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Everything posted by sweetandsour

  1. Count me in as another person who had zero sympathy watching Pepper's house of cards come crashing down. Just because she doesn't engage in violence doesn't mean she doesn't deserve every single consequence from her actions, especially because she's stolen from and defrauded so many people in the past and gotten away with it. OK, we get it, she came from humble beginnings and feeling unwanted, but that's no excuse for stealing from people to climb in stature. I never cared that she was sometimes a good friend. And she was never committing fraud to help her friends! Yeah, right! Only as an ancillary act if it benefitted her! So she embezzles money from Kiss of the Spider Woman and doesn't pay Jorge or Josie. How is that helping them! Later she gives Josie a stage and Jorge a screen at the Plant, and then it's all, "ooh, ahh, I can't believe you did all this for me!" ????? In a different type of show, she would have been murdered already. I also found it odd that Jorge's dad took a bunch of money from Pepper. Is he supposed to be such a proud man that he struggles to take it from his son, who does live in the building, but is happy to take money from his son's friend, who doesn't live in the building? Is the difference that Jorge's dad perceives Pepper as having a lot of money, so it's NBD to take some from her? I don't know if this show will be renewed and how its chances look relative to CW's pilot scripts, but if it does come back - the writers need to go back to square one, badly. I keep up with the show bc it's an easy watch, but that's not a positive thing, really. It's easy bc I'm not invested.
  2. Oh, I'm sure some new busybody older woman just moved into Liz's apartment building and Liz left Agnes with her, based on innocuous information the woman revealed about herself and no background check. It'll all turn out fine! From Shane Oman in "Mean Girls" to Liz's calm in the storm who keeps her from being swept out to sea ... at least give Diego some Kalteen bars so he can stress eat.
  3. Malarky rubs me the wrong way for sure - I highly doubt I could stand him in person for any real measure of time, but on this show, he's tolerable for me bc of two main reasons: He is the pretty much the only one acting this way in more than a one-off. I can't handle it when there's too much negativity or gross behavior on reality competition shows based on merit. That's not what I'm there for. His egotistical soundbytes come back around in an unflattering way, and that's funny. He talks about how he'd love to win the Trolls premiere tickets bc his daughter is the biggest fan (of Trolls or Kelly Clarkson - don't remember) and she'd think he was the coolest in the world. Oh wait - she already thinks that! - and then he ends up doing very poorly in the QF. He's at the top of his ranking, shows it all off, puts Eric, Gregory, and Nini in the bottom half, and then look what happens in the EC. I love Bryan V, and also loved how he was holding up Leanne's mom. When people have been through or are going through some shit, and they need/value someone steady and consistent in their lives, I think he's that exact kind of person. Not flashy, kind of corny, totally solid, and never a drain on you even when you're a drain on him. He also soothed my mildly ruffled feathers about the teasing of Nini last week. After they finished the EC and were walking away from the booths, he and Nini were walking together in a way that I have to believe showed they are still friendly and enjoy each other. It was just the two of them, apart from the others. Eric's adoration of his wife hits all the right spots - genuine and accessible. lol which also describes his child's unbothered facial expression hahah.
  4. 110%, I would watch the feature film "Ray Wicks." Indeed indeed indeed indeed. So who are Jake and Amy going to ask to be the godfather of their baby, Nakatomi McClane? Boyle seems like an obvious choice, but I think the chances are good that they'll ask Holt and Kevin. Cheddar's instagram is going to blow up even more once they add pics of him and the baby together.
  5. I don't know how Brian Tee doesn't get furious every time he reads a new script. He probably breathed a sigh of relief at the end of this one, though. "Finally, these assholes break up!" I highly doubt that Colin Donnell watches the show or keeps up with it anymore, but hopefully any sadness he had about being written out earlier this year is gone, after some time away and the continued tomfoolery he left behind. Everyone at this hospital needs to be sent to a series of remedial classes for anger management, conflict management, emotional intelligence, respecting patient wishes, conflict of interest, and minding your own damn business. And when I say series of classes, I mean a minimum of 4 years because that's how much help they require.
