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Big Blue Plate

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Everything posted by Big Blue Plate

  1. But MM can't come back if HHK is there and there's any truth to all that flew around. And really who cares about another Adam?
  2. Isn't it sad? VR... that Tweet is just the essence of all that is wrong with VR's career. Maybe show will open with something tomorrow? Big reaction. Should get them moving. I too hope that Neil is written out dead and sent off properly. Even a Jeanne Cooperesque special episode could be in order. Again, so much press about this.
  3. Lola has Canestipation smile. I kinda can't stand her. Summer should be the first victim of any serial killer. Can't stand the actress or the character.
  4. Now this must be a dilemma for some of you... Billy or Cane? I mean, in the team sense, post prison visit. Soapy goodness, though.
  5. I kind of agree that Phyllis is a lost cause. I think the actress is talented and very striking, but at this point the character has been written every which way they can. She's just a train wreck now. If they proceed with this serial killer storyline... Phyllis? It would be high profile and Phyllis is kinda without a partner right now (I don't see the Nick thing as anything other than a plot layover, so to speak.) They can't only kill nobody characters. But I disagree Phyllis and Jack couldn't be written back together. First, Jack can find a soul mate several times a day if he's not preoccupied with Victor, Lucy and the football. Second, unfinished business and fury could linger that could be, in the right hands, turned into a long road back together. (Though I think this is more Mal writing than JG writing.)
  6. Mia should marry Jack and play out the John / Jill story again... I'm really enjoying the show these days. I thought today's Canadian scene between Billy and Victoria was moving. Sorry.
  7. My prediction, not a spoiler really but better here than elsewhere, is if they are really gonna do a serial killer storyline, Kerry has a big X hanging over her and the killer will be revealed to be JT.
  8. That Jack, Kerry, Jill scene was ridiculous. Who just shrugs when they find out a guy bonked his father's wife? Dear God in Heaven!
  9. So, I think I am sorry to see Mal go. The show looked better and sharper visually. They tried some stuff. I honestly thought under Mal, more than not, they reasonably respected the characters but they also weren't boxed in. I loved the Ashley exit. It was outside the box. (I don't think many liked it here.) I'm delighted Lily is gone. I won't argue with anybody Philly sucked and I am glad it is over and I hope it stays over. But I really like the Rosales. At least they're new. I think Kyle works and I think Fen works. Otherwise, the show is so close to reverting to stale... they've all married or banged each other at least once. It's incestuous and boring. Does anybody truly want to see the restoration of the Victor Newman hour? Or Viczilla crushes Aunt Jack? Victor and Nikki split again? Victor and Nikki remarry again? Paul and Christine fuck up a case again? And put us to sleep again? I know the numbers continue to fall but I am not sure more of the same is going to save it because the numbers were falling back when it was more of the same. It's only gotten worse but maybe the problem is, no matter, the show has run its course.
  10. In fairness, Jack has aways suffered from premature engagement.
  11. Hey, everybody! I hope you are well. Couldn't resist a couple of observations, but since mine usually run counter thought here was the place for 'em! Overall, I am watching personally four or five days a week again but with a fair amount of FF. After I faded from here, I barely watched at all. It was dull. But overall, I feel like the show is better and more classically soapy. It feels cheap but overall, I feel like it has a grove back. GT better figure out her next move... because Phyllis the CEO is boring as a bag of hammers. Same with Billy. I FF those two the most. I think the Rosales have added to the show. They're broadly integrated and the actors aren't bad. Mia has Reva Shane written all over her... in that the character could be one of those epic creations that just takes off because she's semi outta control. What a character! She makes me laugh! Please please please make her the next Mrs. Jack Abbott (because there will be at least ten before show is cancelled.) Bergman has comedic ability. They could be hilarious together. Love the actor playing Fen. I think he's natural and gives Kyle a run for his money. Michael (CL) needs to dial it down a bit... his Fen scolding is verging on camp. Then again, Lauren looks like a drag queen so maybe they're taking the whole storyline someplace unexpected. Finally, Peter Bergman is 65 years old. In great shape, but come on. Another 30something for Jack? It's hard to care about a relationship that would only happen if a gold digger was involved. (which might be where they are going but a scientist as gold digger?) Otherwise, a twenty to twenty five year spread? Oh, yeah, that happens all the time... The last credible relationship he had, imo, was with Emily Peterson, who was a woman, not a young woman (fifteen years age difference between the actors. For Y&R, that's like born in the same year...)
  12. That was bizarre. And total retcon, not that it matters. But in her reunion visit with Kay, right after she came back the very first time, she said: I didn't plan to stay away forever... I thought it would be just a few days. As I recall she went off on a shopping trip to NYC originally.
  13. LOL... that must be the first time I've ever read denial of aggrieved status as some sort of loss. I could counter that with as many bad things Jack has done over the years... hardcore. He wasn't always Aunt Jack. Imagine in real life if your brother screwed your stepmother or lost your company out from under your father or... well, you follow. The whole point of this is this is Jack.. he is complex, multi dimensional, good and bad... I found the scenes this week really great because all bar Traci they're all swung between victim and villain in the same scenes. I think it's great. And I cannot predict exactly what drives Ashley away in five days. I think the writing is really good for this show. I'm watching again. But only the Abbott scenes. Yup - from the character's point of view. Entirely plausible, if not manifested. That's often why things boil over. Continuity error (redundant at this point) but didn't Dina divorce John in some Confederate state... the basis for an is the divorce valid storyline.
