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Everything posted by luna1122

  1. Altho I guess I wouldn't be surprised if they somehow made Andy a(n) hallucination in Randall's head as a long-con kind of twist, I tend to believe it was real. He was real. No, we hadn't seen him before, but it was way for Randall to work out some feelings, so it didn't really matter if we knew Andy. And yes, WE the audience saw Andy and the watch and the ring and the Chloe note up close before Randall did, and we saw the glass left there after Andy departed back into the party. It IS a little thought provoking that he was considering jumping with everyone right inside, but then, I think maybe he wanted to be stopped, as some potential suicides do. And...never underestimate how unobservant and self involved people are, especially while drinking at a party. Somebody could leap off a building and nobody would even notice. That scene was, as someone noted, very cinematic and brilliantly acted, and I crush hard on both Jimmi Simpson and Sterling Brown, so I was riveted by it. It's the only scene that made me cry, and the only one I rewatched.
  2. And it broke my freaking heart. Apparently, it also broke Jimmi Simpon's and Evan Rachel Wood's hearts as well. http://www.etonline.com/news/204306_exclusive_jimmi_simpson_talks_beautiful_devastating_westworld_finale/ http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/westworld-finale-dolores-twist-evan-rachel-wood-interview-season-two-953141
  3. Oh, I was so devastated by Gary's death. And that was in the dark ages, before spoilers and message boards. Literally three of my friends called me when that happened, and we all cried over it. Good times. The misdirect of last night's show was indeed very reminiscent. But Toby is no Gary Shephard.
  4. I answer a lot of phone calls at work and can usually tell if someone is of a certain age, but I'm often surprised when they tell me they're over 70 or something (as some of what I requires knowing their age). And my mom, who just turned 76, sounds pretty much exactly like she always did. I do think it might be a good acting device to make us believe she's not just 32 year old Mandy Moore in a bad wig, but it's not necessarily something that always happens as you age. I'm thinking the kind of hasty, at-a-party sex they had probably meant most of their clothes didn't ever actually come off, let alone their shoes. Or do other body parts get, um, purple and swollen as well? I think DVT is a fairly good guess for what Toby has...and I do hope they don't kill him. More than anything, just cause I don't want to see what that does to Kate. This is true, and another reason I hope they don't kill him. I don't love the guy, but he's an inherently NICE guy. I don't even remember the girls' names and I watch the show every week. I was VERY upset that nobody went after him, or called anyone, or anything. Were I Randall, I would not assume I'd literally talked him off the ledge, but that Beth's entering had just made him change his mind about doing it there. I'd be terrified that he was just going to go back to hotel room and off himself. His problems are still there, he's still about to lose his wife and his job. I would at least try to call his estranged ex or something, who might hate him and want to divorce him but presumably doesn't want him to splat himself all over New York. I love Jimmi Simpson so much that I was far more concerned about him than Toby or Dr. Folksy. I really do hope there is some kind of follow up about him, tho I doubt there will be. I'd be perfectly happy if he became a new cast member! I was very relieved to know that Clooney is okay. I have no problem with the idea that William is bisexual, but it did kind of seem a contrivance just to have a plot twist, as did Olivia just up and quitting a show she was getting paid for and presumably under contract with just because Kevin called her out. As was Dr Folksy just happening to be at the hospital the same night that Kate needed an appendectomy. This show is built on contrivances, which usually drive me crazy, but I still dig it. Me too. I won't have a problem hating on Miguel if given reason, but so far, I don't really have one. And he was so happy about his Xmas decorations, it was sweet, even if the man cannot read the room to save his life. The recap mentioned that when we last saw Sloane, she was all in a dither to get to her sister who'd just had a baby, but there did not seem to be sister who'd just given birth at the dinner, which: yeah. A little continuity there might have been nice. I do like Sloane a lot. So did Olivia just steal her car and never return it?
  5. This show has never actually made me cry, but Jimmi Simpson nearly jumping off a building did it. He already broke my heart Sunday night on 'westworld'; I wasn't emotionally prepared for him to show up here. It's weird to crush on a McPoyle, but I do Toby. I wasn't happy to see him but I don't actually wish death on him. So Kate has been back east for a month? Did she quit her Jami Gertz job? I wasn't expecting BiWilliam but I love Denis O'hare, so, cool, if random.