  6. The nerve of those people who stormed into the common room of the firehouse and headed straight for the crew's food spread!! This isn't a complimentary visit to Sizzler! They didn't cook this food for aggressive protesters who decided the pop-tart they ate this morning wasn't enough. They cooked it to feed the actual firehouse employees and give them fuel to help people in peril! This episode was otherwise too meh for me to comment on, except Chloe looked really pretty at the end. I'm surprised they didn't somehow have the great Wendy Seager swoop in to save the day somehow. Severide was more hostile to the protesters than Boden wanted because he was bored from not investigating his weekly arson fire.
  7. I believe it was Karen. I remember rewinding to see, and then thinking, why couldn't I tell the first time around, no matter how quick, since Karen's hair made it so obvious? The making fun of Nini rubbed me the wrong way, too. I'm not saying race or racial stereotypes had anything to with it, either, but in terms of optics - that made it even worse. Not only are the loud, outwardly cockier men making fun of a younger woman more subdued in her confidence, but they're white men making fun of an Asian woman, who is, like, timid and submissive and just going to take it, right? (I'm an Asian woman and rarely experience being treated negatively because I'm an Asian woman, but when it happens, I go internally bananas.) I also think it's interesting the producers/editors chose to put that bit in, out of allllll the interaction at the house. It's not like the rest of the interaction is boring as hell. Did the editors think it was just SO funny? Or did they see what was bothersome about it? Leanne and all of the contestants with time management problems need to stop trying to get through each challenge with luck and a prayer (or the thought "this time will be different," without approaching it any differently). If the time allotment is 3 hours, they shouldn't be cooking something they think will take 3 hours to cook and plate. They should cook something that they think will take 2.5 hours to cook and plate. Yes, it may take certain things off the table in terms of what they can do in the challenge, but it's not better to do the more time-consuming things and fail at execution. And even if you wind up with 10 extra minutes, then double-check stuff and really get that plating to be superb, instead of plopping stuff down, having other people help you, worrying that it's terrible, and saying this isn't what you intended to produce?
  8. Yes, I think so, too. And if you asked the writers/producers what it was supposed to be, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they don't know, either. The idea of the joke is all they brought to life, not the actual content. It's like what JJ Abrams does over and over again. The Rambaldi device (Alias) Red matter (Star Trek) The rabbit's foot (Mission Impossible 3) They play key roles in the story, but I don't think they're ever actually explained??? Like others, I was sort of shocked at how mean some of the actions were, but at least that meanness is pretty contained to just the heist episodes. It's probably pretty fun for everyone to experiment with legitimately out-of-character stuff while having a well-established canon reason for why the characters are acting that way. "Whatever happens in the heist, stays in the heist." For the last heist of the show, I think it would be really fun to bring in a recurring character as an active participant or the unwitting "victim" of the heist who is being stolen from. Like Doug Judy (the former) or the Vulture (the latter). CJ is too easy as the "victim," but he could probably come up with a snazzy heist jingle.
  9. In the well-populated history of Single Man Tears that so many male characters have eked out on so many shows - I have never cared about one less than Barrett "But My Stats!" Cain's. I also really doubt that the only loose end about the true origin of candida auris was the anti fungal bag that was administered to Sophia. Unless there was no paper trail for the services/payment of disinfecting Dawn Long's room (behind the oh-so-concealing plastic sheets) AND Cain/Kim murdered all of those people who cleaned the room. Sure, maybe Kim doctored paperwork/payment trails to make it look like it was for AI retrofitting, but the people performing the services know what they were actually doing and that that isn't standard procedure - it was prompted by something. The Health Dept is totally going to investigate all patient deaths around the time Sophia was admitted to determine if she brought in the superbug or picked it up at Chastain. Red Rock can't manipulate that timeline. After the antagonistic showdown between Kim and Cain, very explicit in how easily they would turn on each other - I hope they are each other's downfall (whenever this storyline gets resolved) and it is glorious.
