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Everything posted by alvajon

  1. Watching Harry interact with 42 these past few episodes has given me a new appreciation for octopuses--they have always creeped me out, seeing them up close in aquariums, television science programs, etc. They aren’t so bad after all--even have a sense of humor :) Just the other day when I was shopping at the wharf in San Francisco, I saw a bejeweled ceramic octopus on display, and I told my daughter, “Look, there’s 42!”
  2. Why do Ben’s lips seem to appear blueish purple?
  3. You can always google "Manifest (T.V. Series) Wikipedia" and get a brief description of each Season’s episodes--through Season 3. That’s what I do to refresh my memory before a new season starts, although I may miss out on the proposed Season 4/Final Season, as it is set to “probably” air on Netflix, which I don’t subscribe to.
  4. alvajon

    S01.E10: Topanga

    The same that Riley wears.
  5. alvajon

    S01.E10: Topanga

    So who set bear/animal trap, although Paara mentioned that the village people near the Topanga mountain set traps--but with modern chains and traps? And speaking of the Topanga mountain top, who else thought the light looked like a blueish-green burning bush in The Ten Commandments? I was waiting for a voice to accompany the light.
  6. alvajon

    S01.E08: Origins

    "Hello Captain Stubing. How are Gopher and Doc?” (One of my favorite lines from Ace Ventura Pet Detective).
  7. alvajon

    S01.E08: Origins

    I thought Isaiah looked more like a young Viking boy. And speaking of comparisons, does the actress who plays Izzy not look like Ben Hardy who played Roger Taylor in “Bohemian Rhapsody”?
  8. alvajon

    S01.E08: Origins

    Kinda like that Twilight Zone episode, “Time Enough at Last”.
  9. alvajon

    S01.E08: Origins

    I happen to like Scott--the only comedy relief in the show. I thought it looked like the first Thanksgiving as well, sort of. I
  10. alvajon

    S01.E08: Origins

    The whole thing is so convoluted, but I can’t wait for next week’s episode, advertised as “The Last Episode Before the Finale”. Doesn’t specify Season finale or Series finale--So does that mean there may or may not be a Season Two? Inquiring minds want to know.
  11. This is/would have been a great idea--not just scouting for other green lights, but scouting for more trucks, maybe buildings, more cars, supplies, modern people, McDonald’s...
  12. I was thinking the same thing--like in “Pretty Woman”.
  13. alvajon

    S01.E05: The Fort

    I looked back at the scene where Dr. Nathan told psychic dad and Izzy about her missing fiancee and showed them that photo. I am guessing that the fiancee is indeed the same person as the “native" lady leader.
  14. alvajon

    S01.E05: The Fort

    I saw a pond near the red and white crushed building. They could boil that water, or, use for bathing???? Go find the sabre tooth tiger and have a barbecue. Not too keen on eating snake, though I’ve heard it tastes like chicken...
  15. Someone please refresh my memory--I don’t remember the circumstances of the skeleton found in the cave, and don’t really want to go back and rewatch.
  16. Same thoughts here. She didn’t even have time to type in a name.
  17. So, there were actually bunnies in 10,000 BC? Maybe gigantic ones like the gigantic sloth. I, too, thought it was crazy to toss the stick before crossing the river--not that it would be snake protection, but just for walking and probing the ground. And heroin guy--what’s he going to do with it if Scott remembers where he buried it? Like mom said, no one there is going to buy it.
  18. alvajon

    S01.E03: The Hunt

    Kinda like Manifest’s Michaela’s eyebrows.
  19. Well I don’t have Netflix, so will have to rely on all the clever summaries and snarks from all you good folks :)
  20. Both Seasons 1 and 2 (all episodes) are free on Peacock here in central California.
  21. Both Seasons 1 and 2 (all episodes) are free on Peacock here in central California.
  22. I binged watched all six episodes of Season 2 on its premiere night on Peacock. Have to say all episodes were excellent--comparable to the plane crash story in Season One. I love Archie Panjabi since I first saw her acting on Blindspot.
  23. I was thinking the exact same thing :(
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