  6. He seems like a kind of good dad, tho. Fun, mostly, probably because he's a little childish himself. There's a certain warmth to him. He seems like a weirdo, but not a bad guy. Like a kid would be embarrassed by him, as a lot of kids are, but still love him and like to be around him, some of the time. It's the husband part I can't get. I'm loathe to admit this, because it makes me look like an idiot, but there ya go--but he reminds me of my ex in a lot of ways. Loud, attention seeking, given to inappropriate remarks to get a laugh. I so relate to Frances' reactions to him---the eyerolls and the head shakes--cuz that was me the last few years of my marriage too. So I say I don't understand why on earth Frances was with ever with him, but..that's how I feel about my ex too. Like: wtf was I thinking?? Yet...people like my ex, at least in small doses. They think he's funny and fun and personable. So I can kind of see how people at the party find him amusing or likable enuf, but Frances just thinks he's a moron.
  7. It'd be really hard to see her want to reconcile with a man who repeatedly physically abused her with such relish. I loved William and Dolores, but I don't want to see her with the MIB version of William. I only want to see her with Jimmi Simpson's version, and unless somebody made a bot/synth version of young William, that 'ship has sailed for me.
  8. I liked this episode. I loved Frances' "stop having parties'. Yes, this. Molly Shannon/Tracy Letts are a horrifying couple, and they keep subjecting all their friends and acquaintances to their stupid melodrama. They're like Madonna, they can't exist if someone isn't watching them. Dallas and Mayhem were really, really gross. Yeah, the biggest flaw remains Robert, unfortunately. There is pretty much no time that we can understand why or how Frances was ever into him.
  9. Yeah, but no-- this. I just did not buy William's descent from sweet, good White Hat to the evilest evil Black Hat. It made no sense. It broke my heart a little. I love Jimmi Simpson and I'll miss him...I can't see how or why we'd need flashbacks or timelines now of Sweet William, so I'm guessing he's gone. His relieved, happy smile as he spies Dolores juxtaposed with the death skull rictus of MIB kinda made me cry. I admire this show--its cerebralness, its thoroughness, the music, the cast, the look. It's gorgeous and elegant. But I'm mostly left a little cold by it. I want to love it, but it all seems a little pointless to me, tho the rise of the Robots is probably something I'll watch the second season to see unfold. And while I know many LOVE all the easter eggs and cyber-investigation and theories and unraveling, etc, I'm not that keen on needing to do homework to keep up with a TV program. I'm not cerebral enough myself, perhaps, for this show.
  10. Pretty much. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/10/21/how-back-to-the-future-predicted-trump.html
  11. No, I've never read the comics, but did read that he's a coach, somewhere. I need a new tattoo.
  12. Yeah, I think Negan was a high school jock who was disappointed when life didn't hand him fortune and all the pussy he could handle. He went from teenage 'star' to boring middle aged man (car salesman or gym teacher, either works) in a flash, but never forgot his stupid 'glory days'. He's not well educated, he's not terribly smart, he's crude and gross, but he's absolutely stunningly confident in his ability to lead. (Sounds all too familiar, which one of a bajillion reasons I can't fathom why anyone finds this guy interesting or attractive in any way). So somehow, when the ZA happened, he decided, oh no, i'm not gonna be a little impotent man anymore and he and his stupid bat, which I'm pretty sure he somehow masturbates with, somehow managed to get the upper hand with some stupid schmoes and 'reinvent' himself as someone he thinks is cool and powerful. There is literally nothing not gross about this guy.
  13. No, you aren't. I'm just glad the people who think she looks old and awful don't see me on a daily basis. She looks just fine.
  14. I think if he chewed the scenery any harder he'd dislocate his jaw. He played this guy in 'salvation' too, where he made the mistake of going after my beautiful mads mikkelsen. I know he's not going to die any time soon, but I really really need for him to.
  15. Ugh, I hate him so much. I haven't seriously thought about ditching this show but he's really a good reason to give it up.
  16. I like Josh, even tho he bugged the hell outa me this episode. He's cute, he's sweet, the age difference makes no difference to him. He has some problems, as do we all. But Liza is the one apparently pining for someone else (and handsome as I think Charles is, he's so boring to me). She knows Josh is in love with her. If she doesn't feel the same, or if she's just settling cuz she can't seem to have Charles, or if she's just along for a fun ride when he wants more....it's on her to end it and not string the poor guy along.