  10. OMG when they got to that exchange, I was totally expecting Holt to say "Montes" or "Montez" since he had said in the season 6 "Crime Scene" episode that the best detectives he had ever worked with were that person and Dillman. Either the writers forgot that, or what has happened since to change Holt's opinion of Montes??? What a double whammy for Holt if his two best detectives have fallen from grace in his eyes within the span of a year. Maybe Montes used too many exclamation points in an e-mail or likes to watch MTV's "The Challenge." "They were already here when I got here."
  11. All episode descriptions should really read, "Everyone repeats their past mistakes, but no one, except the patients, fears them because it's just another day at Chicago Med." LOL at how Crockett walked away from the argument Natalie was chomping at the bit to have. "We're talking semantics. I know when I'm out of my depth." The only thing he missed was throwing up a peace sign as he left. LOL at Natalie preaching about pragmatism to Crockett. Natalie! Pragmatism! The word came out of her holier-than-thou mouth! Like that's how she lives her life! LOL in a bad way about Halstead saying there are exceptions, like obviously he and Asher can be one. Oh really? Bc your past relationships have been so successful? Speaking of Halstead, every time he assumes his opinion about patient care is the right one, even if it's at odds with the facts at hand, I need a sock puppet to pop out from the corner of the screen and say, "Remember that time you were convinced that Jehovah's Witness had left the church and no longer believed in those teachings, so you violated him by performing medical procedures he wouldn't have consented to and left him in a state of anguish? How are you so sure you're right about this, bro?" Of course Halstead would still think he was, but he needs to be reminded of the things he so selectively forgets.
  12. Spacey Casey and Thimblecock Shimblecock. Stella can hate Seager all she wants to, but she doesn't have Girls on Fire without Seager (or Kylie). After enough ad nauseam complaining, I'm going to need her to figure out how to deal with it or pick not working with Seager over having the program. Would Stella rather be chasing the shitty efforts of Captain Leone??? I don't know if it's been mentioned in previous episode threads, but the actress who plays Seager is really quite stunning with her old hair. I don't know what's real hair and what's not between now and then, but for example - https://eurweb.com/2018/08/13/prince-saved-2011-love-letter-from-singer-andy-allo-i-will-never-forget-these-last-2-nights/ Her current hair is so far in the opposite direction, I don't know why she likes it. I guess Hermann has time to sit around and bitch about the evil internet because he's done with his remedial fire safety training.
  13. Welp, all this 100th episode really had to offer me was Dr. Abrams, to whom I say, "Please never change." The blunt way he talked to Natalie (not critical of her, but adjacent to her, so that's good enough for me) and when he shook Dr. Charles' hand after Dr. Charles bowled a strike - I will take those little nuggets gratefully. I'm so glad Dr. Abrams is not a regular character since they are written so poorly. I just can't with Halstead and Asher. Also, if Halstead had reported Asher without evidence and she denied it, I have to imagine that her hierarchy of bosses would then be paying very close attention to her. And while Asher was attempting to cover up her addiction at work (and seemingly getting away with it around medical professionals - thanks, writers), I think she'd get busted pretty quickly after she was reported. No way was she an addict who could really convince people she was sober during those long shifts, day after day. Or that she could pass random drug tests. (I'm not sure the hospital could require random drug tests based on an allegation, but I'd think so, given the nature of the work?) The only way Asher could dodge the scrutiny is to quit or go on leave. And it's so gross to me that Halstead is still getting personally involved with her. Like he thinks that's a totally appropriate thing for a just-detoxed person to get into. But he's such a compulsively good, ethical guy, right? ... No comment on the eruption of the pointless love triangle and Natalie being Natalie. Except for, when is psycho Philip coming back to take her away to Siberia, never to be heard from again?
