the married woman. At all. Especially since they haven't addressed what happened with Tina. Alice is fine, Shane is fine. Whoever said that Finley is the new Shane is smoking crack. She's awkward and dorky and just a big goober, which Shane never was. Shane was broody and sweet and a good friend. The engaged couple shouldn't be engaged if one half of them is discussing the possible end of their relationship at their engagement party. I'm sure Micah is a very nice person, but I don't care about his storyline at all. It's boring so far. I still have hope that I'll be sucked in like I was with the original, but I'm not too confident that it will happen at this point.
  12. I have no words, but I'm pretty sure that was best finale in the history of Big Brother. Jackson’s big moment completely ruined by finding out the jury thinks he’s a bully racist misogynist, Jackson’s irate face when Holly said she had to ‘manage’ him, the former houseguests not willing to play nice, and Nicole winning AFP. I don’t even care that he won!
  13. Come on guys, lol, lol, joke's on us, right? NO ONE IS THAT FUCKING STUPID!!!! I literally had to close my eyes while they were making that 'pitch' to Holly. Nicole for the win, but I don't see it happening.
  14. Ok, the teaser is up. And I could not be any more deflated watching Bette kiss someone who is NOT Tina. The only acceptable reason for that is that Tina is dead, which I don't want, so I'm screwed either way. https://ew.com/tv/2019/08/22/the-l-word-generation-q-first-teaser/ Otherwise, it looks fine.
  15. Why do I watch a show that enrages me?? I hate that ‘side’ so much that I just want to look away when they’re on screen. The only slight consolation is that Christie still has the knowledge that America fucking hates her.
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