  17. That's so funny...I always think Bokeem looks like Dave Chappelle, and when I went to google Malcolm Barrett (who I realized I totally knew, but not his name), the first thing that came up was 'Malcolm Barrett looks like Dave Chappelle'. ANYWAY...I love Bokeem, and he was arguably the best part of an excellent season of 'Fargo', and yeah, he didn't have enough to do as Washington. LMM is completely, if sometimes studiedly, adorable, whether he's drunk or sober. That little man has CHARISMA. I also loved the mini-Arrested Development reunion. And weirdly, alia skakwat might have looked prettier as Hamilton than she ever has.
  18. Plenty of people have a weed stash. It doesn't seem very mysterious to me why she'd have it.
  19. I didn't think of the tat as branding and at least it wasn't his NAME or something (or was that part of the sketch, their names? hope not), and I think Josh is obviously more than just a fling, but still: getting a tattoo for a guy is rarely a great idea. hope she really likes it, no matter what happens. Sutton F looked amazing in that vending machine swimsuit. But she still doesn't look remotely 26. It's pretty squicky that Josh is so intent on being her 'first' at something. Even if she WERE 26, odds are she'd have already done most of the things that can be done in bed, and he still would not be her first. Everyone has a past, move on, weirdo. Diana being dismayed at what that romper thing the one staffer was wearing to the office --"I can smell the Banana Boat"--was funny, considering that Liza was wearing practically the same thing.
  20. I took this to be metaphorical, not literal in any way. She's just constantly worried and scared and fears for her kids, so the locks represented trying to protect them, and her fears. I read something with Dan Fogelman but can't recall where right now...that Rebecca is a kind of a melancholy person, and the parent onto whom it falls to do the mundane things, the day to day worrying about lunches and school and stuff, and the frenzy of the locks was just about her juggling it all, on top of being the one who knows about Randall's real dad and keeping that secret. I never found Milo hot before in any role and it's not actually his body that I find attractive now, tho it is, and goddess knows I hate a pornstache, but there is just something really sexy about him in this role, for me. And it's not the dad thing, I never was one of those women who are all like 'oh, look at him with that baby, my ovaries just exploded" (which: gross). He just seems like a grownup, and a good man, so that's sexy. And there is something about his VOICE that gets to me, tho it never did before. I don't even know, but yeah, he's hot now to me, for whatever reason.
  21. I completely did not need to see Molly Shannon and hubby in the tub. I don't care about them. Don't try to shoehorn them in as an actual plotline, plz. I would have called the cops on Robert had I been Julian too, tho Julian is such a douchebag I don't care. Frances sabotaging the Sotheby's job made no sense, as noted above. She's still gonna have to pay Robert half, no matter her salary, so why not go for the bigger salary at the job she dreamed of? Just to spite him? Stupid.
  22. This show has never made me cry yet--and I'm not dead inside, I actually cry pretty easily, but UO: this show, while I really like it and never miss it, often feels way too manipulative and DESIGNED specifically to make me cry, so I don't--but I almost did last nite, when William got Rebecca's letter. That was sort of devastating. I also thought Mandy Moore nailed the last scene when she broke into sobs with Randall at the door. I might not agree with how Rebecca handled things, but I get it. She might be wrong, but her actions are understandable on many human, imperfect levels. I also hope we've seen the last of Olivia, but I really doubt it. I think we're supposed to believe Kevin's whole impassioned monologue about her actually feeling something when she kissed him, so he's still going to make her FEEL LOVE!!! Whatever. I vastly prefer the ATT girl. Hilarious and inevitable that she and Kevin wound up in bed. I was proud of Toby for saying 'nope' when Kate still wanted to use him as her soft place to fall, and I don't even like Toby. She was being pretty selfish and thoughtless to think he should still be around to pick up her pieces or lend a shoulder to cry on literally days after dumping him pretty unceremoniously. I couldn't believe they just let Randall be alone outside around ladders, power tools and the great outdoors while he was tripping balls. Just have to assume they were watching him thru the windows most of the time.
  23. i really hate the speculation that Jack will cheat with the flirty assistant. I still have a hard time believing Rebecca would be wearing the necklace he gave her if he'd cheated on her. But, of course, some people are more forgiving than me. Also, I suppose she might not know, if it happened. Anyway, I hope not.
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