  14. To me there was one key line today that to the character justifies everything she's done (much of which was reprehensible)... paraphrasing: he took my deepest wound, stuck a knife in it and twisted it. Whether she is reading it right or not, she believes it. The rest of the dialogue illuminates thirty or forty years of resentment - albeit a bit retconned or possibly just tamped down and waiting to erupt. I can't believe the writing is this credible and cogent - especially for a retcon (I read on another site - and had forgotten - at one point in the ancient past Jack (Terry) blackmailed Ashley into resigning as CEO when John appointed her once over Jack, with the threat he would reveal her secret.) I find this a really weird and amazing turn for soap writing because they're actually tying Ashley's actions - again not defending - but the origin of them in something almost genuinely moral. While she has acted immorally, she feels she is justified by assessing Jack on a right or wrong basis and finding him wrong and wrong and wrong again. Again today she started listing Jack's sins and failings over the years - and realistically shagging his father's wife was almost enough to get him a life ban, but she doesn't stop there. I keep realizing what a dick he was before he became Aunt Jack. It's surreal for me to watch scripts unfold that tie to a moral condemnation of an action that in real life would in fact be a relationship breaker for a lot of people. Soaps for decades have been built on horrific moral (often criminal) behaviour that goes completely without reaction, after it advances the plot. So this turn is confusing me deeply. And a nit to pick... John didn't occupy that office, did he? I thought John's 'office' all those years was the boardroom? I remember him always in the boardroom, which I found kinda lame. So Dina and Kyle going panelling diving doesn't make a lot of sense.
  15. So I agree they retconned and shoe horned to maximize ED's exit but I bought the storyline in the end... as a quick fix squeeze goes, they worked it through. If you were Ashley, with a lifetime of pain and suffering flowing from the Brent Davis thing, the Blood Abbott clause was the straw the broke the camel's back. She went for the throat and her reasons were logical if morally flawed. If you were Jack, you can't forgive her for what she did and why would you? It was the ultimate. On the other hand, Ashley reminded us, Jack is no Victor Newman but his decades of casual selfishness had consequences. He may have turned into Aunt Jack in later years but he was Terry Lester's Jack to begin with and did a lot of bad shit back in the days when bad shit was bad shit that could actually occur, not Victor epic viewer draining bad shit that came of MAB or JFP or any EP or HW of that ilk. No, I loved it. Soap writing is more often than not flawed and haphazard and inconsistent so this didn't bug me. It delivered some real excitement. Show will probably get cancelled before ED ever darkens the door again so that's good bye to Ashley. Great exit. She may have left as a cruel bitch but at least she had her marbles and she was mad as hell. Good way to go.
  16. LOL.. at first glance this thing is getting all soapy goodness again! It may be out of character but damn, if it's gonna go out of character, this is hilarious. Phyllis probably will get over this - but she shouldn't.
  17. So it sounds like this could be status quo then, with only Ashley as the outsider. They don't need to trash Traci to get back to Jack. That would be nice. I hope though they are making Ashley a total bitch and not making her go off the deep end again. I mean, she could own it. The blood Abbott clause was a powerful and cruel insult from Jack, had to confirm every anxiety she has fought all these years. Even if it's a retcon it is actually a powerful storyline. A ugly dose of own medicine. I actually kind of like it. In retrospect the clause was unforgivable.
  18. Hey dropping by... surely though this is just really bad ret conning. Did any expect ED to bail on the show? No. So they're coming up with what they think is a great shocking twist (and potentially an f u to ED for leaving, in the form of a really shit character move.) I don't think they wrote this story with the idea Ashley did all this. The scenes of her lying to her daughter back at the outset make the character close to irredeemable, don't they? Then again, I haven't hardly watched for a long time. Maybe this storyline was there all along.
  19. That was a major F U from Eileen Davidson. Hilarious. I realized the other day, I've stopped watching the show. It's bored me out. I am still PVR'ing and check here from time to time to see if there's anything to see. But I basically record and delete. Will be curious to see how they write out Ashley and want to know when Dina dies. But other than that, I really don't care. Stay cool, all.
  20. Can you imagine the rage and pain if PS was chewing up scenes and air time with whatever his name is that plays Billy that unhinges so many as it is? UO: Josh Morrow can actually act... and he's generally not bad... there's more to the guy than the lump of wood I previously imagined. I'm not compelled to watch because of him or his story but when he's in front of me I am consistently surprised.
  21. It would be so nice, for everybody, for Jack to date a woman vaguely his own age. If they want a new family, why not a widow with kids? For that matter, creepy factor notwithstanding (but father, son and brother wife swapping is classic (if creepy) Bell), why not Jack and Gloria? PB could be allowed to over emote with other characters but J & G were quite funny together. It worked. And of course you'd never want to keep something that works.
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