  14. I'm not sure if/how Barrett "My Stats!" Cain will cover up that Dawn was patient zero and he was responsible for her. Even if her death was expected after the Mother of All Surgeries and her long stay at the vent farm, I think they will still do an autopsy, and it'll be performed by Pathology, not Cain. I'm not sure if Cain can stop an autopsy, or if he would have to convince the oldest surviving daughter of Dawn's to deny one. I also think Barrett Cain being so so so so insistent with nurse Skyler Day that Dawn's tests be in his name may come back to bite him in the ass, big-time. When it happened in the episode, it seemed like the only purpose was to keep Devon or any other doctors out of the case, so Dawn could make it past six months. There was no reason to think at the time it would fit any other narrative purpose. But maybe he'll try to spin some lies about someone else being responsible, and the paper trail will show otherwise. And if this is a case of "the cover-up being worse than the crime," he may get caught by trying to change the audit trail. But oh well, why would anyone care? Barrett "My Stats!" Cain has amazing stats (in case you didn't know) and has saved the lives of Winston Churchill and Willy Wonka.
  15. Ugh, poor Lucy. She did nothing wrong intentionally and had no idea that she had been roped into anything illegal. Boomer was already a lost moral cause and had hurt other people. Mary Pat wanted a piece of the shadiness in her own way. But Lucy was just enjoying making art in a professional capacity and semi-regretfully talking up her graphicfarts. Similar to others, I was really grossed out that Beth kept Au Jus, too, and referred to him as a "rescue." Lucy's boyfriend has lost his girlfriend in an awful way (just doesn't truly know it yet) and his girlfriend's beloved bird on top of that? Even if the boyfriend didn't have much to do with the bird when Lucy was around (and I doubt that was the case), what a double whammy. Beth, come on. Let him have the bird whether he loved it or not. It's at the very least a living reminder (50 years ...) of his girlfriend, and who knows, maybe he loved Au Jus just as much as Lucy did. What, did Beth think that the boyfriend could grieve over missing-Lucy with the tampons and Midol he bought her instead? And Annie the Disaster continues to force her child to parent her. Annie means well, but intentions don't mean a whole lot when the corresponding actions are so terrible. I'm not sure she's really capable of any real growth. Though I think we're just an episode or two away from her trying to masturbate with her nasty gym locker key. Surely she wouldn't use Ben's gym locker key for that - she was boundaries ...
  16. I deleted the episode from my DVR after watching it just once, and I'm not in the mood to pull up the very end through an on-demand service, but Hermosa apparently found out who Donna "really is" or something, yes? I really hope it's something patently Riverdale-insane, like the Blossom twins really were triplets in the womb, and no, Cheryl never absorbed the third one, but Donna is the third Blossom. She was obviously the odd one out after Penelope gave birth because Jason and Cheryl had wisps of red hair and Donna was a brunette. So either Mr. and Mrs. Blossom gave Donna away to someone else, period, or it was part of some business transaction and Donna was considered the anomaly, so they chose her. (Like if they were trying to secure a deal with another rich couple that couldn't conceive and wanted a baby in return.) As such, Donna grew up in another family, but still in wealthy ranks, where she ended up at Stonewall, always the schemer and the puppet master because it's in her blood. (The blood that Riverdale bathes in!) I haven't gone back to read posts from previous episodes, but yes, it's obvious that Jughead is going to write his Baxter Brothers novel based on this, and it's going to invigorate the franchise and be the best selling installment ever, right? That's one thing I've missed with Jughead allegedly being dead - shaking my head at his writing excerpts. I'm probably repeating what others have said, but besides the fictional versions he's already named out loud (Jarhead (omg, so bad) and Bison), everyone else is totally going to be called things like Fred Jr, Luna, Penny Tale (in lieu of Betty), Bart, Dana, Mr. DuFont, etc.
