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Everything posted by luna1122

  1. I actually ALMOST loved this episode. Carrie, for good or bad, felt like Carrie again. Her mannerisms, her smile, her puns, her finger points. She was Carrie. I even liked almost everything she wore this ep, including the Diwali dress. Seema's dad is the same actor who played the "Pakistani busboy" who kissed Samantha outside a restaurant bathroom back in an early season of SATC. That new apartment isn't Carrie, or me, but it was gorgeous. It reminded me vaguely of the LA apt Vince Vaughn showed Carrie, with all those windows and amazing view. I still don't care for Miranda's storyline, but at least they talked about it. Charlotte kind of spoke for many of us in the picnic scene. Tho no way she ever fantasized about Che, come on. Miranda bringing it all up and then wanting to bolt when she didn't like what they had to say was actually very in character for Miranda, unlike most of the stuff she's done in the reboot. I liked Carrie stopping her and telling her they could fight but she couldn't leave. Jonathan Groff is uber dreamy. I love Rock/Rose. The little reprise of Hello Its Me is really touching. And "I can see clearly now" is one of my all time faves. It's my theme song! (Remember when we all had those after Ally McBeal? No?) The female singer of it was Grace Vanderwall. She's an indie singer, and she's only 17. And this is a funny fact i just learned: she's from Suffern, NY. Ha.
  2. Ugh, Miranda's orgasm...grunts! So not hot. I'm confused about Carrie’s apartment. In the movies, it got quite a makover: turquoise walls, a new gallery wall of art above Carrie’s bed, some new furniture. But now the walls are mostly ecru again, the shelves are back above the bed, sge even has the old bench at the end of the bed, tho it was recovered in a diff fabric in the films. And it was very decorated, lots of art and pillows, but now its sparse. I get nobody has actually been living there for years, but it was sometimes used by Carrie and friends. Why go to the trouble of de-volving the place with boring beige paint and removing all the actual decor? Also, from the preview: it looks like she's still looking for a new apartment? Will she actually ever sell the brownstone? Also in the preview: yummy Jonathan Groff. New love interest for Anthony? Also, one thing that made me laugh in this episode: Carrie "Boop boop"-ing the muscle guy carrying her upstairs with her half eaten baguette.
  3. I didn't hate this episode but that's kind of faint praise. I'm about the same age as these women and was recently diagnosed with spinal stenosis, so the hip/back pain and hobbling around and having a hard time with stairs hit way too close to home. I haven't dealt with the whole idea of surgery yet but it's probably inevitable, eventually. I keep putting off finding an orthopedist; I hate going to doctors. What I need is a Seema, who has a cousin she can get me in to see immediately, and basically make me go. The scenes of Carrie needing help to the bathroom and carried upstairs and babysat 24/7 were, like, my nightmare, and half the reason I can't deal with the whole surgery thing. The idea of my honey and my BFF having to take care of me like that is horrifying to me. Add pee saturated sheets to the ordeal and...yeah, horrifying. And I'm shallow, but the last thing I want when I'm at my weakest and most vulnerable is a hot physical therapist, male or female. It shouldn't matter, obviously, but that'd make me feel even worse. Gimme the cuddly looking guy who takes my insurance. I thought the scenes with Rose/rock were pretty well handled. I have a friend who has gone through a very similar situation with her kiddo and it feels fairly even handed and real, so far. SJP has always done drunk/high well, she was a hoot. What was with the hat she was wearing during the podcast? I liked how Charlotte subtly moved the hat off the lamp after Carrie put it there, so it wouldn't catch fire or something. I also liked seeing the entry hall of the brownstone for the 1st time. And yeah, I hate the Miranda stuff. I could handle the idea of Miranda not being happy anymore, of questioning her life, if they just weren't destroying basically everything we've known about her and Steve. It's just not being written well. Does CN identify as bi or pan or lesbian? Che is non binary so its not really correct to call this a lesbian fling for Miranda. I am torn about Che. I think SR is a good actor, with considerable charisma, but I don’t really like Che. For one, and this is me being shallow again, I really really hate that haircut on anyone. They also are not very funny, no matter how hysterically Miranda laughs at everything they say. And they're not half as cool as they want us to think either. Finger banging your coworker/employee's married drunk friend in their kitchen while she's recovering from surgery is so many kinds of creepy and inappropriate. I honestly can't figure out what Che or Miranda see in each other.
