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Everything posted by gonecrackers

  1. I'm thinking it's where she's at right now, & it's great she can make the effort & stay motivated. However, I don't understand a whole website & is she actually selling something based off her, what? Weight loss efforts? That's all she's got to offer & you don't charge people for that. If she does have people behind her who have some expertise what could she possibly make off this venture? The people actually doing the work & offering the knowledge would have to be paid, I'd think... & eventually if there are others & they get clients, they won't need Janelle to peddle their services for them for long if they're any good. I would think these people make enough off their stupid show but I really hate how they use it as a springboard to sell people all sorts of crap. This one, to me, is the worst, because she really has nothing to offer. And what the heck is Kody doing? Pushing the wives to find all kinds of crap work, it seems.
  2. What was the reason for Janelle's divorce from Meri's brother? I suppose Janelle & kids don't attend Meri's family reunions; bit awkward.
  3. I have issues with food noises too. My husband is a loud chewer; sometimes I have to leave if he's eating cereal; ugh! Some of my kids hum while they eat; I can block it out. I agree that they/she are being very shallow. She'll never be happy if that's all she cares about. And if that's all she cares about, I feel badly for the man who gets stuck with her.
  4. I agree. I feel strongly there's a difference between Christian 'religion' & Christian 'faith'. Each religion makes up their own rules. Kody has a lot of rules. And how many wives DOES it take to get into 'heaven'?
  5. I would love to see Kody get upstaged by kitty 'business'.
  6. Since I haven't followed this family this is interesting insight for me. Janelle seems very calculated, if she was having secret lunches with Kody etc. Just marrying him in itself given who Meri was to her is really messed up. I question Janelle's perceived pragmatic ways & lack of much emotion. She struggles with her weight & looks adrenal stressed (there's a body type). This comes in large part from emotional stress. She's most likely stuffing it down, using food somewhat. And from those who know, what is Christine's relationship with the other wives? I recall her complaining a bit & not being quite happy either, but has she had any direct issues with the other wives? (besides Robyn, who I do recall from a little watching she was open about being jealous)
  7. Marriage to one is difficult enough. Why must humans always make life even more complicated for themselves. LOL!
  8. I had wondered if they had some good drink in the back for these folks, maybe to loosen things up a bit prior. No one seemed drunk to me, but a few seemed quite animated in their participation (ahem). lol
  9. It really depends on the person; it's not that cut & dry for most. It shows something deeper is going wrong. Her lying was huge. But I also think Kody's pride is hurt. And she showed the world their family isn't so perfect & polyg. isn't such a great situation to be in - very publicly & in an embarrassing way. ouch
  10. There are millions of women who have had marriages destroyed by their husbands having physical relationships that didn't mean anything to the guy - the trust is gone hence no more marriage. It doesn't take an emotional attachment to do some major damage.
  11. Meri perpetually plays the victim & seems to enjoy it, she brought her daughter into her emotional affair, & seems to act quite childish in her TH's with her head somewhat down, poised to cry again at any moment - she seems emotionally incapable for someone her age. However, I do feel for her in that I don't think she's really okay with the polygamy. Her head & mouth say one thing, but it's possible her body has had a visceral reaction to the emotional stress this has put on her manifesting itself in secondary infertility. I also recall, even though I haven't watched much over the years, her losing her 'real' job a long while ago due to them coming out publicly with the show. I recall her saying how much she enjoyed her work, & it was a great loss to her. Then Robin, then the dramatic move, whatever that was about. Maybe she never really regained ground in her life since then & since all the publicity. It will be difficult to start over in any way on her own away from The Family. Regardless, I don't feel much for Kody regarding the emotional affair. He's been having emotional, & physical, affairs with 3 other women for years. They can all cut her slack on this one but then again, hypocrites must be hypocrites.
  12. ITA... & I can't get over the blonde's parents. Why would they ever want this for their daughter, never mind actually be excited about it? In a way I feel sorry for her being matched with him, but then again, this is what she wants so she'll have to deal with it. Her parents are being irresponsible in encouraging this though, in my opinion.
