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Everything posted by alvajon

  1. I was thinking the exact same thing.
  2. It’s all about the money, power and greed without respect for the loyal followers and fans. Without loyal followers and fans, there would be no t.v., Netflix, etc. And I agree with CAMERA ONE above: "Maybe they should have filmed an alternate closing sequence so it wouldn't have been an even more unsatisfying series finale as it already was."
  3. Nearly every time I get hooked on a new network show, seems they get cancelled--like The Event, Revolution, Extant, Alcatraz, Zoo, to name a few. Not that they were all that great, but they were fun watching. Why don’t they make shows like these, including Manifest, Debris, into mini-series, like four, six, even eight episodes. At least that way we would get a beginning and a satisfying ending. SyFy is airing a three part (six-hour) show, Departure, starting later this week. I will watch it hopefully to the end. No more investing in network shows that may or may not go anywhere.
  4. I agree, this show is cheesy, and convoluted, but is entertaining. I wouldn’t be too upset if it was cancelled, although the ONLY plot I want the answer to is... what actually happened with the plane, initially. Did it go through a worm hole, a time warp? Just explain it did and be done.
  5. Yes this was a pretty good episode and a great cliffhanger. And, no mention of lifeboats. I’m thinking, maybe because of the tail fin being returned to the sea, perhaps that event “advanced” Cal to the age he, physically, should have been in the present. Also, too, maybe the reason the original 828 pilot returned to the 828 cockpit, in the present, if only for a few moments. So many questions--will be interesting to see how all these matters will be dealt with next season.
  6. Well said OTTODBUSDRIVER (are you really a bus driver?)--All good points. How many folks can get a half-million dollar refinance on their house in a matter of hours, and like, you say, with no income; how are they going to make those increased house payments?? (I think about stuff like that...) And my other beef--so Ben and Grace are okay withs their teen daughter living with/staying with Levi? Not in my house.
  7. All water under the bridge now, as they say.
  8. Was Cal the only one who had physical burns? Even so, you know it would be painful to even have a shirt or jacket on, much less no treatment.
  9. I'm going to count all the “lifeboats” during the two-hour season finale...
  10. But what about the us, the "minority” who actually liked the show--we got shafted--no answers. No more investing in a new network series for me.
  11. How bizarre were the twisted-up bodies at the quick stop? And Walternate (!!) is our new bad guy !!
  12. We are all gluttons for punishment--Debris, Manifest, Lost, Under the Dome, Fringe. Debris is my favorite, though.
  13. Or Under the Dome--talk about lame...
  14. I thought I had a semi-grip on all (well most) of the ongoing plots, but this episode through me for a loop. I don’t really want to go back and try to find what NU’s are, missed that. Also I don’t get all the business with the Laghari plot--probably just me. I did like the ball of light, though, and it was nice to see Bryan smile--everyone always so serious.
  15. Me either. Maybe Eagan will become the Rich Dotcom from Blindspot--annoying and unlikable at first, then he became one of my favorites.
  16. While Saanvi was in the hospital, why didn’t the nurses clean the blood from her face? Even if more came, clean it up!
  17. I think we should have a page devoted to Bryan’s wig and beard...
  18. I couldn’t take my eyes off Bryan’s fake beard and wig the whole time--had a hard time following the storyline. Surely NBC could afford proper props, pandemic or not. Besides, why was he the only one with long hair and beard? Trying to look like a Taliban soldier I suppose, but in a U.S. soldier uniform?
  19. Hey, why not date a good-looking cop? But of course we all know she must have some kind of ulterior motive--don’t think she was introduced just to be Jared’s love interest. Will be interesting to see where it goes.
  20. Yes I know this crazy and wild show is not realistic--how dumb of me to ask if the refrigerator thing was realistic... I’m enjoying the wild ride as well.
  21. All good observations, CAMERA ONE. I forgot about Ben and the fridge; clever thinking, but was that realistic?
  22. Has anyone ever really counted how many times the characters have said “callings” during any one episode? Did anyone notice the gigantic hinge on the door in the model home where Ben was being held? And it was in the middle of the door, not one on top and one on the bottom (at least I think it was a gigantic hinge). Why do you suppose in every scene with baby Eden, she (or is she a he?) has on a hat or cap of some kind? Ben’s hair, so long and unruly, but I like it. Speaking of hair, has anyone counted how many times Saanvi pulls her hair away from her face to behind her ears? And the last one: Rachel looked like she borrowed an old Cher wig for her part. I liked how the whole volcano thing came together--the volcano “snow globe”, the volcano Tarot card, Mr. Ararat (I didn’t realize it was a dormant volcano) = Noah’s Ark.. but really?
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