  4. This. Miranda's arc and this retcon is the worst part of the reboot for me. Couoles do change and fall out of love, or out of a sexual relationship, but to pretend that Miranda and Steve were never in love is infuriating. I don't have a problem with the dress, but I feel certain Charlotte's explanation would just be that its a $2500 Alexander McQueen.
  5. She looks like Vera Farmiga here. That's a compliment.
  6. Me too. Still do. He's aged well. Is he showing up on this retread, or not? Smith was/is gorgeous. Big was handsome but not in a way I ever really responded to. Steve was cute, esp at first when he read Proust and had an ass you could bounce a quarter off of. I liked Harry, he's a nice funny guy, and I've definitely dated guys who are not conventionally good looking and yet I found them sexy, and I'm not half as pretty as Charlotte...but Evan Handler is just really physically unattractive to me. He looks like a big bald baby. And I don't know if he's lost weight, but his face seems thinner, and therefore more haggard than he should. I like him, I do, and I'm clearly shallow AF but I cannot even imagine him in a sexual way. I almost always called my parents friends by their first names. I guess I wasn't raised right. I think that's exactly what they're doing with Steve. We're supposed to be on Miranda's side and find him an annoying sexless loser, I guess, so we'll cheer when she gets with Che. I'm not going to be cheering.
  7. I feel like the lack of interest in sex is on Miranda's part, it was before. Or anyway, she no longer wants to bang Steve. I kind of hope he's got a girlfriend. Poor Steve. He shoulda stayed with Debbie. She was beautiful, kind, uncomplicated and she loved him.
  8. I think Big might wind up in Paris. His ashes, I mean. I know Harry thinks Charlotte is a goddess but I wonder if after all these years he might find her bossy prissiness slightly less charming. I did like her knowledge and love of art resurfacing. I feel like they were backed into a sad corner with Willie Garson's death and figuring out to handle his absence gracefully was difficult. I have no problem with he and Anthony breaking up, they were not a good fit. Him just Berger-ing Anthony and Carrie tho...I do not believe Stanny would ever do that. The goodbyes could have been done off camera and mentioned expositionally. I dunno. I mostly liked the new women/characters this episode, and most of the clothes. I'm a sucker for tulle and didn't even mind Carries too long white skirt. At least we did see someone side eyeing her over it. I also kind of liked Carries mini meltdown over the glass in the picture frame getting broken. She's been so controlled and closed off to her grief, mostly, it had to come out somewhere. No. That was the plan when she and Aiden were going to live together but when they broke up, that all fell thru. So her apartment is the same size it ever was. Which I have no problem with. It was big enuf for Carrie for years, no real reason she couldn't be happy with it now.
  9. I'm guessing if Big wasn't already dead, this woulda been the nail in his coffin. I also wonder if they are surprised. They def seem to express no support for him.
  10. https://people.com/tv/sarah-jessica-parker-cynthia-nixon-kristin-davis-speak-out-chris-noth-sexual-assault-allegations/ And the SATC women have released a statement
  11. Sara Ramirez, from what I've read, identifies as queer, bisexual and non binary and uses They pronouns.
  12. Yeah, can you imagine the clapback Natasha might have received from the gang--including Stanny, who has been in Mean Girl mode this series--if she'd shown up at the funeral? I mean, I'd like to think everyone would be gracious and not create drama, but with this group, you cannot be sure I get the thing about the apartment, and Carrie....but I think, unfortunately, Carrie IS that person. Mostly, I liked her going "home" cuz I really love that apartment. The Big apartment just feels impersonal and too...Big
  13. I'm not over it either. I'm still so bitter that the entire franchise was ruined for me. I'm not sure I can ever watch any of it again, and I was a rabid VMars fan. It made me regret I'd thrown money at that Kickstarter campaign. re: Carrie’s apt. Maybe Stanny left the lights on last time he stayed over.