  17. Sorry if I wasn't clear before. When I said I think he is, too, I meant that I think Jake Johnson is attractive, not that he isn't. Yes, I agree with all this and am familiar with the regular changes that happen after initial casting, whether the changes happen at the pilot read, while filming the pilot, after filming the pilot, etc. Usually you hear stuff about going a different creative direction, general fit, aging up or down a character, etc, if you hear anything at all. That's why it struck me as "hmm, whoa" to have the actor publicly speak about a particular reason outside of that, as though he was told exactly what it was. Maybe he was speculating - as I said before, we don't know what happened and what was said and by whom - and maybe he wasn't.
  18. Interesting discussion here and in subsequent replies. The actor who was originally cast as Grey was replaced after the initial pilot was shot last spring, and he publicly spoke about why - namely, that he wasn't deemed attractive enough for the role. Obviously, the viewers didn't witness what actually happened, so it's "alleged," but he certainly wasn't vague about it and didn't mince words. https://deadline.com/2019/05/new-cobie-smulders-abc-series-recast-mark-webber-reaction-calls-treatment-degrading-1202612642/ In my opinion. Mark Webber is attractive. And arguably, Jake Johnson wouldn't be considered handsome by any given executive. (I think he is, too.) Especially if they only know him from his New Girl character. On another note - guys!!! I'm fascinated by all of the posts about Grey's dad's wife / Grey's stepmom. I recognized her immediately, but I'm in the right age range for that. That's Josie Davis, who played Sarah Powell (sister of Nicole Eggert's character) on Charles in Charge! She has quite a history of Lifetime movies and such, plus she's guested on a bunch of other shows. I was simultaneously surprised and not surprised to see her in a network guest part that credits her at the end credits vs. the opening ones. I assume the case of the week plot was pretty unrealistic - I don't think stolen work gets resolved that easily in Hollywood and people just shake on it. But I don't mind flimsier procedural cases when the rest of the time goes towards good character moments. I liked that the emotion from Dex when she cried with her aunt, and that Grey went back and bought that car after all. And then after the end scene, his yellow car transformed into an Autobot to save the world from the evil Decepticons ...
  19. I've seen the semen allergy before on another show, but not a medical one. On "The League," Paul Scheer's character is with Jayma Mays and they find out she's terribly allergic to his semen. Their friends refer to it as "widow-making death jizz," or something like that. They plan to work around it, except Paul uses a sort-of handkerchief (well, it's an embroidered pee bib, but that's a totally different story) when he jerks off, and Jayma doesn't know that, so when she uses it to wipe her eyes later bc she's crying, she has to go to the hospital bc of the death jizz. That couple was so ugh to me. We get it, you love each other, you can't keep your hands off each other, but you are not in your own controlled space, you are there so you can be helped by professionals, and you insist on the intense PDAs and sex. Yes, semen from sexual activity is just a small part of allllll the bodily fluids that hospitals have to clean up after, but that's also a choice. People in hospitals are not usually choosing to bleed and vomit and pee all over. This couple chose to have unprotected sex at the hospital when the professionals whose help they're seeking could walk in at any time and be subjected to that. And then the husband gets all indignant and mortified when Choi asks, "did you finish?" Bc he totally draws the line there, and geez, Choi, have some decency like the rest of us, why don't you. The last few minutes were just awful. I am positive that the writer's room has a whiteboard that says at the top, in big, capital, underlined letters, "how can we make the staff even more unprofessional?" Just like that, Dr. Asher says she'll turn herself in bc she's just so overcome by Halstead caring about her??? And Halstead believes she will do as she says, even after her previous behavior??? She makes eyes at Halstead and invites her back home??? Halstead smiles like this is a normal, desirable hookup with no red flags and complications??? What??? The producers cut Connor's character for more of this BS???