  13. She looks like she's actually lost weight, as opposed to Janelle & Kody. Meri really has no excuse to be stuck in this mess. She's an empty nester & could get a real job & dig her way out for a real future. I'm not holding my breath she will do that though. She seemed to me to be almost begging Kody to come back into her life, & he seems like he will make her beg.
  14. Janelle's was particularly odd - I've not followed these people; what was up with that?? I thought Robyn was in an abusive relationship? Maybe that's just an impression I got. She's not doing any better now. Postpartum depression - if married to Kody depression in general would be understandable.
  15. Right, HA! How could I possibly forget Meri?! I guess divorce is only okay when it suits his needs... typical Kody.
  16. Others were commenting on this as well, but I was also wondering why Robyn wasn't present much for this episode. Was it filmed very shortly after her last birth, as she's still got her belly. (maybe not, it can get tougher to recover sometimes or take longer; just wondering) It might be just me but when she was present she seemed a bit stressed & unhappy. Maybe she's just busy with the kids &/or nursing a lot so couldn't be there? And has the baby been shown at all? In past she was always holding the new baby, baby carrier, nursing, etc. This latest baby was completely MIA even when Robyn was shown so I thought that was odd.
  17. When Meri & Kody were talking, I sensed an odd, condescending tone from Kody, almost like he was trying to calm a person in hysteria. I thought he also has a convenient memory; just what maybe he's comfortable remembering. He has a way of presenting himself as being open minded, but I don't feel this is really the case with him, unless it serves him personally. I haven't watched this show much, but when I do I see markers of someone manipulative & emotionally abusive.
  18. I don't think that was 'out' as much as 'out with the supervision of their friends'. Maybe that's why they 'couldn't afford' to send her to Seattle, as there's no one to watch her there.
  19. Exactly. Maybe the parents should encourage them all to get their degrees & careers at least somewhat established, THEN they will help as much as possible with the wedding costs when that time is right & they are really ready. They have the rest of their lives to have sex. They need to get their education & personal selves established right now, while young & unencumbered. I'm concerned they'll end up stuck someday, but I guess 'divorce is not an option' Kody isn't concerned... even though 2 of his wives are divorced. Go figure.
  20. When the cake lady mentioned 300 people, & having been watching them choose for this wedding I thought the same thing. Why would they not think ahead to all the others coming down the pike? It's like first come, first served. You're first, we have it, so you get the best. By the time the youngers are marrying they will be having backyard bbq's. Then again, hopefully, not everyone is even going to want a crazy big extravaganza for their weddings - maybe some won't be 'keeping up' with the others but decide for themselves to plan their own (i.e. pay for it themselves), or go smaller, more reasonable, etc. They can only hope I guess - & hope for themselves they'll have the reality show paycheck going long enough to fund the parties. Never mind funding educations, I guess...
  21. I'm glad this was mentioned because I noticed the same thing. It was like he was putting her against her parents. I felt manipulation going on. I don't think Mykelti is capable of knowing what emotionally 'safe' is from her family life - she needs to get away on her own & experience life away from these people - all of them, so she can truly understand herself & what she really wants & needs. This guy is no good- she's running for sure, but in the wrong direction.
  22. Impending disaster - I wasn't impressed with anyone thus far. I wish his parents knew the real sleeping around & cheating Devin, because if they had any sense they wouldn't pick anyone for him, for the woman's sake. Then in the previews didn't he say he f*d the wedding planner?? He needs STD testing before he goes near anyone; blech. No way is this guy marriage material. I feel like I need a shower after watching his segments. The women so far, again I'm feeling an immaturity level. Who picks a father to help her find a mate who has been married 5 times himself? Yeah, that should work... The other one with the red streaks guzzling wine needs someone who can 'afford her' & admits to being difficult. What she really needs is a decent shirt & a bra at least for when dad is over. Again, not marriage ready. There's someone else next week... my hopes are not too high given what I've already seen.
  23. Yes; I meant more of an after they met accounting of the continuing relationship that's already started then going on to marriage, K1, etc... of course couldn't be caught right from the get go at meeting, but I would trade that for a more 'naturally built' relationship.
  24. Rather than "marriage tour guys" I'd like to see couples who met somewhat naturally, online or during travel, as to me that would indicate more of a balance & less of a 'picking a wife' out from somewhere else in the world.
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