  14. Eh, either way, for me, the end result is likely to be the same: see ya. Didn't you know? Miranda and Steve only got married cuz she was pregnant. :::huge eyeroll emoji::: Sometimes I think these showrunners don’t watch their own shows and certainly don't get the details and history right. You'd think I'd learn to not get excited about reboots of my faves, after Veronica Mars and X Files. These guys sure do love to kill their darlings.
  15. Re: Natasha knowing about Big’s death…I kind of just thought that his obit was sort of splashed across the papers. He was kind of a big deal in NYC, so would have merited more than a regular obit? Or maybe I’m assuming something not in evidence. I’da probably kept the money, but then again, I’m poor. Natasha came from money (or is this just another assumption of mine with no merit?) and has a good job and probably doesn’t need it. I don’t know why anyone would think she’d go to his funeral. He treated her like shit, they were married for a very short time a million years ago, they had no kids or connections. I wouldn’t go to my ex’s funeral and we were married 14 years. He literally means nothing to me now, I suspect Natasha feels like that as well. I think Big fell for Natasha, for a minute. I still have no idea why he married her tho, it just always felt like a plot contrivance. I do think he loved Carrie, as much as he was capable of. But that doesn’t mean it was a healthy or aspirational love. I never bought their domestic bliss. Big was a cheater. He’d have probably cheated again. I believe Carrie believed they were happy, but I also have no problem with her IMMEDIATELY assuming he’d been hiding things, possibly an affair, because that was his pattern. I like Sara Ramirez and think they’re talented, and I like Che and their swagger, to a point, but I see no heat between them and Miranda, and no understanding of why they’re drawn to one another. Then again, I am still annoyed by the whole Miranda situation. They’ve torpedoed her character in so many ways that it’s kind of inexplicable (and her possibly discovering her queerness is the very least of it).
  16. I hate both Carrie’s and Miranda's eyewear. Charlotte's are good.
  17. Agreed. KC sure wasn't able to save the second SATC film....hers was the very worst part, despite her best efforts.
  18. I liked this episode, the writing felt tighter and funnier and a little poignant and realistic, mostly. I liked Carrie’s story the most, a little surprisingly. Yeah, it’s annoying that she’s stalking Natasha again, but in this case, I kind of got it. And, for good or bad, she felt more like Carrie again: neurotic, unsure of Big’s love, seeking out clues about how he felt about her and what he’d been doing and thinking. The scene between Natasha and Carrie was mostly gracious and kind; I appreciated that. Carrie’s not much of a stalker tho, if she didn’t even know Natasha was/is married with college aged kids. And I get why she went ‘home’ and I will welcome seeing her old familiar apartment again. I don’t really get the podcast or why Carrie does it. She seems mostly uncomfortable with it, and she clearly doesn’t need the money, if Big can just leave his ex a million bucks and nobody really batted an eye at the AMOUNT. Not that she shouldn’t work, if she wants to, but she’s a writer. Write. I thought Kristen looked more natural this week, and Rose possibly being non-binary is interesting enough. They handled it fairly well, I think. I’m less happy about Miranda’s new journeys tho. Turning this, basically, into Cynthia Nixon’s real life story isn’t something I really wanted to see. So suddenly Miranda is bisexual. Okay, I get it, that happens, obviously. But revealing that she and Steve haven’t had sex in YEARS…after the affair happened, kind of due to that same reason, and they decided to give it another shot…just why? Why give them that resolution and then kill it again? I kind of hope Steve is getting some on the side at this point, cuz it seems apparent that Miranda is about to, with Che. Maybe they’ll just invite Che into their relationship. (Tho: no, plz don’t go there). Maybe Steve’ll be okay with it and they won’t break up and they’ll have an open marriage. Who knows. I liked most of the fashion this week. Carrie’s pink dress with that familiar studded belt, the black and white checked skirt and mary jane platforms, the cream and black coat, Charlotte’s black off the shoulderish top…we’d seen most of those in pics but I thought they looked really good in action.
  19. People keep mentioning that Steve's being written a hatchet job or they're making him lame so we'll cheer for Miranda to dump him...is this just cuz he's lost his hearing? I do think they're making ALL the characters seem older than they are, which is super annoying, but how else is Steve coming off as character-destroying? He's seemed sweet and kind and a little goofy, like Steve always did, to me, just...deafer.