  20. 100% the car accident will come back up as a main focal point. I'm not sure how long they will postpone this, but I think Danny will either see the car randomly on the road OR it'll factor into one of their case investigations. Or maybe he takes it upon himself to dig into it on his own. They made it a point for the woman to tell Danny the half of the license plate number she saw. That's gotta go somewhere. That driver deserves all of the consequences, whether he was just a distracted driver or is actually a criminal in other ways. He caused the accident, knew a car went off the side of the road, and didn't report the accident in any way to get Danny and his lady help. Fuck you, guy. And I can't wait for Danny to tell him that he cost Danny the love of his life, whose name he barely found out. This Adam storyline ... is at least better than last year's Jessie/informant storyline. Sigh. The Yakuza loves Color Me Badd ringtones!
  21. Good callout re: age of consent for sex, which is a factor in the legality of the actions of the sexual partners, but I don't think it applies to pornography, right? Federally, it's 18, black and white, and I don't know if states have their own laws that have dropped the age. And if they do, I can't imagine that their more lax laws can trump federal laws. So two 17-year-olds in New York can legally have sex, but they can't be legally filmed having sex. Anyone who films them having sex has produced child porn. They may be shades of gray/severity in there if all of Bret's tapes only show "broadcast tv" images of sex where girls never take their opaque bras off and the couple pulls the blankets over them, etc. so you don't really see anything. But most people having sex with no one watching really do that.
  22. I haven't commented on Riverdale s4 so far and haven't read any past episode threads, so pardon if this is a retread - but every time Bret shows up onscreen, I always think, "what a fucking chode." Like, wow to zero redeeming qualities and one of the most punchable faces I've ever seen. The actor IRL could be a wonderful person, but I've seen him too much as Bret, so he is forever just a chode to me. I laughed super hard at the start of Round 2 - The Brawl, as Bret and Jughead assumed their fighting stance. Jughead hunched over like Quasimodo and sort of pointed his hands down or something. I'm sure all of the students know about his Serpent history, but if I didn't know it, I would have assumed he was not a good fighter. As others have mentioned, there was a huge disconnect in why Nick St. Clair now and how Toni chose to deal with him, but! I did enjoy the little get-together in Cheryl and Toni's bed afterwards when Fangs was cuddling with a teddy bear. Is it established that Betty and Jughead are 18 now? And that Moose was 18 pre-Halloween? Or that Moose's sexual partner was 18? If not, Bret has basically been producing child pornography. And even if all four of those people are 18, how long has Bret been filming others in sexual situations and were they all 18? Dude is a fucking idiot if he's been filming people 17 or under. It's a terrible, cruel thing to do, period, but he seems to believe the only people who may bear negative consequences are the people he's violated with his hidden camera. I would like to see that smug little shit go down for something as "unsavory" as child porn - a tougher sell to overlook in his privileged circles than a lot of crimes. The writing is still such a mess on this show. Less sensational than s2 and s3, I guess, but still all over the place.