  20. Carrie knew who she was, recognized her immediately, she just said she didn't know she was at the funeral. And then when Susan Sharon rambled on about forgiveness, Miranda asked Carrie what that was all about and Carrie said she had no idea. But she absolutely knew who she was.
  21. I always thought of Miranda as Carrie's #1 BFF. Carrie being so matter of fact and calm while handling the funeral arrangement seemed so out of character, but you never know how you'll handle a crisis, really. She's numb with shock and grief. I think. The funeral was stark and beautiful. The flowers did call to mind when Miranda's mom died and they sent a mass of white flowers. I'm ok with the whole Samantha situation and thought the flowers and the card were nice. Carrie's dress was stunning. Hello Its Me was a bit of a gut punch. So Big had a brother and a secretary we never knew about. James Naughton as his brother was kind of a nice touch, I could see that. Brenda Vaccaro has aged more gracefully than some of our main characters. So Bobby Fine died of Covid. Dang. And he and Bitsy had a kid, right, who'd be around Brady age or so? Wonder if we'll ever know why Susan Sharon is so mad? Charlotte being such a self involved, weepy cupcake is annoying and hopefully over with. I know John Corbett said he was doing the show but they never announced it officially the way they did all the other gurst stars, and no pics have been leaked. Was he just fucking with us? I assume we'll see more Big flashbacks, cuz didn't they film in Paris too? We def haven't seen that yet. Carrie trying to fall asleep but then seeing handsome young Big as soon as she closed her eyes and gasping...I felt that.
  22. Mixed feelings. I always had mixed feelings about this show, so i guess that's not surprising. I watched faithfully, have seen every episode a billion times, have suffered thru even the terrible 2nd movie more times than I understand. A lot of it was hate watching, for sure. But I have a lasting affection for the characters, even when they're annoying AF. The first scene felt really promising to me. Like they still had their groove and their chemistry. But later scenes felt kind of off, like they were still trying to remember how to play these people they used to be. I'm ok with the Samantha thing. I like KC fine, but I'm not an ardent fan of either her or Samantha. I don't especially miss her, tho I'd be perfectly happy if she were there. I don't mind the reason they came up with for her absence, and, in fact, didn't need there to be some dramatic reason for it. Sometimes, friends just fade away. Even ride or die ones. People change. Sometimes even BFFs you did everything with, vacationed and birthday'd and holiday'd with...just slowly slide out of each other's lives. It happens. I think it's fairly realistic. I did think it's weird that, if Sam was mad at Carrie, she cut the others off too, but that also happens. Anyway. Miranda's grey hair looks good, except when its that weird, half curly thing she did a few times the 1st two eps, and then she looked like a Nana. And her being SO cringey in class...omg. that was painful to watch, and out of character. I kept expecting her to tell her new professor that she once had a black boyfriend, to seem more woke. Ugh. And her seeming anti-technology was also weird. And I am not a podcast fan myself--i have never liked talk radio or being read to, I'd rather just read it--but I agree Miranda would be all about true crime podcasts. And Brady. Of course teenagers have sex, but for them to be banging away loudly with his parents in the next room...ok, maybe I'm a prudish American moron, but I don't really want to hear anybody I know having sex. At least pipe down a little, geesh. Also agree Steve being nearly deaf in his 50s seems strange. Of course that can happen at any age, but its like "oh well, he's old, so he's going deaf." Just weird. Charlotte's joker smile breaks my heart. I like her girls. Harry is Harry, just considerably older. Stanny is hard to watch cuz of Willie's death, but also because he seems kind of unlikable suddenly. I never actually bought him and Anthony as a couple so no big surprise that they are unhappy. Carrie, however much she could annoy me, was always kind of soft and girly, but she's become this brittle, kind of bitter seeming woman, even before what happened with Big, and it disconcerts me. And Big. I was spoiled for what was coming, but it was still hard to watch. I don't understand the not immediately calling 911, but I could hand wave it. The scene in the shower was well done, otherwise, and powerful, and deeply sad. I didn't expect to cry, but I did. I'll keep watching.
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