  23. Two days later and I'm kind of surprised at myself and how I'm not really sad the show is over. And I'm the kind of person who will think about "objectively" bad stuff like Sweet Valley High and feel sad there are no more SVH books. I never hate-watched Arrow (even when I found it dragging and not hitting emotionally), but like many others, felt the show kept declining year-over-year, so I'm sure that takes the sting out of it. It's been so long since the high quality of s1 and s2 that I've certainly accepted THAT version of the show is gone. But also, I'd been so prepped for, what, at least a year now, that Oliver was going to die (and presumably stay dead, vs. all of the other deaths and takebacks in the Arrowverse). Seeing it happen is usually different than understanding conceptually it's going to happen, but that was just so much time to adjust to the idea. And then in execution, the last episodes have been so anticlimactic. He died and came back, and then took on the Spectre mantle as not-Oliver in the first three episodes of Crisis. Then there's a month-long break, and the last two Crisis episodes were totally underwhelming in virtually every aspect. Followed by the backdoor pilot which only served that purpose vs. bringing anything valuable to the core closure of Arrow. And frankly, the spinoff proposal stole even more time out of the Arrow finale because I'm convinced they wouldn't have written so much for Dinah and Laurel in the finale if they weren't continuing to tee up those characters for a future show. Then after weeks of a progressive downward shift, there's finally the finale where Oliver's been dead for multiple episodes in the viewer's experience. Felicity's barely shown interacting with characters because they only had Emily on set for two days. Oliver's dead, so he's only seen in flashbacks (mostly with only Diggle) or the afterlife. All of the cameos, though very welcome, are fleeting enough that they can't overcompensate for the fact that the momentum going into the finale and throughout the finale wasn't there (for me). I felt like the only momentum (for me) was a bit clinical - I know this is the last 44 minutes of the show I'll ever see - and hoping that Oliver got some kind of happiness, even though he's clearly going to stay dead. I realize this was the show's aggregate best effort, so I don't want to womp-womp over it so much, but a big part of me doesn't even feel "womp-womp." I'm just kind of ... shrugging that it's over.
  24. Since TK and Owen live together (in addition to working together at the firehouse, which has communal bathrooms and sinks), I would think the biggest tip-off to TK that something isn't right is that Owen is no longer using all of those hair products that are so so so so so important to him. It's possible that TK hasn't noticed it bc he's in his own little world, but I also think Owen was probably historically very visible in his daily usage. I realized in this episode that background-Mateo sounds exactly like Dave Franco. It's not possible to have noticed this earlier since he's only had 3 lines. And they were probably things like "hi" and "bye." Imagine spending all of that taxpayer money to renovate the firehouse to an excessively high level. Of course this is just fiction, but how were those expenses were approved! Or is Owen such a big deal that he can spend whatever he wants with no oversight? It would be somewhat different if the explosion that took out the original 126 squad was actually at the firehouse and it needed to be renovated, period. But wow. The living space is like a commercial showroom for expensive, ethically-sourced furniture hand-crafted by artisan elves. I live in a nice house and I don't think it's close to that.
  25. Lots of scrambled thoughts about the finale, but I'll refrain since many have raised them, too. But I definitely agree the pacing was odd. And while I liked the ending with Felicity and Oliver, I hated the pull-out shot of Star City. It was just an ugly image as the last frame for me. Like we already knew they were in a rendering of Star City since they were in Oliver's office at Queen Consolidated - there was no information being relayed. And as much as the city was a huge part of Oliver's purpose, it was the ugliest representation of Star City I think I've ever seen. Just all CGI skyscrapers and metro buildings. I would have rather ended on a close-up of Felicity and Oliver. I still can't get over the "no crime" overnight transformation of Star City. They keep saying it like there is truly NO crime! Maybe you don't have evil mega-villains like Malcolm and Damian Darhk, but really? No gangs? No alcohol, drug, or poverty-related crimes? Rapists and sexual assaulters are just keeping it in their pants and now believe no means no? No domestic violence? (OK, I'll concede that the show never really broached those last two in the first place.) And no other criminals move in to fill that power vacuum and claim Star City as their territory for TWENTY YEARS, all because of a sacrifice made by someone who isn't around to stop them from committing future crime? And I wish Roy had been able to keep his arm. Sure, he's doing well enough with the robotic ARGUS arm (he's able to tattoo Dinah with it!), but I guess Oliver could bring back entire people, but not "just" limbs. Roy losing his arm was not an event that could not be undone or else it would materially affect Oliver's trajectory. Obviously the decisions they made with bringing characters back are just supposed to be satisfying on the surface and don't hold up at all if you think about it any more, so I guess that's what I'll do. I don't think Thea would have become Speedy, had those scars on her face, gone through the same relationship ups and down with Roy, etc. once Moira didn't die, but sure, fine. But best wishes to the Harper-Queens. Or Queen-Harpers.
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